Ceropegia penicillata (Oman)

Ceropegia penicillata (Deflers) Bruyns (Syn: Boucerosia penicillata Defl.; Caralluma penicillata (Defl.) N. E. Br.; Caralluma penicillata var. robusta (N. E. Br.) White & Sloane; Caralluma robusta N. E. Br.; Desmidorchis penicillata (Defl.) D. C. H. Plowes; Echidnopsis golathii Schweinf. ex Defl.); 
Saudi Arabia (Hejaz, Asir), Oman (Mascat & Oman), Yemen (Aden Desert,
N-Inner Yemen, Tihama, W-Yemen), Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea
as per Catalogue of Life;



Caralluma penicillata : Muscat : 28AUG19 : AK-38 : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)

Caralluma penicillata, a native plant of Oman.

A new addition to Eflora. 

very good including close up. so your camera has such macro capabilities, I am glad

I wonder if there are books about flora of Oman?

There are quite a few books. I have a couple of them.
Dr Shahina Ghazanfar has written four volumes.
Also Dr Annette Patzelt has written some books, she has gifted me one.

can you send me publication citation. book name. year of pub. publisher

Here are some books I know.
Flora of Oman.

This is a set of four by Dr Shahina Ghazanfar.
Then there is ‘Field Guide to the Wild Plants of Oman’ by Helen Pickering and Annette Patzelt. This has a picture of Euphorbia hadramautica on the cover.
The Native Plants of Oman by Clive Winbow.
Photographic Field Guide to the Plants of the Western Hajar Mountains, Sultanate of Oman with a Complete Checklist of Vascular Plant Species
Oman Plant Red Data Book



Catalogue of Life  POWO GBIF (High
resolution specimens) The Cactus King  llifle  iNaturalist

Updated on December 24, 2024

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