Carya ovata (USA) ?

Carya ovata (Mill.) K.Koch, Dendrologie 1: 598 1869. (syn: Carya mexicana Engelm. ex Hemsl.; Carya ovalis var. fraxinifolia Sarg.; Carya ovalis var. nuttallii Sarg.; Carya ovalis var. pubescens Sarg.; Hicorius mexicana Britton; Hicorius ovata (Mill.) Britton; Hicorius ovatus Sarg.; Juglans albo-ovata Marshall; Juglans ovalis Wangenh.; Juglans ovata Mill.; Scoria ovata (Mill.) MacMill.) ?;


Tree for ID : New Jersey,US : 11SEP17 : AK-08 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Tree with green fruits seen in New Jersey in June, 17.

This is probably Carya Species, commonly known as Hickory Nuts.

Yes, it could be Carya ovata.

Thanks for suggested id.

May be as per Wikipedia  Missouri Botanical Garden

Carya alba (L.) Nutt. ex Elliott Syn : Carya tomentosa (Lam.) Nutt. ??

I think leaves in Carya alba look a bit different as per

not caraya alba. leaf veins remind me of the walnut family. not walnut. so look into others in the family Juglandaceae.
one thought if its shagbark hickory pictures of the tree and its trunk is very important.
anything worth doing must be done well. not half hearted. so try to find branches , bark, trunk , whole tree picture  

Looks close to Carya floridana Sarg. though endemic to Florida. Cultivated ?


Updated on December 24, 2024

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