Cayratia mollissima (Planch.) Gagnep., Notul. Syst. (Paris) 1: 345 1911. (Syn: Columella mollissima (Wall.) Merrill; Vitis mollissima Wall.);
peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar [Burma], India (Arunachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala), Philippines (Luzon, Panay, Mindanao) as per Catalogue of life;
¿ kay-ray-SHE-yuh ? — Latin: Cayratia, from the Annamese vernacular name, cay-rat, a vine … Flora Fauna Web maw-LISS-ih-muh — softest … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: curry grape • Assamese: মেৰমেৰী লতা mermeree lata • Kannada: ಕಾಡು ದ್ರಾಕ್ಷಿ kaadu drakshi, ಕಾನಕಲ್ಲಟೆ kaanakallate • Tulu: ಕಾನಕಲ್ಲಟೆ kaanakallate .
Weak climbers; stem scabrous. Leaflets 3, 8-12 x 4-7 cm, ovate, acuminate at apex, acute at base, distantly spineus-serrate; nerves 4 or 5 pairs, glabrous; petiole 4 cm long. Peduncle 1.5 cm long, extra-axillary, trichotomous cymes 2 x 3 cm. Flowers greenish-yellow; calyx a membranous cup, 2 mm across, entire; petals 2 x 1 mm, oblong. Berry 6 mm across, obovoid, glabrous; seeds pitted on sides Flowering and fruiting: October-December
Evergreen, semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)
. ANFEB13 Vitaceae climber for identification : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments(9)
Famiy: Vitaceae You might have noticed my feedback in … post (regarding the id of this species). It was based on FBI and more than 100 years have been passed by! FBI doesn’t indicate that Vitis (Cayratia) mollissima Wall. can be found in India. But it is found in the South, description can be found at –
Unfortunately, what we usually find in the net is all copy-paste stuff!
One nice document –
More images of C. m. – http://www.natureloveyou.Cayratiamollissima.html
One FoC species can be compared in this regard –
All said, I am not telling/suggesting that your plant can be Cayratia mollissima, because here also I find some difficulties. I only request you to check probability. I would agree with your suggestion of Cayratia mollissima because of the following features that can be seen in the photos clicked by … and me- What I am finding a little confusing is the ‘trichotomous cyme’ that C. mollissima is supposed to have. Do the photos I have clicked reflect this structure? Could you also tell me if there is anything you see that does not point in favour of C. mollissima?
Here are some helpful links that I referred to- My concerns are – 1) I do not know sizes of petiole, leaves, flowers or fruits 2) fruit doesn’t look like globose 3) petiole in your pictures seemed to be much longer, but the links you have provided seem to satisfy this point 4) I did’t not know what other species from the region can be found.
I do not give much importance on lamina shape or base, unless we examine a number of specimens from a population. Perhaps one of your links satisfies “trichotomous cyme” with your picture no. DSC_0819. This too sir. Will certainly make sure to shoot with a scale in the frame next time.
Thank you for your help. I hope to come across this sp. again some time so that we can revisit this post and all of your suggestions. Can we leave this as Cayratia sp. then? Only scale/ruler won’t suffice …, we need to check the fully mature fruit and seed inside to come to any conclusion. I understand this is not feasible all the time. Who knows what the young fruits of mollissima look like! And perhaps one fruit, at middle left, in the True sir.
The last option is the try and grow the plant at home itself to document each and every stage. This is some thing I am doing with a Vitaceae member I found in Bangalore. Let us hope it helps. In the meanwhile, thank you for this very helpful thread sir. Thank you very very much … That’s an incredible compliment sir. 🙂 I hope to live up to that! You will laugh at me if you find my toddling days in this group, …
Agumbe :: Cissus repanda FOR VALIDATION / ID :: DVJAN65 : 11 posts by 4 authors. 7 images. I am mistaking here asking for validation of this plant to be Cissus repanda which has simple leaves. Cissus – species in eFIoraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) I am not satisfied at what I am going to suggest, but I have no alternative, you may check probability of Vitis neilgherrensis Wight, which is synonymous with Vitis himalayana Brand., in FBI, but does carry some difference. Thank you very much … Vitis carnosa of FBI falls under the sector which have stems and leaves usually fleshy. Cissus carnosa of Flora Indica has flattened stem, leaflets oval glossy serrate….. etc. Please check FBI and FI details. Relevant literature attached herewith. I further clarify why I am not satisfied with Vitis himalayana, I have suggested so far. FBI says the plant is glabrous what is not your species. But at the same time var. semicordata from Himalaya is hispidly pubescent.
Attachments (1) Please ignore all suggestions I have provided in this thread out of my ignorance. I’m not at all happy with C.carnosa but feeling quite at a loss with this id. Thank you … for the efforts. Thanks …
Let us wait for some more time. Often the variations in plants lead to confusion, plus the lack of aspects in photos make it more difficult. I am afraid we (… and I) haven’t reached to any conclusion in … thread yet. We will have to wait for – (1) Anurag Ji validates that all sizes do conform (2) Senior and experienced taxonomists/botanists validate that the fruits in the pictures are well within the defined limit of “round or globose berry”.
One question – are we seeing any mature/almost mature fruit in any of the picture? If not can these fruits become globose after attaining full maturity?….. so fruit size is of prime importance.
Second question – how much extent will we allow regional variation? Names of Plants in India :: Cayratia mollissima (Wall.) Gagn. : 3 posts by 2 authors. 1 image.
Kannada names and their transliteration are correct. ¿ kay-ray-SHE-yuh ? — Latin: Cayratia, from the Annamese vernacular name, cay-rat, a vine … Flora Fauna Web
maw-LISS-ih-muh — softest … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: curry grape • Assamese: মেৰমেৰী লতা mermeree lata • Kannada: ಕಾಡು ದ್ರಾಕ್ಷಿ kaadu drakshi, ಕಾನಕಲ್ಲಟೆ kaanakallate • Tulu: ಕಾನಕಲ್ಲಟೆ kaanakallate botanical names: Cayratia mollissima (Wall.) Gagn. … synonyms: Vitis mollissima Wall. … status at POWO Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
curry grape
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
মেৰমেৰী লতা mermeree lata
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಕಾಡು ದ್ರಾಕ್ಷಿ kaadu drakshi
ಕಾನಕಲ್ಲಟೆ kaanakallate
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಕಾನಕಲ್ಲಟೆ kaanakallate
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at
. References: |
Cayratia mollissima
Updated on December 24, 2024