Caltha alba Cambess., V.Jacquemont, Voy. Inde 4: 6 (1841) as per POWO;
Caltha palustris var. alba (Cambess) Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Brit. India 1: 21 1872. (syn: Caltha alba Cambess.; Caltha palustris f. alpina Gilli; Caltha palustris f. silvatica Gilli); . NW. Iran, Afghanistan to W. Himalaya: Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, West Himalaya as per POWO (Caltha alba Cambess. ); . Common name: White Marsh Marigold .
Ranunculaceae Week: Caltha palustris var. alba from Kashmir:
Caltha palustris var. alba (Cambess) Hook.f. & Thomson syn: Caltha alba Cambess; Caltha alba f. alpina Gilli A small plant of alpine and subalpine areas differentiated by its white flowers.
Photographed from Khillenmarg Meadow in June, 2010 Caltha alba from Gulmarg (16/06/2011 NSJ-03): Yes .. I had also uploaded this last year. Now correctly known as Caltha palustris var. alba ID Requested (20/06/2011 NSJ-01): to me it looks like some anemone Caltha palustris var. alba . Ranunculaceae Fortnight: Caltha palustris var. alba from Kashmir-GSJAN19/19 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Caltha palustris var. alba (Cambess) Hook.f. & Thomson syn: Caltha alba Cambess; Caltha alba f. alpina Gilli
A small plant of alpine and subalpine areas differentiated by its white flowers. Photographed from Khillenmarg Meadow in June, 2010 . Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Caltha from Gulmarg for ID NSJ-Jan-05 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Caltha palustris var alba. Yes, thanks … i for sharing Caltha palustris var. alba (Cambess.) Hook.f. & Thomson (fr. Churdhar) : VG-JUL-12 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4).
Sharing some images of Caltha palustris var. alba from our recent trek to Churdhar Peak. Photographed on 27 May 2015. Nice! Never seen in Uttarakhand. This was in plenty all along the last strach of the trek to Chuhardhar…. Thank you, …, for your response.
Actually, all thanks are due to … for sharing their vast knowledge of Himalayan flora during our expedition. Caltha palustris var. alba Nice white Caltha. Here in Uttarakhand we have only yellow Caltha palustris. Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Caltha palustris?? from Gulmarg NS -Jan-04 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Caltha palustris from Gulmarg, June 2011. Pl confirm the ID Yes C.palustris var. alba as per Flora of India Vol-1. It should be in palustris.
. Caltha palustris var. alba from Gulmarg Kashmir-GS24062022-4: 5 very high res. images. .
I think close to images at I think you are right Yes, it is Caltha alba, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant and providing ID link . J&K, Gulmarg, April 2023 :: Caltha palustris :: ARK2023-010: These white flowers were captured at Gulmarg, J&K in April 2023 – Catha palustris var. alba.
They are similar to the ones posted by … a few days ago here
Requested to please confirm.
Yes Caltha pastris var. alba, another very common plant in Kashmir. JPG images attached Yes, as per images at . Caltha alba in Flora of Pakistan @
FoP illustration Checklist of Nepal (Caltha palustris var. himalensis (D. Don) Mukerjee) FoC illustration (Caltha palustris var. himalaica Tamura) Flora of China |
Caltha alba
Updated on December 24, 2024