Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. (Syn: Canavalia apiculata Piper; Canavalia arenicola Piper; Canavalia baueriana Endl.; Canavalia emarginata (Jacq.) G.Don; Canavalia lineata sensu auct. (Misapplied); Canavalia maritima (Aubl.) Thouars; Canavalia maritima (Aubl.) Urb.; Canavalia miniata (Kunth) DC.; Canavalia moneta Welw.; Canavalia obcordata Voigt; Canavalia obtusifolia (Lam.) DC. ..; Canavalia podocarpa Dunn; Clitoria rotundifolia (Vahl) Sesse & Moc.; Dolichos emarginatus Jacq.; Dolichos littoralis Vell.; Dolichos maritimus Aubl. .; Dolichos miniatus Kunth; Dolichos obcordatus Roxb.; Dolichos obovatus Schum. & Thonn.; Dolichos obovatus Schumach. & Thonn.; Dolichos obtusifolius Lam.; Dolichos roseus Sw.; Dolichos rotundifolius Vahl; Dolichos rotundifolius Roxb.; Glycine rosea Forster f.; Rhynchosia rosea (Forster f.) DC.; (=) Canavalia maritima Thouars; (=) Canavalia obtusifolia DC.); . kan-uh-VAY-lee-uh — Latinized form of the Malabar vernacular kanavali … Dave’s Botanary … this fact needs validation ENRO-zee-uh — rosy … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: beach bean, bay bean • Bengali: দরিয়াশিম dariyasima • Gujarati: અડબાઉ તલવારડી adbau talwardi, અડબાઉ પરબોળિયા adbau parboliya • Kachchhi: ધરિયાઈ ખોટી વાલોર dhariyai khoti valor • Kannada : ತಮಟೇ ಬಳ್ಳಿ thamate balli • Malayalam: മണല് അവര manal avara • Marathi: सागर अबई sagar abai • Odia: ଲୁଣ ଶିମ୍ବ luna simba • Tamil: கோழியவரை koli-y-avarai, பெருங்கோழியவரை peru-n-koli-y-avarai . India (N): Andhra Pradesh; Goa ; Gujarat ; Karnataka ; Maharashtra ; Orissa ; Tamil Nadu ; West Bengal; Andaman Is (N); Nicobar Is (N) and other countries as per ILDIS; . Aldabra; American Samoa; Andaman Is; Angola; Antigua-Barbuda; Australia; Bahamas; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belize; Benin; Bermuda; Bismarck Archipelago; Bolivia; Bougainville; Brazil; Brunei; Cambodia; Cameroon; Cayman Is; Chagos Archipelago; China; Cocos I; Cocos(Keeling) Is; Colombia; Colombian Caribbean Is; Comoro Is; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Equatorial Guinea; Fiji; French Guiana; Galapagos; Gambia The; Ghana; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guatemala; Guinea Bissau; Guyana; Hainan; Haiti; Hawaii; Honduran Caribbean Is; Honduras; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Irian Jaya; Ivory Coast; Jamaica; Japan; Jawa; Kalimantan; Kazan Retto; Kenya; Kermadec Is; Kiribati Line Is; Korea; Lesser Sunda Is; Liberia; Madagascar; Malaysia; Maldives; Marshall Is; Martinique; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico(North & Central); Mexico(South East); Moluccas; Montserrat; Mozambique; Myanmar; Netherlands Leeward Is; New Caledonia; Nicobar Is; Nigeria; Niue; Norfolk I; Northern Marianas; Ogasawara-Shoto; Panama; Papua New Guinea; Peninsular Malaysia; Peru; Philippines; Pitcairn Is; Puerto Rico; Reunion; Rodrigues; Ryukyu Is; Sabah; Sao Tome & Principe; Sarawak; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Singapore; Society Is; Solomon Is; South Africa; Sri Lanka; St Lucia; St Martin-St Barthelemy; St Vincent; Sulawesi; Sumatera; Surinam; Taiwan; Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Tonga; Trinidad & Tobago; United States; Vanuatu; Venezuela; Vietnam; Virgin Is; Western Samoa; Zaire as per Catalogue of Life; . Description: Stem long, clothed with white silky hairs, Leaflets silkey when young, orbicular-obovate, rounded or retuse, 5-10 cam long and as broad, flowers pink as in C. virosa but with few flowered recemes which excedes the leaves. Pods straight, 7-10×3 cm. . [Efloraofindia_ Canavalia maritima _ 031211PD03_ Flora of Odisha]: Name of the species: Canavalia maritima Family: Fabaceae Place of collection: Bhitarkanika, Kendrapada, Odisha Habit: Prostrate herb Habitat: Wild, sandy sea-shores from Balasore to bhitarkanika Description: Stem long, clothed with white silky hairs, Leaflets silkey when young, orbicular-obovate, rounded or retuse, 5-10 cam long and as broad, flowers pink as in C. virosa but with few flowered recemes which excedes the leaves. Pods straight, 7-10×3 cm. Flora of Kerala: Canavalia maritima (Aubl.) Thouars from Kappad Beach Calicut: Canavalia maritima (Aubl.) Thouars from Kappad Beach Calicut Growing wild on sandy beach there Shot in December Pls Validate Goat’s foot Glory(Ipomoea pes-carpe) : 9 posts by 6 authors. 3 correct images as above. Found along the sandy beaches of Kalpakkam. …………………. The flower in the 3rd & 4th pic is not of Ipomoea pes-carpae, only the leaf in the 2nd pic belongs to Ipomoea sp. The flower looks like some Fabaceae (Papilionaceae) species. Please check. i agree with this because when we see the flower in the picture it gives a clear idea of a pap family flower. while ipomea is a convolvulaceae plant. related to ipomea found on these creeks the fruit is worth watching. it is a round ball with lot of spiny projections. it is very light and rolls along with the wind on the shore, looks very funny and playful. worth watching. this is for dispersal. I sort of agree with you. I have seen the fruit too and have played with it as a kid. I have seen the flowers too earlier in full bloom but this looks different. Probably there are two creepers in the same area. I have a visit scheduled in a couple of weeks. I shall do a detailed analysis and get back on this. It appears to be Canavalia lineata (Sagar-abai)- see the links: & & The flowers look like they belong to the family fabaceae Canavalia lineata is not found in India as per FOC, GRIN, ILDIS, efi page etc. It should be Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. as per images herein. Canavalia lineata from Mammalapuram beach : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4). Canavalia lineata (beach bean) from Mammalapuram Canavalia lineata is not found in India as per FOC, GRIN, ILDIS, efi page etc. It should be Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. as per images herein. Canavalia lineata from Mamallapuram : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3). Canavalia lineata – Beach bean (Sagar abai) from Mammalapuram Canavalia lineata is not found in India as per FOC, GRIN, ILDIS, efi page etc. It should be Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. as per images herein. Date: October 13, 2019 … Altitude range: about 0 – 3 m (0 – 10 feet) asl Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. … mix of bay bean & bay hops seems like a weed to take over vast areas. is it indigenous to India? Thanks … Not sure whether this plant is native to India; it is distributed pan-tropically. I think it must be native. Ahhhh !!!!!! The leaves !!!! So distinct !! Key to ID !!! Along with short fruit pod. I was waiting for this species to appear in any of the forums I frequent. Happy to see it in beautifully detailed post by inimitable … It has a pantropical distribution, species of coastal habitat. (In Surat I have a Canavalia species which does not fit completely into any described taxon. People have called it C. rosea on facebook, I never agreed. I tentatively call it C. catahrtica, but description for this taxon is a partial fit only. I am waiting for fruits to mature, then I shall bring it here for discussion) Thanks very much … Best wishes for sorting out the Canavalia species that you have. I am sure you will do that soon. Names of Plants in India :: Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. : 1 post by 1 author. 1 image. via Species > C > Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. … family: Fabaceae ~ Papilionaceae
kan-uh-VAY-lee-uh — Latinized form of the Malabar vernacular kanavali … Dave’s Botanary ENRO-zee-uh — rosy … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: beach bean, bay bean, MacKenzie bean • Bengali: দরিয়াশিম dariyasima • Gujarati: અડબાઉ તલવારડી adbau talwardi, અડબાઉ પરબોળિયા adbau parboliya • Kachchhi: ધરિયાઈ ખોટી વાલોર dhariyai khoti valor • Kannada : ಮರಳು ಅವರೆ maralu avare • Malayalam: മണല് അവര manal avara • Marathi: सागर अबई sagar abai • Odia: ଲୁଣ ଶିମ୍ବ luna simba • Tamil: கோழியவரை koli-y-avarai, பெருங்கோழியவரை peru-n-koli-y-avarai botanical names: Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. … synonyms: Canavalia maritima Thouars • Canavalia miniata (Kunth) DC. • Canavalia obtusifolia DC. • Dolichos maritimus Aubl. • Dolichos miniatus Kunth … and many more listed at POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ beach bean, bay bean, MacKenzie bean ~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ দরিয়াশিম dariyasima
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ અડબાઉ તલવારડી adbau talwardi, અડબાઉ પરબોળિયા adbau parboliya
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~ ધરિયાઈ ખોટી વાલોર dhariyai khoti valor
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಮರಳು ಅವರೆ maralu avare
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ മണല് അവര manal avara
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ सागर अबई sagar abai
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ ଲୁଣ ଶିମ୍ବ luna simba ~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ கோழியவரை koli-y-avarai, பெருங்கோழியவரை peru-n-koli-y-avarai
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Re: Canavalia virosa or Canavalia rosea? : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Canavalia cathartica syn Canavalia virosa Or Canavalia rosea syn Canavalia maritima? Location Mettur dam Tamilnadu Kindly confirm I think Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. as per keys at Flora of China and as per rather than Canavalia cathartica as per Nice presentation. Can you post any photo showing flowers (if available) for proper ID. . Goa, August 2021 :: Canavalia rosea :: ARK2021-128: 7 images. . Request ID Please: 10 images. Ipomoea pes-caprae In addition to Ipomoea pes-caprae, the flowering plant is Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. . Please help identify: 3 images. Need help to identify this plant and know what are its key adaptation features. Local name in Kannada? Location: Kasarkod beach, Karnataka Please check Fabaceae ! Pl. check I guess you are right … ! I was looking for this but could not get it ! Kannada names : ಮರಳು ಅವರೆ maralu avare; Tamate balli The ID is correct. Seen this in Marina beach, Chennai . References: |
Canavalia rosea
Updated on December 24, 2024