Campsis radicans

KAMP-sis — curved (referring to the stamens)Dave’s Botanary
RAD-ee-kans — plant roots from its stem … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: blood trumpet, cow-itch vine, dynamic trumpet vine, red bignonia, scarlet trumpet vine, trumpet creeper, trumpet vine
Description: Woody climber; leaflets 9-11, pubescent beneath especially along midreib and main veins, dark green above; calyx shortly 5-lobed, lobes less than 1/3 the tube; flowers orange with scarlet limb, 2-3 times as long as calyx, usually less than 4 cm across; capsule cylindric-oblong, 7-12 cm long, keeled along sutures, beaked at apex.
Native to: USA; widely naturalized elsewhere; also cultivated


Campsis confusion: Campsis radicans from Kashmir: 8 images.
Campsis radicans (Linn.) Seem. in J. Bot. 5:372. 1867
syn: Bignonia radicans Linn., Tecoma radicans Juss.

Genus Campsis has been confusing me a lot for quite some time. Traditionally two species of this genus are recognized as common garden trumpet creepers:
Campsis grandiflora: leaflets 7-9; glabrous beneath; 4-7 cm long, paler green; calyx 5-lobed to middle; flowers orange to scarlet, corolla tube nearly one and half times as long as calyx, limb nearly 5-6 cm across; capsule 10-15 cm long, obtuse at apex, without beak.
Campsis radicans: leaflets 9-11, pubescent beneath especially along midrib and main veins, dark green above; calyx shortly 5-lobed, lobes less than 1/3 the tube; flowers orange with scarlet limb, 2-3 times as long as calyx, usually less than 4 cm across; capsule cylindric-oblong, 7-12 cm long, keeled along sutures, beaked at apex.
I have been following the specimens of Campsis in Delhi, Kashmir, California and other places and frankly have not been able to locate a true sample of C. gandiflora. Most of the samples found in Kashmir and Delhi which look like C. grandiflora do not bear fruits, flowers fall off when mature and number of leaflets varry from 7-11 (-13). This sterile hybrid is actually C. X tagliabuana, a hybrid between C. radicans and C. grandiflora. Both specimens at at FOI (C. radicans as well as C. grandiflora) i think belong to this hybrid species, which is propagated by cuttings.
Uploading C. radicans commonly cultivated in Kashmir, flowering from June to September. Frankly I have still to come across a true specimen of C. radicans in Delhi. 

Campsis radicans (Linn.) Seem. in J. Bot. 5:372. 1867
syn: Bignonia radicans Linn., Tecoma radicans Juss.
Woody climber; leaflets 9-11, pubescent beneath especially along midreib and main veins, dark green above; calyx shortly 5-lobed, lobes less than 1/3 the tube; flowers orange with scarlet limb, 2-3 times as long as calyx, usually less than 4 cm across; capsule cylindric-oblong, 7-12 cm long, keeled along sutures, beaked at apex.
Uploading C. radicans commonly cultivated in Kashmir, flowering from June to September. Frankly I have still to come across a true specimen of C. radicans in Delhi.

KAMP-sis — curved (referring to the stamens)Dave’s Botanary
RAD-ee-kans — plant roots from its stem … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: blood trumpet, cow-itch vine, dynamic trumpet vine, red bignonia, scarlet trumpet vine, trumpet creeper, trumpet vine
Native to: USA; widely naturalized elsewhere; also cultivated
References: Flowers of IndiaTop TropicalsFloridataMissouri PlantsNPGS / GRIN
at Veermata Jeejabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai on 12 AUG 

A very beautiful climber seen in Srinagar in a home garden during our family visit in Sept, 2011.
Cultivated, garden plant.

Yes …Very good photographs.


Campsis for ID : Srinagar : 130912 : AK-2: Pictures taken at a home garden in Srinagar on 10/9/2011. Flowers were dark in color.
…, you had explained some Campsis species earlier.
Can you sort this one as I’m a bit confused.
I am thinking all of them to be Campsis radicans.
Have a couple more taken here in Muscat.

Campsis radicans


Campsis Species For ID : New Windsor,US : 27SEP17 : AK-20 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
I am posting a few Campsis Species seen recently in the US.
I hope you will find the time to go through them.
This could be Campsis radicans.
Pictures taken in the last week of June in New Windsor, New York State.

Yes Campsis radicans


Campsis Species For ID : New York,US : 27SEP17 : AK-22 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Again in the last week of June, 17.
In New York.

Looks like Tecoma capensis, a shrub, formerly Tecomaria capensis

The flowers seem to be Campsis radicans, and not Tecoma capensis as suggested.


Campsis Species for ID : Lalbagh Botanical Garden Nursery,Bangalore : 050618 : AK-2 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Campsis Species seen in April in the Lalbagh Botanical Garden Nursery.
Flowers had a dark orange color.
Probably Campsis radicans?

i think yes. 


Campsis radicans for validation: 2 high res. images.
Request to validate Campsis radicans cultivated in Bilaspur. Photographed in February, 2022.

Yes !


Updated on December 24, 2024

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