Coprinopsis species- Chandagal village, Mysore district, Karnataka



Tiny white mushrooms – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 4 posts by 3 authors. 2 images.

Hollow trunk portion of Atti [Kannada]: Ficus racemosa
About 10 feet high from the ground, Height < 2cm, habitat close to the river cauvery.
Farmers say these tiny white mushroom kinds are edible when it is white. 
The moment they start turning blue they are non edible. 
Would like to more on these pretty little one’s. 
09 May 2010 12:10 PM
Chandagal village, Mysore district

As far as my knowledge this mushroom looks like Coprinus sp to me. Because of its cap structure and also because it is edible when young but as soon as it matures to turns blue black and start molting down fast hence not suitable for food. I think it can be Coprinus comatus.

Yes … this is Coprinus comatus.

Thank you … for validation of the ID

The german name of this mushroom is schoepftintling. a small inky mushroom. when it gets old, black ink flows down from the mushroom.
It is edible, when young, i.e. when it is closed. Normally this mushroom is found, where sheep graze.
schoepftintling soup is delicious. just try it.

Coprinopsis subsection-Atramentarii

Updated on December 24, 2024

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