Blitum virgatum

Blitum virgatum L., Sp. pl. 1:4. 1753 (Syn: (≡) Chenopodium foliosum Asch.; (≡) Morocarpus foliosus Moench);
As per The Plant List:
Strawberry goosefoot, Strawberry Sticks, Punjab: Kapult; 
Glabrous annual herb is very distinct by its flesh mini strawberry like fruits; stems yellowish to red with spreading branches; leaves somewhat fleshy, green or tinged red, somewhat triangular, up to 10 cm long, coarsely dentate, upper hastate; flowers in axillary clusters up to 10 mm across, forming a loose spike; perianth segments 3-5, united up to middle, becoming red and fleshy in fruit; stamens 1-5; stigmas 2.

Plants from Cold Desert:
Sending photo of Chenopodium murale collected from Chatru, Lahul & Spiti, Himachal Pradesh

I think the flesh reddish fruiting perianth occur in Chenopodium foliosum and not Chenopodium murale.

You are correct its Chenopodium foliolosum I was in bit of hurry


Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week :: PKA1 :: Chenopodium foliosum at Chatadu:
Bot. name: Chenopodium foliosum
Date/Time: 29-09-2010 / 01:00PM
Location: Chatadu Village (Himachal Pradesh), Altitude: 11,100 ft,
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb

Now known as Blitum virgatum


Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: Blitum virgatum L. from Kashmir:

Blitum virgatum L., Sp. pl. 1:4. 1753
syn: Chenopodium foliosum Asch.; Chenopodium blitum M. Muell; Hook.f.; Chenopodium virgatum (L.) Ambrosi (non Thunb., 1815)
Common name: Strawberry goosefoot
Earlier named as Chenopodium blitum in FBI and older Indian Floras, subsequently C. foliosum (an earlier name than C. blitum), in most recent Floras. Recent study in 2012 has resulted in this species being shifted to its original name Blitum virgatum L. Interesting this was the first name given to the species, but when it was transferred to Chenopodium, name C. virgatum, 1857 could not be maintained as this name had earlier (Thunb., 1815) been used for a different species, thus name C. blitum was adopted by Sir J D Hooker, only to be replaced by C. foliosum in recent Floras.
Glabrous annual herb is very distinct by its flesh mini strawberry like fruits; stems yellowish to red with spreading branches; leaves somewhat fleshy, green or tinged red, somewhat triangular, up to 10 cm long, coarsely dentate, upper hastate; flowers in axillary clusters up to 10 mm across, forming a loose spike; perianth segments 3-5, united up to middle, becoming red and fleshy in fruit; stamens 1-5; stigmas 2.
Photographed from Tangmarg, Kashmir.

It is not common and probably restricted to higher elevations.


Tangmarg on June 20, 2010- Kashmir; 29-09-2010: Chatadu Village (Himachal Pradesh): 11,100 ft; Chenopodium foliosum from Kashmir – efloraofindia | Google Groups Chenopodium foliosum – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week:Chenopodium foliosum from Paddar Valley J&K:

Kindly confirm ID
Bot. name: Chenopodium foliosum
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Location: Paddar Valley J&K
Altitude: 3000 m asl

Yes … Nice Photograph.


Amarnath Yatra: Chenopodium Sp. for ID (NSJ-03 31/08/2013) :  Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Chenopodium foliolosum?? or Chenopodium murale??
Location Near Chandanwari
Altitude: Around 10000′
Date Aug 11, 2013

Looks like chenopodium foliolosum

Yes Blitum virgatum, earlier named as Chenopodium blitum or C. foliosum.
Fleshy strawberry like fruits are distinctive. Strawberry goosefoot.
efi thread


Bush for ID, Bharmour, Himachal Pradesh NAW-SEP17-13 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Kindly identify this bush with bright red berries photographed in Bharmour town on a roadside in June 2017.
The berries are quite possibly poisonous or at least inedible since nobody was touching them eventho this was growing along a busy street within reach of anyone who wanted to pluck the berries.
my pictures of flowers have not come clear since it was dusky then.

Chenopodium foliosum (Chenopodiaceae) for me. And if so, new for eFI.
Please check google search here.

Thank you …

Reading about it on the net, it is also called Blitum virgatum, colloquially it is known as Strawberry Spinach, its leaves being edible as a vegetable, its fruits edible but tasteless. It is regarded as a weed now in Europe tho earlier it was cultivated as a vegetable and an ornamental. It might be an alien in the Himalayas.

Thanks, … Kept under Blitum virgatum in efi site.

Thank you … for pointing towards its name change. So in this case we are following GRIN and not TPL 2013.


Identification required fgg5: 6 high res. images.
Help me to identify this plant from Kulgam, J&K

Date of Collection:06-05-22
Habitat: Terrestrial
Stem and roots are deep red
Fruit is berry type having grooves and ridges.

Chenopodium foliosum Asch.,

Now known as Blitum virgatum L. (Syn: Chenopodium blitum F. Muell.; C. foliosum Asch.; C. virgatum (L.) Ambrosi)


Srinagar, August 2022 :: Red fruits (?) for ID :: ARK2022-124: 2 high res. images.
This was near Baltal , Kashmir in August 2022.
Requested to please ID.

Blitum virgatum L. !





GRIN  The Plant List  Flora of Pakistan  Annonated checklist of the flowering plants of Nepal  Flora of China  Flowers of India 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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