Melanoseris cyanea (D. Don) Edgew., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20:81. 1846 (syn: (≡) Chaetoseris cyanea (D. Don) C. Shih; (≡) Cicerbita cyanea (D. Don) Beauverd; (=) Lactuca hastata DC.) as per GRIN ; . Chaetoseris hastata (Wall. ex DC.) C.Shih, 404 1991. (Syn: Agathyrsus cyaneus D.Don; Chaetoseris hastata (Wall. ex DC.) C.Shih; Chaetoseris hispida C.Shih; Chondrilla hastata Wall.; Cicerbita cyanea (D.Don) Beauverd; Cicerbita cyanea var. cyanea ; Cicerbita cyanea var. glandulifera (Franch.) Beauverd; Cicerbita cyanea var. hastata (Wall. ex DC.) Beauverd; Cicerbita cyanea var. khasiana Mamgain & R.R.Rao; Cicerbita cyanea var. neilgherrensis (Wight) Beauverd; Cicerbita cyanea var. paniculata Mamgain & R.R.Rao; Lactuca funebris W.W.Sm.; Lactuca hastata Wall. ex DC.; Lactuca hastata var. glandulifera Franch.; Lactuca hastata var. hastata ; Mulgedium cyaneum (D.Don) DC.; Mulgedium neilgherrense Wight; Mulgedium robustum Wall. ex DC.; Sonchus cyaneus D.Don; Sonchus robustus Wall.) as per The Plant List Ver.1.1; . Tall perennial herb up to 2 m tall glabrescent below, glandular pubescent above especially in the inflorescence; leaves up to 30 cm long, petiole somewhat winged, blade pinnatifid with large terminal lobe, upper progressively smaller; heads bhluish-purple, 18-22 mm long, in panicles, on nodding peduncles; outer involucre bracts about half as long as inner ones, bristly hairy; florets 10-30; achenes elliptic or obovate, 6 mm long (including beak), with beak white as long as dark brown body; pappus 5-6 mm long, dirty white. The plant (Chaetoseris hastata) looks similar in appearance to Prenanthes brunoniana but latter has only 3-5 florets in the head and achenes are not beaked; . As per efi thread : Lactuca macrantha (syn. of Chaetoseris macrantha) is a species restricted to Sikkim at altitudes of 10-14000 ft. in Sikkim Himalayas. It belongs to a section in which outer involucre bracts are longer than inner, whereas L. hastata (Syn. Chaetoseris hastata) belongs to a section where outer bracts are shorter than inner. Also plants of L. macrantha are much shorter scarcely excceding 50 cm, here it is much taller; . Herbs, perennial; stems 1-3.5 m tall, erect, unbranched or sparingly paniculately branched. Leaves very variable, usually pinnatifid or pinnate to runcinate-pinnatifid, hastate, deltoid or ovate; petiole winged and slightly dilated at base, simple or auricled. Heads subcampanulate, 1.5-2.3 x 0.6-1.2 cm; peduncle nodding, slender. Outer involucral bracts many seriate, oblong-ovate, 6-8 x 2-2.5 mm inner linear-oblong; 12-17 x 1-2 mm. Ligules blue, purple, violet or creamy white. Achenes dark brown or blackish brown, obovate or elliptic, compressed, 8-10 mm long including slender beak, irregularly ribbed, smooth. Pappus dirty white, 5-10 mm long, simple, deciduous. Flowering and fruiting: September-November Grasslands India, Nepal, China and Tibet (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi . For ID from Chakrata: This Asteraceae member was shot from Chakrata-Budher road on September 18, 2011. The height was about 2 feet, heads deep blue, though could not get the opened flowers. I hope Lactuca hastata this should be Cicerbita macrantha. Lactuca macrantha is a species restricted to Sikkim at altitudes of 10-14000 ft. in Sikkim Himalayas It belongs to a section in which outer involucre bracts are longer than inner, whereas L. hastata belongs to a section where outer bracts are shorter than inner. Also plants of L. macrantha are much shorter scarcely excceding 50 cm, here it is much taller. I hope the identity has been resolved, this is Chaetoseris hastata (Syn. Lactuca hastata)… It is Lactuca cyanea to me It would be interesting to know the publication which discusses this, especially from India. Lactuca cyanea C. Koch according to the Plant List is unresolved name whereas according to Institute of Systematic botany, Florida it is a synonym of L. serriola. Incidentally L. serriola L. is a much different plant. Chaetoseris hastata from Chaklrata area: Chaetoseris hastata (Wall. ex DC.) C.Shih, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 404 (1991) syn: Lactuca hastata Wall. ex DC.; Cicerbita cyanea var. hastata (Wall. ex DC.) Beauverd Tall perennial herb up to 2 m tall glabrescent below, glandular pubescent above especially in the inflorescence; leaves up to 30 cm long, petiole somewhat winged, blade pinnatifid with large terminal lobe, upper progressively smaller; heads bhluish-purple, 18-22 mm long, in panicles, on nodding peduncles; outer involucre bracts about half as long as inner ones, bristly hairy; florets 10-30; achenes elliptic or obovate, 6 mm long (including beak), with beak white as long as dark brown body; pappus 5-6 mm long, dirty white. The plant looks similar in appearance to Prenanthes brunoniana but latter has only 3-5 florets in the head and achenes are not beaked. Common in Chakrata area growing among shrubs. Photographed in September. Very nice upload Thanks Sir mine also got name now Botanical Code allows both, though names ending with -aceae and based on the name of a genus are to be preferred. . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads: Chaetoseria hastata from Chakrata-NS 2 : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors. Nice photographs … Thanks a lot Sir for confirmation and liking.. . Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate heads (plus Misc.): Chaetoseris hastata from Chakrata-GS5 : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors. Chaetoseris hastata (Wall. ex DC.) C.Shih, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 404 (1991) syn: Lactuca hastata Wall. ex DC.; Cicerbita cyanea var. hastata (Wall. ex DC.) Beauverd Tall perennial herb up to 2 m tall glabrescent below, glandular pubescent above especially in the inflorescence; leaves up to 30 cm long, petiole somewhat winged, blade pinnatifid with large terminal lobe, upper progressively smaller; heads bhluish-purple, 18-22 mm long, in panicles, on nodding peduncles; outer involucre bracts about half as long as inner ones, bristly hairy; florets 10-30; achenes elliptic or obovate, 6 mm long (including beak), with beak white as long as dark brown body; pappus 5-6 mm long, dirty white. The plant looks similar in appearance to Prenanthes brunoniana but latter has only 3-5 florets in the head and achenes are not beaked. Common in Chakrata area growing among shrubs. Photographed in September.
Asteraceae Fortnight Part 3-Ligulate Heads (plus Misc.) Chaetoseris hastata from Kullu-GS18 : Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author. Chaetoseris hastata (Wall. ex DC.) C.Shih, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 404 (1991) syn: Lactuca hastata Wall. ex DC.; Cicerbita cyanea var. hastata (Wall. ex DC.) Beauverd Tall perennial herb up to 2 m tall glabrescent below, glandular pubescent above especially in the inflorescence; leaves up to 30 cm long, petiole somewhat winged, blade pinnatifid with large terminal lobe, upper progressively smaller; heads bhluish-purple, 18-22 mm long, in panicles, on nodding peduncles; outer involucre bracts about half as long as inner ones, bristly hairy; florets 10-30; achenes elliptic or obovate, 6 mm long (including beak), with beak white as long as dark brown body; pappus 5-6 mm long, dirty white. The plant looks similar in appearance to Prenanthes brunoniana but latter has only 3-5 florets in the head and achenes are not beaked. Common in Chakrata area growing among shrubs. Photographed in September.
Seen this tall climbing herb at Shakati at GHNP at an altitude of approx. 2250m. Looks closer to Lactuca hastata, not sure. It looks me Lactuca hastata too, I also snapped it below Chor at 2700m I wonder if the local inhabitants have any culinary or medicinal uses for this lactuca/ lettuce… Chaetoseris cyanea (D.Don) C.Shih I could not find keys / description of white/yellow combination of this sp. Yes, … But other aspects match. SK1657 19 Dec 2018 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) – around 700 kb each. Location : Chandragiri Hills, Kathmandu, Nepal Elevation : 8200 ft. Date : 11 December 2018 Habit : Wild Which Asteraceae ?? I did not find any match in the EFN. You can further check comparative images at Melanoseris bracteata (Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke) N.Kilian ??? Syn: Lactuca bracteata Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke Yes, maybe though I am not sure. Pl. see GBIF. What is worrying me is the long inflorescence. Pl. see the longest I could find in GBIF is this specimen. But I find there are wide variations in Lactuca/ Melanoseris It also does not come close with any other species mentioned in Checklist of Nepal. No it might not be Melanoseris bracteata as of plant morphology. Any suggestion of sp. besides Lactuca ? Melanoseris rapunculoides Edgew. Syn : Cicerbita rapunculoides (DC.) P. Beauv. ?? Looks different from Melanoseris rapunculoides as per GBIF. Melanoseris cyanea Looks different ! Pedicle is very long in M. cyanea. Actually pedicel is not much long in M.cyanea please see illustration at What we see in foi is likely a terminal capitula so it looks like having quite longer pedicel… I feel it should be Melanoseris cyanea. Does the following links and efi images matching? I agree with … as per GBIF Specimens: Finally! Thank you …! Melanoseris cyanea Edgew. Syn : Cicerbita cyanea (D. Don) P. Beauv. Melanoseris cyanea? ABOCT2016/01 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Could this be M. cyanea? Please advise. Melanoseris cyanea? Mcleodganj-Triund, HP 2700m approx. 01 October 2016 Thanks, … It appear close but I not fully satisfied w.r.t. images at Melanoseris cyanea (D. Don) Edgew. Thank you … I’ll keep looking. Another possibility is Lactuca violifolia (Decne.) C.B.Clarke Pl. check more details for in local floras. I feel this is Melanoseris cyanea (D. Don) Edgew. only as per images and details herein and as per GBIF– Specimen. Yes it is definitely Melanoseris cyanea, i have photographed this species from same place (Triund) in 2018 where its good population occurs, will also share my images in near future (currently suffering from several issues including some technical problems in my laptop…). Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors. This small herb is from Chikka (9000 ft altitude) in Manali region. Date/Time: 26-09-2010 / 04:00PM Location: Chikka (9000 ft altitude) on the way to Hampta Pass, Manali Habitat: Wild Plant Habit: Herb Melanoseris cyanea ! Will you please check once for Prenanthes serpentaria also. No, it is not. No distribution in Asia ! Involucre is different!! Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) ::Cicerbita sp?? from Manali :: PKA11: : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors. This small herb is from Chikka (9000 ft altitude) in Manali region. I remember, … has indicated the posiibility of this being “Cicerbita decipiens“. Date/Time: 26-09-2010 / 04:00PM Location: Chikka (9000 ft altitude) on the way to Hampta Pass, Manali Habitat: Wild Plant Habit: Herb earlier discussion: Cicerbita decipiens ? This interesting plant may not be a Cicerbita species as the characteristic black hairs on involucral bracts are not visible. It may be a Lactuca species Melanoseris cyanea (D.Don) Edgew. ?? . ID request-141010-PKA1 : Attachments (3). 7 posts by 4 authors. Here is yet another flower From Chikka (9000 ft altitude) in Manali region. Date/Time: 26-09-2010 / 04:00PM Location: Chikka (9000 ft altitude) on the way to Hampta Pass, Manali Habitat: Wild Plant Habit: Herb May be Cicerbita decipiens A reply from another thread: “This interesting plant may not be a Cicerbita species as the characteristic black hairs on involucral bracts are not visible. It may be a Lactuca species. I feel this is Melanoseris cyanea (D. Don) Edgew. as per images herein. Melanoseris cyanea Edgew. : 8 posts by 1 author. 8 images- 4 to 7 mb each. Location: Kathmandu Valley Date: October 2020 Elevation: 2800m. Habitat : Wild Syn : Cicerbita cyanea (D. Don) P. Beauv. Fwd: Fw: Lactuca hastata ? : 4 posts by 1 author. Please confirm the species. Shot below Chor at 3000m. along with the shady nallah on 22-9-14. It looks like Lactuca hastata. It does not look like Chaetoseris hastata (Syn. Lactuca hastata). Melanoseris cyanea (D.Don) Edgew. ?? . Melanoseris cyanea Edgew.: 10 very high resolution images. Location: Chandragiri Date: November 2020 Altitude: 2400m. Habitat : Wild . SK 3228 14 September 2021: 7 very high res. images. Location: Jumla, West Nepal Altitude: 2500m. Date: 25 August 2021 Habit : Wild Melanoseris graciliflora (Candolle) N. Kilian ?? Phyllaries look different from Melanoseris graciliflora (Candolle) N. Kilian as per POWO and GBIF specimen- one, two OK …. I thought leaves are different.
Yes, possible with species like Lactuca brunoniana (DC.) Wall. ex C.B.Clarke (with leaves highly variable). Are you following up on the plant? Pl. also see discussion in another thread: Identification required 8965 w.r.t. Parasenecio levingei (C.B.Clarke) Karthik. & Moorthy Melanoseris cyanea (D.Don) Edgew. Any flowering images?
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Melanoseris cyanea
Updated on December 24, 2024