Cassytha filiformis

Cassytha filiformis L., Sp. Pl. 35 1753. (Syn: Calodium cochinchinensis Lour.; Cassytha americana Nees; Cassytha americana var. brachystachya Meisn. ..; Cassytha aphylla Raeusch.; Cassytha archboldiana C.K.Allen; Cassytha brasiliensis Mart. ex Nees; Cassytha corniculata Burm.f.; Cassytha cuscutiformis F. Muell.; Cassytha dissitiflora Meisn.; Cassytha filiformis var. pseudopubescens Domin; Cassytha filiformis f. pycnantha Domin; Cassytha guineensis Schumach. & Thonn.; Cassytha lifuensis Guillaumin; Cassytha macrocarpa Guillaumin; Cassytha novoguineensis Kaneh. & Hatus.; Cassytha senegalensis A.Chev.; Cassytha timoriensis Gand.; Cassytha zeylanica Gaertn.; Rumputris fasciculata Raf. (Unresolved); Spironema aphylla Raf. (Unresolved); Volutella aphylla Forssk.);
kas-SITH-ee-a — from the Greek word kassyo (sew, patch)
fil-ih-FOR-miss — threadlikeDave’s Botanary
commonly known as: air creeper, devil’s gut, dodder laurel, green thread creeper, love vine, moss creeper, Sita’s yarn, princess hair, woe vineAssamese: আকাশী লতা akakhi lotaGujarati: સોનવેલ sonvel, સ્વર્ણવલ્લી swarnavalliHindi: आकासबेल akasbel, अमरबेल amarbelKannada: ಆಕಾಶಬಳ್ಳಿ akasha balli, ಅಮರ ಬಳ್ಳಿ amaru balli, ಮಂಗನ ಉಡಿದಾರ mangana udidaraKonkani: आंकासवेल ankasvelMalayalam: ആകാശവള്ളി akasavalliMarathi: आकाशवेल akashvel, अमरवेल amarvelSanskrit: आकाशवल्ली akashavalli, अमरवल्लरी amaravallari, दुःस्पर्श duhsparsha, खवल्ली khavalli, व्योमवल्लिका vyomavallikaTamil: எருமைக்கொற்றான் erumai-k-korran, பசுங்கொற்றான் pacu-n-korran, தூற்றுமைக்கொற்றான் turrumai-k-korran, உழிஞைக் கொடி ulinaik-kotiTelugu: ఆకాశవల్లి akashavalli, అంతర వల్లితీగ anthara vallithige, సీతమ్మనూలుపోగులు sitamma nulu pogulu, నూలు తీగ noolu thige, పచ్చి తీగ paachi thige
Distribution: pantropic


Cassytha filiformis from Konanur, Nanjanagudu taluk, Mysore district, Karnataka state:
please find few photos of Cassytha filiformis (LAURACEAE) in flower and fruits photographed at Konanur Scrub jungle on 05.11.2011 at 10.00 am. The place is in Nanjanagudu taluk, Mysore district, Karanataka state.

kindly read date as 23.10.2011


Cassytha L. (1753) is a genus of some two dozen species of obligately parasitic vines in the family Lauraceae.
Superficially and in some aspects of their ecology they closely resemble plants in the unrelated genus Cuscuta, the dodders.
The physical resemblance is so close that, when fruit and flowers are absent in the field, few people without technical training can tell them apart; even an unwary botanist might be misled.
It is a spectacular example of convergent evolution.[1] In its divergence from habits typical of the Lauraceae, it also presents examples of mosaic evolution[2]
Though the Lauraceae constitute a large family, with thousands of species in tens of genera, Cassytha is its only known parasitic genus.[9]
also is atypical of the family in that most Lauraceae are woody shrubs or trees.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Cassytha filiformis L.
kas-SITH-ee-a — from the Greek word kassyo (sew, patch)
fil-ih-FOR-miss — threadlike
Dave’s Botanary
Jan 26, 2008 … Kelwa beach, Maharashtra
commonly known as: air creeper, devil’s gut, dodder-laurel, green thread creeper, love vine, moss creeper, princess hair, Sita’s yarn, woe-wine • Hindi: आकास बेल akas bel • Kannada: ಆಕಾಶ ಬಳ್ಳೀ aakaasha balli, ಅಮರ ಬಳ್ಳಿ amara balli, ಬೀಳು ಬಳ್ಳಿ bilu balli, ದಾರದ ಬಳ್ಳಿ daarada balli, ಜನಿವಾರ ಬಳ್ಳಿ janivaara balli, ಮಮ್ಗನ ಉಡಿದಾರ mamgana udidaara • Konkani: आंकासवेल ankasvel • Marathi: अमरवेल amarvel, अंबरवेल ambarvel • Oriya: akashavuli • Sanskrit: आकासवल्ली akasavalli • Tamil: எருமைக்கொற்றான் erumai-k-korran, தூற்றுமைக்கொற்றான் turrumai-k-korran, பசுங்கொற்றான் pacu-n-korran • Telugu: ఆకాశవల్లి akasa-valli • Urdu: آکاس بيل akas bel
Distribution: pantropic
References: Flowers of IndiaDave’s GardeneFloraGRINENVIS-FRLHTFurther Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
more views: Apr 12, 2008 … Burondi, Maharashtra
Mar 13, 2012 … Devgad, Maharshtra

Cassytha filiformis L. SN Feb -18 :  Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
Cassytha filiformis L., Fam: Lauraceae, brownish parasitic leafless climber,
over bushes and trees.
South Chennai scrub jungle.


ARJUL32 Leafless climber for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).

20th July 2014

This looks like Cassytha filiformis. Sending my photographs of what is also possibly the same.

Cassytha filiformis L., parasitic climber from Kanchepuram district (Previously Chengulput Dt) of Tamilnadu



Cassytha filiformis L. 15Jan SN 17 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).
Cassytha filiformis L. frequently growing wild parasite climber from Kancheepuram dist of Tamilnadu, it is also medicinal.

Cassytha filiformis : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Cassytha filiformis
family : Lauraceae
Habit : Obligate parasitic vine
Habitat : Climber
Place : Chilkigarh, Jhargram, West bengal
Date : 24 September 2018

Cassytha filiformis

Family : Lauraceae
Habit : Obligate parasitic vine
Habitat : Climber 
Place : Chilkigarh, Jhargram, West Bengal 
Dates : 25 September 2018
Attachments (1)- 1 mb. 



Goa, May 2019 :: Leafless vine for ID :: ARK2019-29 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments(5)
Requesting to please validate this vine growing on the beach, Varca Goa in May 2015.
Is this Cassytha filiformis? It was growing wild on Spinifex littoralis grass on the beach.

Cassytha sure sir, but check once local floras then decide species name that’s only validated.

Yes, appears close as per fruiting images at Cassytha filiformis L.


Goa, May 2019 :: Leafless vine for ID :: ARK2019-29 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Requesting to please validate this vine growing on the beach, Varca Goa in May 2015.
Is this Cassytha filiformis? It was growing wild on Spinifex littoralis grass on the beach.

Cassytha sure sir, but check once local floras then decide species name that’s only validated.

Yes, appears close as per fruiting images at Cassytha filiformis L.


Cassytha filiformis :: Mahabalipuram :: 16 OCT 19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 5 images.
Mahabalipuram  Tamil Nadu
Date: October 16, 2019 … Altitude: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Cassytha filiformis  L.
Many thanks to … for validating the ID at facebook.

what a lovely looking plant but its a parasite!!!


Santali name(s) of Cassytha filiformis L.:
Please help with the name alag jari of Cassytha filiformis L. found in A Santali-English dictionary by A. Campbell, of the Santal mission in native script.

It’s transcription would be:
ᱟᱞᱟᱜ ᱡᱟᱹᱨᱤ


Names of Plants in India :: Cassytha filiformis L.:
Cassytha filiformis L.

kas-SITH-ee-a — from the Greek word kassyo (sew, patch) … Dave’s Botanary
fil-ih-FOR-miss — thread-like … Dave’s Botanarycommonly known as: air creeper, devil’s gut, dodder laurel, fish-net vine, green thread creeper, love vine, moss creeper, princess hair, Sita’s yarn, woe vine • Assamese: আকাশী লতা akakhi lota • Gujarati: સોનવેલ sonvel, સ્વર્ણવલ્લી swarnavalli • Hindi: आकासबेल akasbel, अमरबेल amarbel • Kannada: ಆಕಾಶ ಬಳ್ಳಿ akasha balli, ಅಮರ ಬಳ್ಳಿ amar balli, ಬೀಳುಬಳ್ಳಿ bilu balli, ದಾರದ ಬಳ್ಳಿ darada balli, ಹಾದರಗಿತ್ತಿಬಳ್ಳಿ haadaragiththiballi, ಜನಿವಾರ ಬಳ್ಳಿ janivaara balli, ಮಂಗನ ಉಡಿದಾರ mangana udidara • Konkani: आकासवेल akas-vel, अमरवेल amar-vel • Malayalam: ആകാശവള്ളി akasavalli • Marathi: आकाशवेल akashvel, अमरवेल amarvel • Sanskrit: आकाशवल्ली akashavalli, अमरवल्लरी amaravallari, दुःस्पर्श duhsparsha, खवल्ली khavalli, व्योमवल्लिका vyomavallika • Santali: ᱟᱞᱟᱜ ᱡᱟᱹᱨᱤ alag jari • Sindhi: آڪاس ول aakaas vel • Tamil: எருமைக்கொற்றான் erumai-k-korran, பசுங்கொற்றான் pacu-n-korran, தூற்றுமைக்கொற்றான் turrumai-k-korran, உழிஞைக் கொடி ulinaik-koti • Telugu: అంతర వల్లితీగ anthara vallithige, సీతమ్మనూలుపోగులు sitamma nulu pogulu, నూలు తీగ noolu thige, పచ్చి తీగ paachi thige • Tulu: ಮುದೆಲ್ ದಾಂತಿ ಬೂರು mudeludanti burubotanical namesCassytha filiformis L. … synonymsCalodium cochinchinensis Lour. • Cassytha americana Nees • Cassytha aphylla Raeusch. • Cassytha archboldiana C.K.Allen • Cassytha brasiliensis Mart. ex Nees • Cassytha corniculata Burm.f. • Cassytha dissitiflora Meisn. • Cassytha guineensis Schumach. & Thonn. • Cassytha macrocarpa Guillaumin • Cassytha novoguineensis Kaneh. & Hatus. • Cassytha paradoxae Proctor • Cassytha senegalensis A.Chev. • Cassytha timoriensis Gand. • Cassytha zeylanica Gaertn. • Rumputris fasciculata Raf. • Spironema aphylla Raf. • Volutella aphylla Forssk. … and more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
air creeper
devil’s gut
dodder laurel
  • Wikipedia … or laurel dodderseashore dodder, or simply dodder
fish-net vine
green thread creeper, moss creeper, princess hair, Sita’s yarn
love vine
woe vine
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
আকাশী লতা akakhi lota
  • Many thanks to Dilwar Hussain for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
સોનવેલ sonvel, સ્વર્ણવલ્લી swarnavalli
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
आकासबेल akasbel
अमरबेल amarbel
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~
આકાશવેલ aakaashvel

~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~

ಆಕಾಶ ಬಳ್ಳಿ akasha balli
ಅಮರ ಬಳ್ಳಿ amar balli
ಬೀಳುಬಳ್ಳಿ bilu balli
ದಾರದ ಬಳ್ಳಿ darada balli
  • WISDOM LIBRARY – the greatest source of ancient and modern knowledge
ಹಾದರಗಿತ್ತಿಬಳ್ಳಿ haadaragiththiballi
ಜನಿವಾರ ಬಳ್ಳಿ janivaara balli
  • WISDOM LIBRARY – the greatest source of ancient and modern knowledge
ಮಂಗನ ಉಡಿದಾರ mangana udidara
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
आकासवेल akas-vel, अमरवेल amar-vel
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
ആകാശവള്ളി akasavalli
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
आकाशवेल akashvel
अमरवेल amarvel
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
आकाशवल्ली akashavalli, अमरवल्लरी amaravallari, खवल्ली khavalli, व्योमवल्लिका vyomavallika
दुःस्पर्शा duhsparsha
~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~
ᱟᱞᱟᱜ ᱡᱟᱹᱨᱤ alag jari
~~~~~ SINDHI ~~~~~
آڪاس ول aakaas vel
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
எருமைக்கொற்றான் erumai-k-korran, பசுங்கொற்றான் pacu-n-korran, தூற்றுமைக்கொற்றான் turrumai-k-korran
உழிஞைக் கொடி ulinaik-koti
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
అంతర వల్లితీగ anthara vallithige, సీతమ్మనూలుపోగులు sitamma nulu pogulu (also పోగునూలు సీతమ్మ seethamma pogunoolu, సీతమ్మవారి జడలు seethamma avaari jadaalu), నూలు తీగ noolu thige, పచ్చి తీగ paachi thige (or పచ్చతీగ pacha tige, తీగ పాచి teega paachi)
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಮುದೆಲ್ ದಾಂತಿ ಬೂರು mudeludanti buru
  • Five Hundred Indian Plants by Basel Mission, Mangalore
  • or ಮುದೆಲಿದ್ಯಾಂತಿ ಬೂರು mudelidyanthi booru … Shodhganga – Medicinal plants of Tulunadu
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

All Kannada names are correct. Great efforts !


Cassytha filiformis L. :: Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · JUN23 DV398: 5 images.

Cassytha filiformis L.
Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · 1:01 PM IST :: about 14 m (46 ft) asl
Many thanks to Shiwalee Samant for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Cassytha filiformis L. :: Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · JUN23 DV400:

Cassytha filiformis L.
Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · 12:53 PM IST :: about 14 m (46 ft) asl
Many thanks to Shiwalee Samant for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Cassytha filiformis L. :: Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · JUN23 DV402: 4 images.

Cassytha filiformis L.
Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · 12:45 PM IST :: about 14 m (46 ft) asl
Many thanks to Radha Veach for validating the ID at iNaturalist


Updated on December 24, 2024

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