Again this is from higher Himalaya of Uttarakhand pix taken on 10-8-2010, Please id it Again Chaerophyllum. Lower leaves should help. Habitat: sloping meadow Habit: herb about 30 – 40 cm high, flower 2 – 3 mm across Close up of fruit should help. Unfortunately no fruit found in any views, Chaerophyllum sp. Yes the habit does look like Chaerophyllum, but difficult to say without close up. Also I have never seen pinkish flowers in Chaerophyllum. Chaerophyllum species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) Perhaps Chaerophyllum sp. The plant has resemblance to Chaerophyllum hirsutum ‘Roseum’. Please check this link:®ion=fr&img=1&adv=1 Thank you very much … for the hint to ID, and for the useful link. VOF Week: Fruiting Apiaceae Herb for Id from the Valley: This was found in the valley…. not able to identify yet.. help requested.. I think Chaerophyllum only Plant for ID from Paddar valley. 301111 SRANA 01: Request for Identification Date: 15 June 2011 Location: Paddar valley Kishtwar J&K. Altitude: 3235 meters asl Habit/habitat: Wild herb Plant height: 80-90 cms Some Apiaceae member Can this plant be Prangos bucharica Kindly have a look on below link Difficult to comment without fruits. This species is not reported from our area. The other species common in Ladakh has yellow flowers. Can this plant be Carum carvi. I don’t think Carum. It looks Chaerophyllum only. Carum plants are smaller with much narrower segments. |
Chaerophyllum species
Updated on December 24, 2024