Ceratopteris thalictroides

Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongn., Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 8: 186 1821. (syn. Acrostichum siliquosum L.; Acrostichum thalictroides L.; Belvisia siliquosa (L.) Mirb.; Ceratopteris deltoidea Benedict; Ceratopteris gaudichaudii Brongn.; Ceratopteris siliquosa (L.) Copel.; Ellobocarpus cornuta (P. Beauv.) Kaulf.; Furcaria cornuta (P. Beauv.) Desv.; Furcaria thalictroides (L.) Desv.; Onychium cornutum (P. Beauv.) Hassak.; Pteris siliquosa (L.) P. Beauv.; Pteris thalictroides (L.) Sw.; Teleozoma thalictroides (L.) R. Br.);
Tropics & Subtropics: Andaman Is., Angola, Assam, Bangladesh, Bismarck Archipelago, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, California, Cambodia, Caroline Is., Chad, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Colombia, Costa Rica, East Himalaya, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Florida, French Guiana, Guatemala, Guyana, Hainan, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Louisiana, Madagascar, Malaya, Marianas, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Southwest, Mississippi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nicobar Is., Northern Territory, Panamá, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Queensland, Solomon Is., Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Suriname, Taiwan, Tanzania, Texas, Thailand, Uganda, Venezuela, Vietnam, West Himalaya, Western Australia, Zambia, Zimbabwe as per POWO;
water sprite, Indian fern, water fern, Oriental waterfern, and water hornfern;

ID011109phk 1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups: 4 images.
Id please
came across this plant at marshy land near Alibag

It is Ceratopteris thalictroides, a semi aquatic fern.

Please identify this fern 2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups:
Photographed on the banks of my stream at Shahapur [near Bombay]. Could … please help

How about Ceratopteris thalictroides ?

Sending this photograph taken previously at the same location which was identified as Ceratopteris thalactroides by Dr.Almeida. It does look the same.

the spelling of species sud be ‘thalictroides’
Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongn.; Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom.
Paris, sér. 3, 8: 186 (1821)

The first picture is that of the leaves the second picture is SPOROPHYLL of the same plant which emerges later. A sporophyll is a leaf that bears sporangia. But of course … would be able to confirm it further.
Just incase if my id is confirmed for this picture, I wanted to let you know that this is a semi-aquatic fern, plant can be propagated by cutting small pieces of leaves and putting them in water. New shoots and roots emerges out from the margin after few days.

Comments from … regarding this fern is right. The first foto refering to young stage, and the later one to mature stage i.e. sporophyll stage .


Requesting ID – Leafless plant :: ARKNOV-46 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Requesting to please provide ID of this leafless plant captured in Mumbai in October 2014.
It is growing in a discarded pot in my balcony. It kind of looks very creepy.

Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongn.

Wow, Thanks … for the ID….I was so puzzled by this weird thing, I really felt they were claws coming out of the soil to grab you. I could not bring myself to touch it 🙂
Jokes apart, is the fern like thing in the pot also the same?

you seem to have a lot of “discarded” pots in your balcony!!!
I used to have a botanist grad student friend who deliberately left pots untended to see what flew in or got brought in by sparrow doo doo and grew in her roof top garden pots… she studied them… i saw them in the passing but learnt a great deal..  Her best harvest was soon after end of monsoon.
curry patta plant was the most common, kalmegh next, then vinca rosea, followed by several grasses, a few ferns, wild arhar (in bengal its a must for any self respecting believer of herbal medicine) and many vines.. i don’t recall what all they were. this was looong  before digital cameras and my visits home were fleeting.
She even left pots of water … for aquatic species… I don’t know what she got … but she must have had … she did this for many years, before people were all paranoid about mosquitoes in  a few small pots of standing water… (they were everywhere, half of 24- paraganas in WB was covered with  shallow ponds full of nymphea/ sapla water lilies, water hyacinths and buffaloes submerged ….)
Since your specimen is an aquatic fern… source:  flying spores?
or mud /soil brought in from some shoreline and subsequent sprouting during hot and humid bombay monsoon?

Generally, I do not disturb empty pots, I let them be so as to check if some plant (unknown to me) makes an appearance…I have made many discoveries from the such weeds (e.g. Stemodia verticillata, Mercadonia procumbens, Mazus pumilus, Mitracarpus hirtus, Pentapetes phoenicea and the more recent being a Cardamine species).
Regarding this fern, I am not sure from where I got the soil….

ID PLEASE WB 28.11.17 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
ID of this plant please:

Is it wild? Related to salty water systems?

got it…  Ceratopteris thalictroides

Forwarding again for validation as Ceratopteris thalictroides

I’d have to see the relative length of the whole lamina versus the stipe-length for two or three leaves to see which subspecies of C. thalictroides it is – that is not shown in these field-photos – so much better to photograph properly prepared herbarium-specimens which show everything! But people never seem to learn that.
Probably subsp. thalictroides, but inadequate photo.


location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994

Updated on December 24, 2024

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