Lactuca macrorhiza (Royle) Hook.f. (Syn: Cephalorrhynchus albiflorus C.Shih; Cephalorrhynchus macrorhizus (Royle) Tuisl; Cephalorrhynchus saxatilis (Edgew.) C.Shih; Cicerbita duthieana Beauverd; Cicerbita laevigata (Wall. ex DC.) Beauverd; Cicerbita macrorhiza (Royle) Beauverd; Cicerbita macrorhiza var. macrorhiza; Cicerbita macrorhiza var. saxatilis (Edgew.) Beauverd; Lactuca hoffmeisteri Klotzsch; Melanoseris saxatilis Edgew.; Mulgedium laevigatum DC.; Mulgedium macrorhizum Royle; Prenanthes laevigata Wall.) as per GCC;
Perennial herb with woody rootstock, much branched stem and pinnately lobed leaves with largest terminal lobe, petiole slightly winged in lower lwaves. flower heads mauve to blue, mostly drooping borne on slender pendulous stems, 15-20 mm across; ray florets strap-shaped, finely toothed at apex; involucre bracts rigid hairs, out much shorter than inner.
Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb61B for Id- JM: Wild Herb captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.). Perhaps it is difficult to ignore the sessile heads covered with it seems blackish hairs. I have never seen so many segments in the leaves of C. macrorhica. Plant this plant is much larger than C. macrorhiza. Polunin & Stainton does mention that leaves are variable. but the terminal lobe much larger as seen in the pictures. The book also mentions that it could be much branched prosrate or pendulous stems to 60 cm, A reply from … from another thread:
“……………PS: Also … images here look similar (to Lactuca macrorhiza) too.” ID request -27092010-PKA2 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4) This herb was also photographed on the way to Hampta pass. Cicerbita macrorhiza. Yes, Cicerbita macrorhiza Cicerbita macrorhiza Beauverd Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève Ser. II, ii. 134 (1910). Attached protologue and illustration from Royle’s Illustrations of Botany of Himalaya. Attachments (2) Cephalorrhynchus macrorhizus from Chakrata Deovan area
pls validate Yes …, good catch This flower is soooo uncannily like that of the blue flowers we see by the road sides in disturbed placed in NY thruways etc… the chikory .. cichorum intybus.. source of the rrot chikory added to coffee grounds… esp in the french coffees… is it a related species? or the same … ie a synonym… Not a synonym, These two different plant, family is same Much different plants. Cichorium intybus is an erect plant, much more rigid, with mostly undivided, rigid and heads mostly in axillary clusters. I am uploading separately.
A reply from … from another thread: Flora of Chakrata Part-2: Cicerbita macrohiza from Deovan Trek Route Chakrata: Cicerbita macrohiza from Deovan Trek Route Chakrata
pls validate yes … VoF : ID conformation required for Cicerbita macrorhiza !: This herb was clicked on 13th August` 2012 while trekking up towards Ghanghariya, from Govind Ghat. Kindly validate the suggested ID confirmation. Yes … Leaves should help. ![]() Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Cicerbita macrorrhiza from Chakrata-GS4 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
Cicerbita macrorhiza (Royle) P. Beauv., ; Bull. S. B. Geneve ser. 2, 2: 134 (1910).
Syn: Lactuca macrorhiza (Royle) Hook.f.
Perennial herb with woody rootstock, much branched stem and pinnately lobed leaves with largest terminal lobe, petiole slightly winged in lower lwaves. flower heads mauve to blue, mostly drooping borne on slender pendulous stems, 15-20 mm across; ray florets strap-shaped, finely toothed at apex; involucre bracts rigid hairs, out much shorter than inner.
Photographed from Mussoorie-Chakrata Road near Chakrata.
Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Cicerbita macrorhiza en-route Hampta pass :: PKA2: : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors. This herb was photographed on the way to Hampta pass. (Altitude approx. 11000 ft)
Date/Time: 27-09-2010 / 09:30AM Habitat: Wild Plant Habit: Herb Bot. name: Cicerbita macrorhiza . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate Heads: Cicerbita macrorhiza? from Chakrata-NS 10 : Attachments (5). 4 posts by 2 authors.
This one was shot from Chakrata area.. please validate the id, to me this looks like Cicerbita macrorhiza.. It looks me cicerbita microrhiza too Lactuca macrorhiza? ABSEP2016/39 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 4 images. Could this be Lactuca macrorhiza? Please advise.
Lactuca macrorhiza?
Triund-Ilaqa, HP 3300m approx. 03-04 September 2016 As far as I know, yes…!! Some more images from yesterday. These flowers were everywhere on the slopes. Looking at illustrations in Oleg Polunin (Plate 61 under Cicerbita macrorhiza) and Col Collett (pg. 285), it appears to be the same species. Please advise.
Lactuca macrorhiza
Mcleodganj-Triund, HP
2300m and above
01 October 2016
PS: Could images by … here be of the same species? I may be completely wrong. Also … images here look similar too. 5 images. Yes, these images do seem to fit. ‘Flowers of Himalaya’ use the name Cicerbita macrorhiza (with Lactuca m. as a synonym). Stewart
had this as Lactuca laevigata – finding it common in Kashmir in rock crevivces @ 2000-4000m, flowering after the rains. In their description they mention the involucral bracts being bristly-haired – the prominent white bristles (not visible on the line drawing in ‘Flora Simlensis’) appear to fit this.
But none of these are accepted names in ‘The Plant List’. Currently is under Cephalorrhynchus macrorhizus (Royle) Tuisl! Lactuca macrorhiza AT SEP2016/04 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Lactuca macrorhiza ??? Yes, Lactuca macrorhiza . Kailas Manasarovar Route::Lactuca macrorhiza NSJ-SEP 16/13 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Lactuca macrorhiza for validation. Photo taken in August (last month) near Gunji camp. Height approx 11000 feet. Kailas Manasarovar Route::Lactuca macrorhiza NSJ-SEP 16/13 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Lactuca macrorhiza for validation. Photo taken in August (last month) near Gunji camp. Height approx 11000 feet. Nice pics . Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb61 for Id- JM: 22 posts by 9 authors. Attachments (6). Wild Herb captured on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.). Agreed that all the three species under discussion can be considered. I have seen many specimens of C. macrorhiza (syn: Lactuca macrorhiza) and found it to be mostly a prostrate or decumbent plant with distant lower leaflets ((segments) and large terminal lobe. Both C. hastata (syn: Lactuca hastata) and C. macrantha (syn: L. macrantha) are taller plants like ours but C. cyanea has much larger (and sometimes only) terminal lobe with hastate base and distinctly petiolate leaves.
Our plant seems to have sessile (whatever leaves are visible) with triangular-ovate terminal lobe, and may well fit C. macrantha, but I wonder plant growing from Nepal to Sikkim may have extended to neighbouring region or not. Most of specimens on the net with only flower-heads don’t help much as all the three species may have purple to blue flowers. Three are hardly any photographs with clear leaves. In view, I take it as Cicerbita macrantha. Does not seem to match with images of Melanoseris macrantha (C. B. Clarke) N. Kilian & J. W. Zhang (Syn: (≡) Chaetoseris macrantha (C. B. Clarke) C. Shih; (≡) Cicerbita macrantha (C. B. Clarke) Beauverd; (≡) Lactuca macrantha C. B. Clarke (basionym))
May well be Cicerbita macrorhiza as per flowersofindia. Cichorium sp. by any chance? Thanks, … I think no Cichorium leaves and the weird way the petals are flailing about makes me think its not cichorium. and the markedly hairy buds.
Granted that the leaves might be the upper leaves … not the lower leaves that form the first year rosette leaves remind me more of whats possible in uttarakhand: of Lactula species most likely Cicerbita macrorhiza I think Valley of flowers have shown this and google shows a lot of these leaves and the flailing flowers
so what is it in your opinion? Images at efi page Lactuca macrorhiza, however, look different. A reply from … from another thread: Lactuca (Cicerbita) macrorhiza ABOCT2017/08 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (15) This one is difficult to pin. First the nomenclature: Tibetan Medicinal Plants, Flowers of the Himalaya and the BSI website treat it as Cicerbita macrorhiza. The Plant List considers Cicerbita as a synonym. Our site follows Lactuca macrorhiza with Cicerbita as a synonym too. Could someone please point me to the right resource (revision) to consult on this.
Then the characteristics: pinnate leaves with the terminal lobe largest (our plants have top stem leaves entire. Almost all leaves are purple underneath or strongly marked purple), outer involucral bracts smallest (also lighter in colour in our plants), involucral bracts covered in stiff hairs (our plants here have only a few scattered hairs or none at all, the ends of the bracts are frayed), flowers 1.3-2cm in diameter (ours are 2-2.5cm across).
Our plants begin to flower at the beginning of September (and not July-Sept. as in most literatures).
Perhaps the hairs on bracts are as variable as leaves (though I haven’t found a great variation in leaf shapes on our plants) because there are other plants of the same family which I am going to share soon with this difference.
Despite the confusion, I believe our plants are very close to Lactuca macrorhiza. If so then we can work on a more inclusive description, and if not then we have another identification problem to solve. Please advise.
All photographs are taken between 2000-2700m between Gallu Devi Temple and Triund on 03 and 16 September 2017. Lactuca macorrhiza :: Govindghat – Ghangaria, Mana, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKOCT-35 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Saw these along the Govindghat – Ghangaria trail, Uttarakhand and also at Mana village in Aug 2018.
IDed based on efi pics, though not very confident of the ID. Requested to kindly validate.
To me also appear close at first glance at Correct ID for me as well. Small plant for ID :: Gobindghat-Ghangaria, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKDEC-03 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Saw this small plant enroute Ghangria from Gobindghat in the upper reaches, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018. Requested to please provide ID. Is this some Lactuca?
To me also appear close to images at Location: Kathmandu Valley
Date: October 2020
Elevation: 2800m.
Habitat : Wild
Syn : Cicerbita macrorhiza (Royle) P. Beauv.
To me it initially looked different from images at Lactuca macrorhiza
But I am surprised by the variation in the leaves in this species as per specimens from Nepal in GBIF.
Pl. see
So id should be OK. Thank you … ID is correct.
. Location : Mawmrang Altitude : ca 1,600 m
Date : 06-11-2019
Habit : Herb
Habitat Wild Melanoseris macrorhiza (Royle) N.Kilian . Location : Mawmrang, Mizoram Altitude ca 1,700 m.
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild
To me appears close to Lactuca dissecta D.Don as per comparative images at Lactuca i am not sure of its sp. its Lactuca alright This looks like Melanoseris macrorhiza (Royle) N.Kilian VOF Week: Lactuca like flowers at Vasundhara Falls: Seen this herb near Vasundhara falls. Looks like some Lactuca sp?? (Family: Asteraceae). Cicerbita macrorhiza??? Lactuca dissecta D.Don ? Thanks, … Yes, appears close to Lactuca dissecta D.Don as per comparative images at Lactuca i don’t think L. dissecta in which terminal leaf segment would be much shorter, almost as long as broad. Or may be none of the two if we look at hispid involucre Lactuca dissecta?? Forestrypedia. ?? I think you may be right as per images at Lactuca macrorhiza, where hispid involucre can be clearly observed as also in images at POWO. . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Cicerbita Sp2 at Vasundhara Falls :: PKA4:: : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Seen this herb near Vasundhara falls (Uttarakhand). Looks like some Lactuca sp?? (Family: Asteraceae).
I remember … had earlier indicated that this could be Cicerbita macrorhiza? Earlier link: VOF Week: Lactuca like flowers at Vasundhara Falls: efi page on Cephalorrhynchus macrorhizus (Syn: Cicerbita macrorhiza (Royle) Beauverd) Appears close to Lactuca dissecta D.Don as per comparative images at Lactuca Lactuca macrorhiza as per discussions at another thread: VOF Week: Lactuca like flowers at Vasundhara Falls . References:
Lactuca macrorhiza
Updated on December 24, 2024