Canavalia mollis Wight & Arn. (syn: Canavalia ensiformis var. mollis (Wight & Arn.) Baker; Canavalia virosa auct. non Wight & Arn. (misapplied); Canavalia virosa var. mollis (Wight & Arn.) Gamble‘); Climbing shrubs; stem densely hairy. Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets 13 x 8 cm, ovate, acuminate, rounded at base, densely hairy below; petiole 6 cm long; stipules lanceolate. Racemes 8 cm long, 10-flowered. Flowers 4 cm long; calyx 12 mm long, 2-lipped, upper lip emarginate, lower lip 3-lobed; standard 33 mm diam., orbicular, pink, auricled at base; wings 25 x 7 cm, oblong, obtuse; keel 18 x 7 mm, stalked; stamens monadelphous; staminal sheath 25 mm long; ovary densely hairy; ovules 4-6; style curved, stigma capitate. Pods 13 x 2.5 cm, compressed, thickened along upper suture; seeds 5, biconvex. Flowering and fruiting: February-April Moist deciduous forests Indo-Malesia (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi) References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 |
Canavalia mollis
Updated on December 24, 2024