Cavendishia micayensis A.C.Sm., J. Arnold Arbor. 27: 114 1946. ; Colombia (Antioquia, Cauca, Choc, Nario, Valle), Ecuador as per Catalogue of Life;
Plant for ID : Conservatory : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 11NOV18 : AK-7 : Attachments (1) A plant seen inside the Conservatory at the garden. Have tried searching, no idea about the id. No labels in the Botanical Garden ? The plants were labelled. But it was difficult to see all the labels, since many plants were growing together and difficult to get very close to some of them. Could have checked names in the net and tallied with image. I did not quite understand what you were trying to say. I mean to say that all names displayed near the photographed plants could be noted down and check in net one by one and cross verified with the image for the ID. This seems to be Cavendishia micayensis. I found the id on the Garden notes. Macleania coccoloboides I hope This seems to be Cavendishia micayensis. I found the id on the Garden notes. |
Cavendishia micayensis (Cultivated- USA)
Updated on December 24, 2024