Cassia javanica L. (Syn: Cassia bacillus Gaertn.; Cassia megalantha Decne.; Cathartocarpus javanicus Pers.; Cassia bacillus Roxb.);
Java cassia, Apple blossom cassia, Nodding cassia, Pink cassia, Pink shower, • Manipuri: জাৱা ৰানী Java rani;
Small tree with spreading crown; leaves with 5-12 pairs of obtuse up to 5 cm long leaflets; stipules 12-15 mm long; sepals brown to reddish; petals lasting for short duration, pale red changing to dark red and finally fading in colour; 3 long filaments with swellings in middle; fruit cylindrical, up to 60 cm long.
The following three species with similar flowers all have filaments swollen in the middle.
Their Keys:
1a. Ovary glabrous, leaflets oblong, densely velvety, tip mucronate; leafy bracts at base of each flower; stipules large leafy …… Cassia renigera
1b. Ovary hairy ……….. (2)
2a. Stipules 5 mm long, linear, not leafy, leaflets acute, glabrous beneath; petals pink, fading to yellow-pink or white …………. Cassia nodosa
2b. Stipules 12-15 mm long, leafy, leaflets usually obtuse, silky beneath; petals pink, turning dark red, fading to white ……….. Cassia javanica
Cassia for ID : 230711 : AK-1: 9 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (1) Cassia javanica
Please send the close up of the flowers showing floral details (Calyx, corolla, stamens and ovary) for proper identification. The photographs of ornamental Cassias are often deceptive. I agree with … because based on this one picture I could not diagnose this as cassia javanica.. In this one picture (its very spectacular as a mom and pop picture, but gives only limited scientific information) … the medallion like inflorescence reminds me of a yellow flowered cassia… Cassia pentaphylla … but that’s just form gross visual memory of a popular street trees from southern california…
I have not studied the taxonomy of it..
if this is a pink flowered cousin of c. pentaphylla I’ll be very happy to know…
Pradeep Kishen in his book ‘Trees of Delhi” has provided the keys to the common species of ornamental Cassias. You may refer to it. Nevertheless, many species of Cassias are being introduced, which look similar but when one looks into floral characters they differ. This particular species (un-identified) is one such example. Further more, many of the species (same) would slightly differ in the colour of the inflorescence depending on the localities (For e.g Chennai species may look slightly different in Mysore). Thus creating further confusion. Meanwhile, I will try to look out for the keys for the ornamental species. Cassia javanica It may be Cassia nodosa, before final ID pleae check the leaves and other characters of both the cassia family trees. I too think this is Cassia javanica of Leguminosae family. . Another Plant ID request:
Was not sure whether sending a link is okay. Wanted this Cassia spp. to be identified. Thanks. Link below: May be Cassia javanica . Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae)– Cassia javanica-dark pink form: why would it need to be grafted?
what would be the advantage? I somehow was under impression that cassias have a strong rootstock to begin with? Dont know enough hort reasoning I guess.
The only way to secure the dark pink color would be to propagate it vegetatively. Cuttings are typically difficult to root, so grafting onto seedling rootstock would likely be more successful.
There’s a chance that seedlings could come true-to-form, but unlikely. And C. javanica seldom sets seed in the US anyway. Fabaceae – Caesalpinioideam – 08-12-11 – RK: 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) 2 pics of Cassia javanica -[hope the Cassia id is correct] taken on 24/05/09 in Lalbagh, Botanical garden, Bangalore. Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Cassia jvanica from Delhi: Common names: Pink cassia, appleblossum shower
Small tree with spreading crown; leaves with 5-12 pairs of obtuse up to 5 cm long leaflets; stipules 12-15 mm long; sepals brown to reddish; petals lasting for short duration, pale red changing to dark red and finally fading in colour; 3 long filaments with swellings in middle; fruit cylindrical, up to 60 cm long.
Photographed from Delhi University Campus Requesting ID of this tree of Cassia species from Chandigarh : 12042013 : ARK-01 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Requesting ID of this avenue tree captured in Chandigarh in May 2010. To me Cassia javanica. It is yet to bloom in Pantnagar.
efi page on Cassia javanica subsp. nodosa (Syn: Cassia nodosa Roxb.) As I know this is Cassia javanica. We have such plants at Muscat/ Oman TSPNOV2015-39: Images of Cassia javanica (Fabaceae) : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
It is my pleasure to share few images of Cassia javanica (Fabaceae)
Key as per efi page: Petals red, changing to dark red and finally fading in colour. Three long filaments with swellings in the middle.
I think the images conform with the above Key.
Habit: Medium tree
Habitat: Cultivated.
Sighting: Bangalore, Karnataka, about 800 msl
Date: 16-06-2015 yes. the key is here in this thread and on this page of our website I was just wondering what are these swellings? what for/ Pl. also check with images & keys at Cassia renigera Benth. As suggested by … it is better to check at the link provided by him as all three species of Cassia (C.renigera, C.javanica and C.nodosa ) possess almost similar type of flowers to look at + filaments swollen in the middle. Pl check the final details and decide on the species. Another tree flowering presently in Pune May 2016
I think this again is Cassia renigera Cassia javanica
Cassia javanica
at Alibag 24Apr,2011 – Wow! Why the fillament of anther is swollen like a baloon of a dropper? Saw first time. – The synonym of the species is Cassia nodosa or Cassia javanica subsp. nodosa, a name given to it for the presence of this swelling on the anthers… Cassia for ID : 310711 : AK-1: It may be Cassia grandis or i guess Cassia nodosa Looking at flowers after downloading and magnifying, the stamens clearly have swellings on filaments. As such it should be Cassia nodosa, now known as Cassia javanica subsp. nodosa (Roxb.) K.Larsen & S.S.Larsen Now I see and remember this swollen filament… perhaps it was another thread… thank you very much…
we have several of these trees… they flower period starts in April and goes till about end of july… next year I will for sure keep and eye out for them… Yes I too think that this is Cassia javanica subsp. nodosa (Roxb.) K.Larsen & S.S.Larsen of Leguminosae family. It may be Cassia javanica L. as per keys herein as leaflets appear to be obtuse
Cassia javanica :: Lalbagh Botanical Gardens :: 19 FEB 2017 : 10 posts by 3 authors. 4 images.
Lalbagh Botanical Gardens Bangalore
Date: 19 FEB 2017 … Altitude: ~ 906 m (2972 ft) asl
Cassia javanica L. … (family: Fabaceae) … exotic To me it looks more closer to images at Cassia roxburghii rather than Cassia javanica
Quite possible, … Thanks for validating the post. I labelled the photos based on placard ! It is difficult to confirm the ID based on these images. Thanks …; I hope someone who has observed the tree during other times will recognize it. I have marked the post to … too. The pod for me looks < 1ft, which means its Java Cassia
From the picture it looks like its next to the huge mysore fig
link For me 2nd image by …, is creating doubt. Thanks …
These trees (two of them) are planted on opposite side of the road that comes from one of the main gates.
Here is the approximate location where we would be able to see them.
Near one of the trees is a large tree of Duabanga.
Second image shows a branch with a leaf that is not yet shed, Otherwise much of both trees is bare.
The pod must be around a foot long, or slightly more.
Cassia – indiantreepix | Google Groups Cassia nodosa? : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Cassia Species for ID : Bangalore : 07SEP20 : AK-10 I agree with … ID is correct. Most distinguishing feature to differentiate from other species is the stamens which are swollen or bulbous in the centre of the filament. Thanks, …,
I think this will be Cassia javanica as per keys and images herein.
Will this be Cassia javanica subsp. nodosa?
Or simply Cassia javanica? simply Cassia javanica . Was there a name plate? . References:
Cassia javanica
Updated on December 24, 2024