Capsicum chinense Jacq., Hort. Bot. Vindob. 3: 38 1777. (Syn: Capsicum sinense Murray; Capsicum toxicarium Poepp. ex Fingerh.);
. Peru to Bolivia and N. Brazil; Introduced into: Belize, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guinea-Bissau as per POWO; ..
Solanaceae Week: Capsicum chinense, the Habanero chilli: .
Solanaceae Fortnight: Capsicum chinense, the Habanero chilli from California-GSFEB54/57 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Capsicum chinense, the Habanero chilli is one of the hottest chillis,
Unripe habaneros are green, maturing to orange and red, but white, brown, and pink are also seen.
It is often mistakenly referred to as the hottest pepper in the world: that honor belongs to The Naga Viper which rates a 1,359,000 on the Scoville scale. the Naga Jolokia, a hybrid of C. chinense and C. frutescens, previously considered hottest comes to around 1,000,000.
Habanero may touch 300,000 on the scale.
and there is a contest in either texas and //or arizona where hardy ( to me foolish() souls eat these /bite into them for a competition and a prize…. prize to me is usually something silly…
anyway something similar is grown and eaten in Bangladesh and we get them once in a while in Kolkata markets… and called BISH lanka… = poisonous pepper/chilli
I’ll see if I can find and take a few pictures without touching them… its said to burn the skin and for the uninitiaded a very painful experience.
recently developed Trinidad Chilli is considered even hotter than Naga Jhalakia. Solanaceae Fortnight: Capsicum chinense : RVS05 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) yes. very nice clear pictures, … aren’t these the ones we sometimes find in southern grocery stores aas hot pickles and is it the one used for tabasco sauce making?
. References:
Capsicum chinense (Introduced- USA)
Updated on December 24, 2024