Canarium indicum L., Amoen. Acad. 4: 143 1759. (Syn: Canarium amboinense Hochr.; Canarium commune L.; Canarium grandistipulatum Lauterb.; Canarium mehenbethene Gaertn. [Illegitimate]; Canarium moluccanum Blume; Canarium nungi Guillaumin; Canarium shortlandicum Rech.; Canarium subtruncatum Engl.; Canarium zephyrinum Blume; Canarium zephyrinum Marchand; Sapindus travancorensis Wall. (Unresolved)); Trees Of Lalbagh, Bangalore – RA – Canarium indicum, L. <=> Elemi Oil Tree: Large canopy tree (10-35 m high) or Small sub-canopy tree; Bole cylindrical or markedly fluted; straight; buttresses buttresses present; spines spines absent; aerial roots aerial roots absent; stilt roots stilt roots absent; Bark grey or brown, rough, slightly pustular or scaly or flaky, lenticels irregular; Subrhytidome (under-bark) green; less than 25 mm thick, 15.0; bark blaze consisting of one layer; strongly aromatic; pleasant; outer blaze pink or pale brown, markings absent, fibrous; inner blaze pink or pale brown, markings absent, fibrous; bark exudate (sap) absent; terminal buds not enclosed by leaves. I clicked this pic in Jijamata Udyan in April 2015. Unfortunately, this is the lone pic that I have. At the time, I had received a suggestion that it may be some Canarium species. We do not have many Canarium pics in our database. Am hoping to get an ID, if possible, from experts, possibly those who are very well acquainted with the trees in Jijamata Udyan. Looks like it. Hopefully, someone validates it. . References: |
Canarium indicum (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024