Campsis species; . Campsis for ID : Oman : 130912 : AK-3: Camps photographed in Muscat on 20/8/2010 and 3/9/2010. A climber with bigger orange flowers. No fruits when pictures were taken. For final confirmation you will have to focus on number of leaflets, relative length of calyx and corolla tube and finally the fruit, if borne on the plant. I will try to get a picture of the leaves. Bignonia campsis I don’t think Bignonia campsis is a valid published name. It occurs neither in IPNI nor in the Plant List. nor GRIN what about Campsis radicans The flower looks larger with much broader corolla tube, seems to be a hybrid, that is why I requested … to find out a few important things. I do remember to find out the details you have asked for. Will let you know as soon as I am able to visit that nursery. Although not a good picture, I found this picture on searching. Leaves are seen here.Will this picture help till I can take some more pictures?
Campsis species
Updated on December 24, 2024