Canna species/ hybrids




Commelinales & Zingiberales from Delhi: Cannaceae, Canna-a for ID from Delhi: Commelinales & Zingiberales from Delhi: Cannaceae, Canna-a, looking like C. indica but with mottled perianth for ID from Delhi 

This Var. of Canna blooms in my house also.

… guessing it to be a garden cultivar of Canna indica

Recently the Kol Bot Garden had planted several cultivars… we visited… not photographed since Canna is so common in West Bengal…  a few flowerheads were similar to what you just showed… Top tropicals site shows something close to your picture … and named it Canna X generalis Fire Red, it at URL:



Canna indica images from coimbatore:

Sharing the images of Canna from Anaikatti, Coimbatore. Hope this could be Canna indica?



Seeds for ID 200812 NB2: in my last trip to india dec.11-jan.12 i collected some seeds in capsules.
I can’t remember now, how the tree lookd like. Perhaps someone can
identify them.

This could be of Canna indica.

THanks … again for your quick and correct reply.
I think it is called कर्दल in Marathi? I must have collected it at my sisters place. This one I certainly can sow here. These plants we can buy here.



efloraofindia:”For Id 01032013MR1’’ which Canna species is this at Pune: Sep 2012

Requesting identification of this Canna spp at a private society garden at Pune


Updated on December 24, 2024

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