Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) Sweet, Hort. Brit. 283 1826. (Syn: Bignonia linearis Cav.; Catalpa pottsii Seem.; Chilopsis glutinosa Engelm.; Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) A. DC.; Chilopsis linearis var. arcuata Fosberg; Chilopsis linearis var. glutinosa (Engelm.) Fosberg; Chilopsis saligna D.Don);
. Desert Willow;
You got one of the parents of my upload of x Chitalpa Bignoniaceae Week: Chilopsis linearis from California:
Thanks … for prompting me to look for this in my database after your upload. Good I found it. Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) Sweet, Hort. brit. ed. 1:283. 1826
Syn: Bignonia linearis Cav.; Chilopsis saligna D. Don
Common names: Desert-willow, flowering-willow
Shrub or low deciduous tree up to 6 m tall with slender branches; leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate, 15-30 cm long; flowers in short terminal raceme; corolla 3-5 cm long, lobes crimpled, tube and throat lilac with 2 yellow stripes inside; pod 15-30 cm long, 5-7 mm broad.
Photographed from California Very nice to see you have close ups of the flowers and even the pods
Also called desert willow!
From Lubbock, Texas
Yes, as per images at Mine uploaded in 2013 from California |
Chilopsis linearis (USA)
Updated on December 24, 2024