Chaerophyllum reflexum

Chaerophyllum reflexum Lindl.,  J. F. Royle, Ill. bot. Himal. Mts. 1(7):232. 1835;
Tall plant, often reaching 1.5 m, glabrous or sparsely hairy with usually deflexed hairs; leaves 2-3 pinnate, glabrous to pubescent; rays 6-12; fls white, only usually 1-3 maturing in each umbel; fruit 7-12 mm long, cylindric to ellipsoid.


Would you pl. check on author citation ?
All the following mention only Chaerophyllum reflexum Lindl. as the Accepted name:
FOC mentions Chaerophyllum villosum de Candolle with Charophyllum reflexum Aitchison. as a syn.
While The Plant List Ver. 1.1, mentions Chaerophyllum reflexum Lindl. is a synonym of Chaerophyllum villosum Wall. ex DC. &
Chaerophyllum reflexum Aitch. as the accepted name.

Yes … Lindl. should be the author.
I had followed The plant List, which I find puts you in more troubles than it solves.

Thanks, …, for the clarification.


Chaerophyllum reflexum Aitch., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 18: 164 1881.
Syn: Chaerophyllum cachemiricum C.B.Clarke
Tall plant, often reaching 1.5 m, glabrous or sparsely hairy with usually deflexed hairs; leaves 2-3 pinnate, glabrous to pubescent; rays 6-12; fls white, only usually 1-3 maturing in each umbel; fruit 7-12 mm long,
cylindric to ellipsoid.
Common in Kashmir especially at lower altitudes; Photographed from Harwan, Kashmir.

Would you pl. check on author citation ?
All the following mention only Chaerophyllum reflexum Lindl. as the Accepted name:
FOC mentions Chaerophyllum villosum de Candolle with Charophyllum reflexum Aitchison. as a syn.
While The Plant List Ver. 1.1, mentions Chaerophyllum reflexum Lindl. is a synonym of Chaerophyllum villosum Wall. ex DC. &
Chaerophyllum reflexum Aitch. as the accepted name.

Please validate or correct the id for this herb recorded from valley of flowers area..
Earlier suggestions pointed to Chaerophyllum reflexum..

This is one more herb from Valley of Flowers area, please help to reach closer to specific id..
I hope this is a Chaerophyllum sp.

Yes it is Chaerophyllum reflexum.


VOF Week: Apiaceae for id from the trek: This belongs to a group of plants which all look alike to me…I am sure this might already have been uploaded by any of our members…still wanted to know the id…this was a very small herb…Chaerophyllum????

I hope Chaerophyllum acuminatum

More pics of what I consider same….hope I am not wrong….

I fear they may be belonging to C. reflexum.

Wild Plant For ID : Srinagar : 13JUN16 : AK-16 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
A very common wild plant with tiny white flowers.
Sorry for the bad pictures as they were taken from a moving vehicle.
Could be Chaerophyllum reflexum?

Yes …

Images by Ashwini Bhatia (id by Vivek Vivekanathan) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos click on the links)


Plant for ID ABJUL01/09 : 7 posts by 3 authors. 7 images.
This one I do not know. Please advise.

Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
26 June and 03 July 2016

Pl. check at Apiaceae fro comparative images at efi.

Thank you … I did that here and on FOI but was not successful. I will look again more carefully.

Pl. check other genera Angelica, Bupleurum, Chaerophyllum, Daucus, Eryngium, Heracleum, Pimpinella, Selinum & Seseli, images of which are not available at Apiaceae

Thank you … I will check them out and report back.

Chaerophyllum reflexum (Apiaceae)

Chaerophyllum reflexum an image to replace : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
I would be grateful if you replace second image (of flowers) in Chaerophyllum reflexum with this one which is more diagnostic for the species.


SK 3097 01 November 2021: 2 very high res. images.
Location: Rara, Nepal
Altitude: 2957m.
Date: 20 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Apiaceae ….???

I think maybe Chaerophyllum reflexum Lindl.
Pl. check.

I guess right.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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