Fissidens species- Chalnakhel, Pharping, Nepal

SK 2648 03 July 2020 : 16 posts by 3 authors. 2 images- 6 mb each.
Location: Chalnakhel, Pharping
Date: 28 June 2020
Elevation: 1500 m.
Habitat: Wild

Sir, may be Blechnum app. 

Does not look like Blechnum spp. 

Is it some Huperzia sp. ?

I am not quite sure if it is even a lycophyte. Although it looks like Huperzia fordii or H. henryii, but in absence of strobili and from the pictures it is difficult to ascertain its true identity.  

that is a Bryophyte, in the genus Fissidens.

Fissidens javanicus Dozy & Molk ??

Not a easy job! Thank you.

One link of Fissidens javanicus Dozy & Molk.

Looks close ! But cannot say affirmatively!

I think its not a Pteridophyte might be BryophyteFissidens sp.

This is Fissidens sp. Please check morphology, anatomy, spores, peristome teeth and compare it with other species for species identification

Updated on December 24, 2024