Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Ind. 1: 130 1855. (syn. Cananga mitrastigma (F.Muell.) Domin; Cananga scortechinii King; Cananga odorata var. velutina (Blume) Koord. & Valeton; Cananga odoratum (Lam.) Baill. ex King; Canangium mitrastigma (F.Muell.) Domin; Canangium odoratum (Lam.) King; Canangium scortechinii King; Fitzgeraldia mitrastigma F.Muell.; Unona fitzgeraldii F.Muell. (unresolved); Unona leptopetala Dunal (unresolved); Unona odorata (Lam.) Baill.; Uvaria axillaris Roxb. (Unresolved); Uvaria farcta Wall. (Unresolved); Uvaria hortensis Noronha (unresolved); Uvaria odorata Lam.); .
. Perfume Tree, Ylang Ylang • Marathi: Chape • Tamil: க்ட்டு சம்பகம் Kattu chempakam • Telugu: Apurva champakame, Chettu sampangi • Kannada: ಅಪೂರ್ವ ಚಮ್ಪಕ Apurva champaka; .
Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. & Thomson : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 Mb. Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal Altitude: 4400 ft. Date: 15 August 2013 Habit : Cultivated Plant brought from Thailand !
Request for ID : 220611 : AK-3: yes this is Cananga odorata 100% watch this Yes, ylang ylang, the Joy perfume tree… for id see this : Thanks .. for posting these photos, its leaves venation pattern is different than that of Polyalthia fragrans.. and every one can compare the two plant. White-Red Pods: …………… does this Bogor Botanical Gardens also have the Ylang Ylang VINE variety? We have the short tree variety here in Kolkata: the Cananga odorata… which is flowering right now… never seen seeds here though… There are many cultivated vareities or Cananga ordorata, generally the shorter varieties are preferred. I have seen many fruiting trees in house gardens in Coimbatore. The fruits look similar to Polyalthia fruits. may be they dont have the pollinators or the visitors dont let the flowers hang around long enough to fruit…??? Yes the reason of not fruiting maybe the flowers are plucked for their sweet smell. The below link has a nice description about C. odorata I wonder why some plants do not set seeds in Bengal… like this ylang ylang , and quis qualis comes to mind among many others…. and gardenia resinifera… which sets seeds else where…I have seen seedpods of Gardenia resinifera in chinese markets in NY… The reasons may be absence of proper pollinators, or viable stigma or viable anther, or the inability of pollen to form pollen tubes. I imagine someone has studied this on Quisqualis atleast. .., this fruit looks so different from any other Annonaceae. you are right, there may be many reasons for not fruiting……. in calcutta atleast there is this apocryphal story heard at houseplant expos… that the original Quis Qualis was brought into the Agri- Hort… way back when, and from that one sapling the cuttings have produced all the millions of Quis Quallis we see alll over the eastern .
Wanted Cananga odorata and Bauhinia vahlii seeds : 3 posts by 3 authors. I am a merely gardener. Looking for some Cananga odorata and ………. for long but found nowhere. Though I have contacted some reputed nurseries, they often sell wrong plants. Will anyone please help me with some seeds of these plants ? I may pay postage etc, if you kindly accept . For Canaga odorata seeds you can contact The Director, JNTBGRI, Palode, Kerala Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight : Cananga odorata : Way to Munnar : 120314 : AK-10 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author. Cananga odorata seen in a restaurant garden, on way to Munnar. Common name Ylang Ylang. Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight : Cananga odorata : Mumbai : 120314 : AK-12 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Cananga odorata seen at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai. Sadly, it is no longer there in the garden. Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight :: Annonaceae » ID Request at Diveagar : PKA-March-34:: : Attachments (7). 3 posts by 3 authors. Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight : Canaga odorata :: SMP 11 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Canaga odorata Kolhapur Very good photographs Where to get Cananga odorata and Bauhinia vahlii seeds ? : i can help you i have some fresh Cananga odorata seeds. give me your postal address. i will send it to you, you can call me I’ve read your post just now. You had posted this 4 years back. Have you got the seeds, that are looking for. Plantation rate of native plants is gone very low. Am also finding difficult to find native seeds and plants. Even forest nurseries sell non-indigenous plants. For example SGNP, the nursery of this park sells many non-indigenous species. Slackness is expected when it comes to native or indigenous species, madam. Everyone has forgotten it. So, I too feel that there must be some source for exchange of seeds or material of native or rare seeds, madam. I recently have been to Hanamakonda city, Warangal district, Telangana, on my work. Also, had visited the Forest geneticist office there, out of curiosity for some species of plants. I came across one B. Vahlii creeper there, and it has shed its fruit and seeds nearby. With the help of one staff member, I could collect few seeds, planning to grow them. So, I was searching about this plant in our efloraindia group and came across this message. So, I felt that I could share some seeds from what I’ve collected. So, if the requirement is still there, I could pass on the seeds. Thanks for your response. I have not yet got any seed. Thanks … for forwarding my mail. … , do you require them now. Let me know. I could give you few seeds. Let me know the purpose, if it’s ok with you. Mail me. Also, …, I’d wait then. I have seen it and interested to plant one . I live at rural area and have enough space . If you kindly send me the seeds of these two , I may get them . My address is : …………………. I appreciate your interest for the plant species. I’d send 5 seeds of Bauhinia vahlii, to you by India post. Method of propagation is, soaking the seeds for one night and sow individually in the nursery poly bags. Water them daily. I’m 3-4 days you should see the germinated seedlings. Continue watering daily and allow the sapling to grow into plants. It’s a rapidly growing plant, so, by 3 months, the plants in the polybags should be ready for transplantation in to the field or home or wherever. Maintaining the creeper. Trim back the branches or the main trunk if it’s growing out of proportions. Dont worry, it grows back speedily. My humble request is to plant the extra one or two plants, if they are surviving, in a forest area or near by temples or any religious or places of your comfort, in country side or villages( where there is good land for the temple/ others). So that, this plant’s leaves would be of some help, like using the leaves for plates, and so on. Plant always two plants instead of one. This would help in getting back good seeds from the plants we’ve sown( due to pollination between two or more plants ). This’d maintain healthy next generation of seeds and thereby vigour in plants. Fwd: Please Id the tree photograph : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4) Please ID the tree. Photographs are attached herewith. Cananga odorata It looks like Annonaceae….Closer to Cananga sp…… Thanks for your Id. I also thought like that and almost finalised it . But when I checked the characters of leaves I find the leaves are opposite unlike in Cananga species, where it is alternate.. That’s why I posted the photographs to the group. Leaves also resemble Simaroubacea. But other characters need to be checked. Cananga odorata. I also thought like that and labelled it. But when I checked the characters of leaves I observed the leaves were opposite unlike in Cananga species, where it is alternate. That’s why I got doubt and posted the photographs to the group. Now that many taxonomists of our group are of the same opinion that it is C.odorata, I will take it as C.odorata. Nevertheless, I wish to know whether it Is common to see opposite leaves in Cananga or I have misread the characters. Please also observe the branching pattern and the fruit characters. I agree with … that the leaves are opposite. This small tree is very prolific if all those fruits could be counted. we have lots of these trees at the hort but have yet to see fruits and at Belur RK mission grounds and some private homes gardens. may be we dont have the pollinators or are there sterile trees developed for gardens and perfume industry? where exactly is this tree? what pollinates its flowers? in that area? CANANGA ODORATA : HOST PLANT FOR TAILED JAY BUTTERFLY : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Wonderful details, … Fwd: SOME FLOWERS IN OUR GARDEN ( COOCH BEHAR ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) attaching a collage of some flowers of our garden at cooch behar.
Fwd: STORY OF A FLOWER : YLANG YLANG : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Nature has given us nose for breathing and smelling. If you are fortunate to have a good sense of smelling you will be able to differentiate the smell of rose from that of Alstonia scholaris. Fortunately for me I can tell about a plant in bloom (if it is having a distinct smell) from the fragrance the flowers emit without seeing the plant. I remember the summer nights in the campus of Indian Military Academy when the air used to be saturated with the fragrance of Michelia champaca (CHAMPA). I have seen most majestic trees of this species at that place. In one morning during rains at this place a few years back near a place called KADAMTALA, I smelled some unfamiliar fragrance and I could not find out the source. I visited the place few more days to find out the source of this fragrance. At last I could find out the source. Source was the flowers of a plant which climbed on another plant( Murrya paniculata, KAMINI). I asked the owner of the house (Mr. Neogi) about the identity of the plant and he told me that it was Lavender. I knew the plant was not lavender. The flowers have some similarities with that of Artabotrys hexapetalus (MADAN MAST/ KANTHALI CHAMPA) but the flowers were different and fragrance was different.. My search began to find out the identity of this flower. At last I saw an image of the flower in Botanica (KONEMANN, Published by Random House Australia). Now I know the flower to be YLANG YLANG (Cananga odorata). I got a sapling from Mr. Neogi and it is giving flowers in our garden for last two years. It is a host plant fpr Tailed Jay butterfly. Last year I recorded life cycle of this butterfly on this plant. These days I can smell the flower sitting in the balcony of our house early in the morning (particularly when it is raining). Attaching a collage of the flower. Location: Kathmandu, Nepal Altitude: 4400 ft. Date: 15 August 2013
Michelia champaka -blooming in Chennai : Attachments (4). 15 posts by 8 authors. Padmini jee this is not Michelia champaka this is Desmos praecox Family: Annonaceae This looks like Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) Yes this Desmos praecox from the Sitaphal family. I think … suggestion is right, Desmos praecox. Looks quite similar to Ylang Ylang. Difference between 1) Michelia champaka 2) Desmos praecox 3) Cananga odorata Excellent comparative pictures Yes, the comparative pictures are great. Does anyone know the common name for Desmos? Desmos praecox indeed!! I can appreciate the fact that it is related to Sitaphal as the leaves were hanging down in pairs just like those of Sitaphal. Desmos species are commonly known as Unona. Desmos praecox may be called Early-Flowering Unona. After looking at this closely, it appears to me that instead of being Desmos praecox, this one could be Desmos chinensis (Syn: Unona discolor), for the following reasons: 1. Desmos praecox is supposed to flower in February, much earlier than other Desmos species, as indicated by the species name “praecox” which means early flowering. … pictures were taken in early July. So, flowering time doesn’t quite agree. 2. Leaves of Desmos praecox are described as lanceshaped, long-pointed (acuminate). Leaves of Desmos chinensis are described as ovate- lanceshaped, with somewhat cordate base. Leaves in … pictures appear to be with a flat base, not really a pointed base, and look too broad to be called lanceshaped. 3. Leaves of Desmos chinensis are described to be smooth above, and glaucous below. In … 3rd picture, the galucous underside of some leaves is visible. 4. Flowers of Desmos chinensis are supposed to be very fragrant. I could not find mention of any prominent fragrance in the description of Desmos praecox. Comments from experts are needed. PS: Pictures on may not be 100% trustworthy. One more this which I forgot to add is that in Desmos praecox the flowers appear either before the leaves, or with young leaves. Here, they appear with seemingly mature leaves. Looks like Desmos praecox only. Change in Blooming period may be due to change in climatic conditions Desmos chinensis Lour. could be the closest match though peduncle looks a bit longer. I also agree with you for Desmos chinensis as per Wikipedia, Useful tropical Plants, Toptropicals, POWO, Hong Kong herbarium, Gardino, FoPI Looks like Cananga odorata Thanks, …, There was a long discussion at Michelia champaka -blooming in Chennai I also go with you after seeing images at Cananga odorata . Canaranga odorata from Lal Bagh Bangalore-GS03022022-2: 5 high res. images. What is the habit of the plant ? Cananga odorata. . Annonaceae: Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thomson: 1 high res. images. location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997 I think it should be (being planted): This was a small to medium-sized tree, planted in the botanical garden of the University of Agricultural Sciences campus in Bangalore, so the original designation should be correct. For more information on this introduced species, you might be interested in the attached monograph. Parrotta, J.A. 2009. Cananga odorata. III-4 in “Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse” [Encyclopaedia of Woody Plants]. Ecomed Verlag, Germany. 8 p. . References: |
Cananga odorata
Updated on December 24, 2024