Chenopodium quinoa (Cultivated)

Ecuador to NW. Argentina: Argentina Northwest, Bolivia, Chile North, Ecuador, Peru; Introduced into: Argentina Northeast, Chile Central, Chile South, Czechoslovakia, Great Britain as per POWO;

Chenopodium quinoa: 3 images.
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)

Underutilized vegetable crop need to be promoted.

Appears close to images at POWO.

Yes, it is Chenopodium quinoa. No doubts.
Usually, it produces yellow seeds (probably due to selection), but sometimes blackish or red-brackish seeds are present (perhaps as plesiomorphic character for this species). The yellow seeds are preferable for agriculture, because the yellow seeds have thin seed coat, and they are much softer after cooking than black seeds.

It was growing at regional centre of National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Shimla.


Chenopodiaceae query:
This being the week of chenopodiaceae I would like to know if Chenopodium quinoa is seen anywhere in India. I did read they are researched upon in NBRI Lucknow

Your query seems to have solved my problem. In Delhi, chenopodium album is a winter weed mostly flowering between January to mid March, mostly as weed of cultivation, sometimes roadsides. We find a summer form that appears in April and continues in summer, much taller and more or less cut leaves, harder somewhat 4-angled branches. I have a feeling that this may be Chenopoium quinoa. I will upload it in this week.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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