Campsis x tagliabuana

Woody climber: leaflets 7-11 (-13), glabrous beneath; calyx parted up to middle; flowers orange to scarlet; corolla tube 2-3 times longer than calyx, limb 5-8 cm across; sterile flowers fall off when mature, fruits not produced.;

Genus Campsis has been confusing me a lot for quite some time. Traditionally two species of this genus are recognized as common garden trumpet creepers:
Campsis grandiflora: leaflets 7-9; glabrous beneath; 4-7 cm long, paler green; calyx 5-lobed to middle; flowers orange to scarlet, corolla tube nearly one and half times as long as calyx, limb nearly 5-6 cm across; capsule 10-15 cm long, obtuse at apex, without beak.
Campsis radicans: leaflets 9-11, pubescent beneath especially along midreib and main veins, dark green above; calyx shortly 5-lobed, lobes less than 1/3 the tube; flowers orange with scarlet limb, 2-3 times as long as calyx, usually less than 4 cm across; capsule cylindric-oblong, 7-12 cm long, keeled along sutures, beaked at apex.
Campsis x tagliabuana: leaflets 7-11 (-13), glabrous beneath; calyx parted up to middle; flowers orange to scarlet; corolla tube 2-3 times longer than calyx, limb 5-8 cm across; sterile flowers fall off when mature, fruits not produced.
I have been following the specimens of Campsis in Delhi, Kashmir, California and other places and frankly have not been able to locate a true sample of C. gandiflora. Most of the samples found in Kashmir and Delhi which look like C. grandiflora do not bear fruits, flowers fall off when mature and number of leaflets varry from 7-11 (-13). This sterile hybrid is actually C. X tagliabuana, a hybrid between C. radicans and C. grandiflora.
Both specimens at FOI (C. radicans as well as C. grandiflora) i think belong to this hybrid species, which is propagated by cuttings.
Uploading C. x tagliabuana from Kashmir, very commonly growing in gardens and private houses. This hybrid species has a number of cultivars. This one from Kashmir is ‘Madam Galen’

Campsis × tagliabuana (Vis.) Rehder Syn: Tecoma × tagliabuana Vis.

Thank you, Sir
This information will clear all doubts in the minds. It is most misidentified genus. Everyone calls it Campsis grandiflora.
I am going to insert a table in my forthcoming book regarding the different between these three species.
Attachments (1)


Bignoniaceae Week: Campsis x tagliabuana from Kashmir:  Campsis x tagliabuana (Vis.) Rehder, J. Arnold Arbor. 13:340. 1932

Syn: Tecoma tagliabuana Vis.
Sterile hybrid between C. grandiflora × C. radicans
Woody climber: leaflets 7-11 (-13), glabrous beneath; calyx parted up to middle; flowers orange to scarlet; corolla tube 2-3 times longer than calyx, limb 5-8 cm across; sterile flowers fall off when mature, fruits not produced.

Uploading C. x tagliabuana from Kashmir, very commonly growing in gardens and private houses. This hybrid species has a number of cultivars. This one from Kashmir is ‘Madam Galen’


Bignoniaceae Week: Another Campsis x tagliabuana cultivar.: This cultivar of mine from Delhi I think is similar to one depicted at FOI under the name C. radicans. It again has deeply cleft calyx, corolla tube 2-3 times longer than calyx and leaflets 7-11 in number. The flowers are golgen yellow with darker centre. To me this appears to be another cultivar of C. x tagliabuana known as ‘Indian summer’.
Your opinion on this please.

Agree with u Sir


Campsis for ID : Oman : 140912 : AK-1: These are pictures of yet another Campsis taken in Muscat a long ago on 18/8/2006. Any clues to the id?

Looks like C. x tiagliabuana

Thanks for this id too.
Campsis tagliabuana.


Bignoniaceae Week :: Campsis x tagliabuana : Madame Galen Trumpet Creeper : Muscat,Oman : 080113 : AK:
Madame Galen Trumpet Creeper as seen here in Muscat, Oman.
An ornamental climber, common in the gardens.



Bignoniaceae week : SMP2 : Campsis for ID: I found this flower picture from my old collection. This was clicked in Hotel campus of Ramnagar near Corbett.
Some leaves with serrate edges are seen. Calyx is clearly seen.
I think this is Campsis grandiflora. Please validate.

I hope C. tagliabuana.
In C. grandiflora corolla tube is just one and half times as long as Calyx and pods should be on the vine.



Bignoniaceae Week : : UD 011: : Campsis Flowering vine for ID please:  I found these flowers on a vine at a local meditation Ashram in Kolkata. It was middle of a very hot summer.

These are the only two pictures I have…. I was so sure of the diagnosis that this was Campsis radicans… now I am a bit wavering with all the flowers that look sooo similar…
It matches the description  … gave in in these words… I quote and give the link…

Campsis radicans: leaflets 9-11, pubescent beneath especially along midreib and main veins, dark green above; calyx shortly 5-lobed, lobes less than 1/3 the tube; flowers orange with scarlet limb, 2-3 times as long as calyx, usually less than 4 cm across; capsule cylindric-oblong, 7-12 cm long, keeled along sutures, beaked at apex.’ ” end quote
efi thread

The corolla lobes are longer, corolla tube nearly funnel shaped (teeth shorter and corolla not funnel-shaped in upper part in C. radicans)……….Campsis x tagliabuana.
efi thread

Thank you … Originally I thought it was c. radicans and then I thought it could be Campsis x tagliabuana you uploaded this on the 7th it was one of the first three you uploaded, then I started wavering, back and forth…
this settles it…


Bignoniaceae Week: Campsis sp. (Hooghly): This is also old record, but i think i haven’t posted it earlier. My colleague collected a flower oneday and leaves on another day!

I was about to ID it as Campsis grandiflora (Thunberg) Schumann, but found the discussion by …- efi thread.
Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : ornamental climber
Date : 20/6/12 & 27/6/12
Place : Hooghly

I think C. x tagliabuana

Thank you very much Sir for the ID.

Campsis For ID : Jim Corbett,Uttarakhand : 240614 : AK-45 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).

Campsis climber seen in the Corbett area on 17/5/14.

Probably a cultivated one, as it was in the premises of an ancient Temple.

Species id please.

C. tagliabuana I hope.

Thanks for the id.


BND 106 A B C 3/12/14 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Please Id this vigorously growing climbing ornamental.
Leaves are compound with opposite pairs of leaflets. Leaflets have serrated margins and acuminate tips. Flowers are pinkish-red and are formed in terminal inflorescences. Corolla tube is long and covered at the base by an yellowish-orange fused calyx. Stamens are yellow.
Photos were taken in Sydney, Australia in Nov 2014.

campsis radicans from australia

that’s what it is strange as it seems

commonly seen in tropical areas now

I don’t think Campsis radicans …, which has longer and narrower corolla tube. We used to differentiate (based on our Bible for cultivated Plants, L. H. Bailey, Manual of Cultivated Plants) C. radicans with leaflets 9-11, pubescent beneath, calyx teeth short, corolla tube about 3 times as long as calyx, capsule beaked at apex and C. grandiflora with 7-9 leaflets, glabrous beneath, calyx cleft to the middle, corolla tube about 1 1/2 as long as capsule, and capsule obtuse at apex.

Incidentally I have seen plenty of C. radicans in fruit in Kashmir and elsewhere with all characters, but most specimens assumed to be grandiflora have 7-11(-13) leaflets, glabrous beneath, corolla tube about twice as long as calyx, calyx cleft up to middle. This is a sterile hybrid between the two species (never seen with fruits) and known as C. x tagliabuana.
I have requested friends to show me a real C. grandiflora. I am still waiting.

so, a hybrid that’s sterile: C. x tagliabuana is your diagnosis …
I now recall a similar discussion when I submitted a case from an ashram garden
I should now remember things a little better..


Climber For ID : Srinagar : 09JUN16 : AK-8 :  3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Climber seen at the entrance of Mughal Garden Cheshmashahi.

No flowers.
Picture taken on 24th April,16.

Could be Campsis Species?

Campsis tagliabuana

So my guess of Campsis was right? Thanks for the id Sir Ji.

Campsis grandiflora for id validation : 10 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (2)

Campsis grandiflora ???
please validate id

I think Campsis radicans

Decidedly Campsis, either C. radicans or C. tagliabuana. It’s likely a named colorform, but looks too light to be ‘Mme. Galen’, the most common cultivar.

I agree with …, on it being Campsis radicans.

Yes …, this is Campsis radicans

I also support for Campsis radicans. please from the link below which provides good closeup of this plant.

I think it’s Campsis × tagliabuana (Vis.) Rehder as per images & keys herein. 

Yes … C. tagliabuana



Campsis for ID : Oman : 130912 : AK-3 : 16 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Camps photographed in Muscat on 20/8/2010 and 3/9/2010.
A climber with bigger orange flowers.
No fruits when pictures were taken.

For final confirmation you will have to focus on number of leaflets, relative length of calyx and corolla tube and finally the fruit, if borne on the plant.

I will try to get a picture of the leaves.

Bignonia campsis

I don’t think Bignonia campsis is a valid published name. It occurs neither in IPNI nor in the Plant List. nor GRIN

what about Campsis radicans

The flower looks larger with much broader corolla tube, seems to be a hybrid, that is why I requested … to find out a few important things.

Although not a good picture, I found this picture on searching.
Leaves are seen here.Will this picture help till I can take some more pictures?


Pictures taken over the weekend here at the same nursery.
Flower size is approx two and half inches across.
I am told no fruits/seeds are formed, flowers fall off.
Have already sent you these pictures and have been identified as Campsis tagliabuana.

Campsis radicans 

I think it’s Campsis × tagliabuana (Vis.) Rehder as per images & keys herein. 

Yes C. tagliabuana



Campsis Species For ID : Philadelphia, US : 27SEP17 : AK-21 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

In Philadelphia, during the last week of June.

…, can you kindly suggest id?
Campsis grandiflora or C. x tagliabuana?

I think C. x Tagliabuana only, I can see some stumps with fallen flowers. leaflets would be 7-13 in numbers, no fruits, not even young ones

C. grandiflora would have 7-9 leaflets and fruits with rounded tip (pointed in radicans)

SL 86 041213 :  Attachments (1). 5 posts by 4 authors.

Can you please identify this tree with scarlet red flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Sep 2012.

Looks like Campsis species.

Campsis species so far in efi 

Please look for fruits. It may be elusive Campsis grandiflora.

This may also be Campsis x tagliabuana as per Let us locate Campsis grandiflora

Campsis × tagliabuana (Vis.) Rehder: 6 very high res. images.
Location: Kathmandu, Central Nepal
Altitude: 1700 m.
Date : 05 July 2021
Habitat : Cultivated

Yes … Campsis sps for sure.

Yes C. x tagliabuana for sure


Srinagar, August 2022 :: Campsis grandiflora for validation :: ARK2022-113: 2 high res. images.

This was at Srinagar in August 2022.
Campsis grandiflora
Requested to please validate.

This is Campsis tagliabuana, a sterile hybrid between C. radicans and C. grandiflora. It has leaves are like C. grandiflora (Glabrous beneath, leaflets 7-9) but number may vary from 7-13, more important ripe pods are not produced, corolla falls off early,

Campsis for sure. Excellent climber plant. Plenty in home gardens and parks in my place.

I have requested in the group earlier also. If any member comes across a true C. grandiflora: leaflets 7-9, glabrous beneath, corolla expanded above (as in C. tagliabuana) and more important pods rounded at tip, please do share in the group. C. radicans has 9-11 leaflets, pubescent beneath especially along veins, corolla tube narrower and not suddenly expanded above, pod pointed at tip.

Yes, Campsis × tagliabuana (Vis.) Rehder


Updated on December 24, 2024

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