Cestrum parqui (Introduced)

Cestrum parqui L’Hér., Stirp. Nov.: 73 (1788) (syn: Cestrum adelbertii Bakh.f., Cestrum campestre Griseb., Cestrum foetidissimum Jacq., Cestrum glaucescens Sendtn., Cestrum lorentzianum Griseb., Cestrum mandonii Rusby, Cestrum parqui var. glabriusculum Kuntze, Cestrum parqui var. longiflorum Francey, Cestrum parqui var. macrocalyx Francey, Cestrum parqui var. oranense Scolnik, Cestrum parqui var. poeppigii (Schltr.) Dunal,Cestrum parqui var. tomentostipes Kuntze, Cestrum plicatum Francey, Cestrum poeppigii Schltdl., Cestrum pubens Griseb., Cestrum salicifolium Kunth ex Spreng., Cestrum salicifolium Dunal, Cestrum salicifolium var. angustifolium Dunal, Cestrum spurium Dunal, Cestrum virgatum Ruiz & Pav.);
Bolivia to Brazil and S. South America: Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Argentina South, Bolivia, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Chile Central, Chile North, Chile South, Paraguay, Uruguay; Introduced into: Baleares, Bangladesh, Canary Is., East Himalaya, Greece, Italy, Jawa, Juan Fernández Is., Kenya, Lebanon-Syria, Lesser Sunda Is., Madeira, Morocco, Mozambique, New South Wales, New Zealand North, Pakistan, Queensland, Rwanda, Sicilia, South Australia, Spain, Tunisia, Victoria, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Green Cestrum, Willow-leaves Jasmine, green cestrum, green poison berryChilean cestrum;

Cestrum parqui from Shimla
Pls validate
Please suggest id inputs for this shrub..
I hope this can be Cestrum parqui… these shots were recorded from near Mussoorie..


Solanaceae Fortnight:: Cestrum from a garden in from Punjab-NS Feb 10/10 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
These shots were recorded from a place in Punjab..
I hope this can be Cestrum parqui.. please validate..

It is neither C. diurnum nor C. nocturnum, chances for C. parqui is more.

Please suggest proper id for this shrub, shot from Summer Hill Area in Shimla..
Is this Cestrum parquii..?

Beautiful plant and pictures, … Thanks for sharing.

Cestrum parqui L’Her. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (10)
Location: Chobhar, Nepal
Altitude: 4600 ft.
Date: 18 July 2017

Nepali Name : गनाउने  हसना Ganaaune Hasanaa


Cestrum parqui (Lam.) L’Hér. : 6 posts by 1 author. 6 images- 4 to 7 mb each.
Location:  Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur
Date:  08 March 2020
Elevation:  1400 m.
Habit : Wild


This garden plant has beautiful pale yellow flowers in clusters, would love to know its name if possible.

It may be Cestrum aurantiacum of Solanaceae.

I also think it to be Cestrum aurantiacum.

I think this appears more closer to images at Cestrum parqui L’Hér.

07072013 ASP 85 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Please ID this plant with yellow flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in March 2013. Could this be Cestrum?

Yes, looks like Cestrum parqui

Solanaceae Fortnight : Cestrum parqui : For validation : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 22FEB15 : AK-9 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Ornamental, cultivated Cestrum seen in Lalbagh.
Picture taken at 1 PM, flowers were open.
Seems to be Cestrum parqui.
Experts kindly validate.

110713 ASP 98 : Attachments (1).  2 posts by 2 authors.
Please ID this ornamental with yellow flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in March 2013.

Cestrum species. Most probably C. nucturnum

I think this appears more closer to images at Cestrum parqui L’Hér.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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