Chenopodium giganteum D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 75 1825. (syn: Chenopodium album subsp. amaranthicolor H.J.Coste & A.Reyn.; Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum Makino; Chenopodium album var. purpurascens (Jacq.) Kuntze; Chenopodium amaranticolor (H.J.Coste & A.Reyn.) H.J.Coste & A.Reyn.; Chenopodium atriplicis L.f.; Chenopodium bonariense Moq. [Invalid]; Chenopodium centrorubrum (Makino) Nakai; Chenopodium elegantissimum Koidz.; Chenopodium leucospermum Schrad.; Chenopodium mairei H.Lév.; Chenopodium punctulatum Scop.; Chenopodium purpurascens Jacq.; Chenopodium rubricaule Schrad. ex Moq.); Widely cultivated. native range obscure, perhaps in Asia (as per GRIN) Chenopodium giganteum (Magenta Spreen, Purple Goosefoot, Giant Lambsquarters[1]) is a very large annual leafy vegetable that grows over 8 feet tall. It is also known as Tree Spinach (not to be confused with Chaya), though native to mountainous regions of India,[2] it is easily cultivated in the UK and other areas, and may be sold under the name Tree Spinach. It is a leafy green which tastes very much like chard or spinach with a hint of asparagus when cooked. The best-tasting parts of the plant are the tender growing tips, which can be harvested continuously, the plant becoming bushy. Since the plant contains oxalic acid,[3] it should be cooked in a steel pan, not in aluminum. This plant, a relative of quinoa, has edible seeds which can be cooked or ground into flour. The plant contains good amounts of vitamins A, C, and K, and calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as saponins, which may have health benefits.[4][5] The plant grows particularly well in full sun or partial shade. If a sufficient number of seeds are sown, it makes high quality green manure. It is resistant to many pests and is easy to grow. The leaves are triangular and green, apart from the leaves at the growing tips of the plant which are magenta-tipped and covered in a fine iridescent magenta dust. (From Wikipedia on 15.10.15)
Please identify the plants from Warsaw. Is it also Chenpodium var. or Saponaria sp.? Please help me. This is a Chenopodium sp. .. How tall was this plant? Please check this liink for Chenopodium giganteum. SK575 17 JUN-2017:ID : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Location: Soureni, Mirik, India Date: 18 May 2017 Altitude: 4200 ft. I think Chenopodium giganteum D.Don Yes, it is Chenopodium bengalense (Syn: C. giganteum). I guess the accepted name is Chenopodium giganteum D. Don and did not find synonym as C. bengalense. Could you please finalize? Giant Tree Spinach ! The name Chenopodium bengalense was reinstated as an older name in our article Sukhorukov & Kushunina 2014 (Phytotaxa, Revision of the Chenopodiaceae in Nepal) after investigation of Lamarck’s collection. If you don’t have an access to this content, I can send you the pdf when I will be at home. Please confirm. Yes, its Chenopodium giganteum D. Don Cultivated, sometimes escape from cultivation. Leaves used as vegetable. |
Chenopodium giganteum
Updated on December 24, 2024