Ehretia species- Chandigarh rose garden

ID Please : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors.
attaching the photographs of foliage of a tree. failed to capture flowers or fruits of the tree despite my repeated attempts. may be the flowers are short lived and the tree doesn’t fruit here in my locality. the details are as under.
area: Chandigarh rose garden.
number of trees: 2
height: approx. 30 ft.
Date: 27th July, 2013.
Temperature: approx. 33 degrees
leaves: slightly leathery without any typical smell or taste. slightly off coloured on the abaxial side. i think they are not tomentose on the abaxial surface. young leaves with a white powdery covering.
Bark with deep fissures, dark coloured.
sorry for not posting any other pictures of flowers and/or fruits.

and also Sorry for posting one picture in full resolution. this may help you in getting some more details.

Very doubtful. I take a guess- could this be any Ficus species?

Just a wild guess… Could this be any species of Tabebuia ? (Family: Bignoniaceae)

Thank you … i for your efforts. unfortunately, i don’t have any other clues. i am just hoping that someone may identify the tree with the help pf appearance of leaves only….

Got  a lead about this plant, and according to my present identification the leaves belong to Cordia trichotoma.
Experts are requested to comment on the identification.
Attaching the photos of flowers taken from
I myself have also clicked the photos which i will upload in the evening.

Post the pictures of the flowers from the same plant you posted foliage. Of course take the photographs of the foliage simultaneously again. Then  only the plant can be confirmed by the group experts/ members.

Pl. post the flowering images.
Looks different from Cordia trichotoma as per

The links you have sent for pictures of flowers are on the tree. but in Chandigarh the trees have been pruned for lower branches and canopy is way too high for my camera to capture the tiny flowers.
the photos i have i am sharing with you.
2 images.

May be some exotic species of Ehretia as per details herein, as the style is 2-fid as per Flora of Pakistan.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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