Capparis grandiflora Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Brit. India 1: 174 1872. (Syn: Capparis pyrifolia Wight & Arn. [Illegitimate]);
Capparis for identification 290611MK01: Attachments (5). 13 posts by 6 authors.
Please help me to identify this Capparis sp. I think this is not C. spinosa.
Date: 17 April 2011
Location: Coimbatore dist.; foothills of Velliangiri Alt: c 400 metres Habit: wild shrub
Leaf: 3 x 2.5 cm Flower: white; 5-6 cm across This is Mastodi [Capparis sepiaria]. … have not seen such large white ¿ petal ? structure in Capparis sepiaria … though the leaves look similar. Yes this does not look like C. sepiaria as the flower are much larger. Thank you for your comments. Sending you one of my photogrpahs of Capparis sepiaria [Mastodi] for comparison. … as per my belief, Capparis sepiaria [Mastodi].jpg is not Capparis sepiaria … have not seen this yet. This photograph was taken at the start of the Tulsi road in the Borivali N.P. the plant posted by you looks like C. zeylanica. Agreeing with …, this Capparis sepiaria [Mastodi].jpg almost looks like C. zeylanica (which of course you are well aware of). ….. photo is Capparis zeylanica I guess photo posted for id is Capparis spinosa It is Capparis grandiflora Wall.ex.Hook.f. & Thoms. . Family: Capparaceae Identified by … as Capparis spinosa L.
Capparis spinosa seems to show a lot of variation. Do you think it is another species sir? No. Just wrote after experiencing different posts.
There might be regional variation in colour of petals and size of flowers. Not tenera or spinosa. Please check other regional species. It is Capparis grandiflora Wall., Ref: Thorns hooked, leaves pubescent, flowers white, stamens >50, (Ref. FPM Gamble-page 43-45) . Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight:: Capparis spinosa from Kothagiri. BRS-6 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Sharing the images of Capparis spinosa Re: MS ID 123 June 2013 – Request Id of the Capparis species : Attachments (2). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Please ID the plant. Photographs were taken on 19.5.2013 in Chamundi hills, Mysore Could be Capparis spinosa. Thanks for the possible ID. Appears more close to images at Capparis grandiflora Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson
efloraindia: 041111 BRS124: Pl. find the attached file contain photo for sp. id confirmation. At present I don’t have other images of leaf or tree.
Location: NBNP garden. Anaikatti, Coimbatore
Date: May, 2011.
Also noticed mass flowering along the road side of Mangarai to Anaikatti (SH 164) Woody scrub jungle forest. It is Capparis sepiaria. Appears like Capparis spinosa. Was it growing in dry river bed Nature hits the high note… in white! Capparis from Chamundi hills: Shot at Chamundi hills, Mysore Capparis mooni Leaf description tells: leaves are upto 9cms. Here in my pics, leaves are much smaller. So it could be a difft Capparis. kind. I guess it is close to Capparis grandiflora Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson. Capparis grandiflora . References:
Capparis grandiflora
Updated on December 24, 2024