Syzygium species- Chittagong Hill Tract, Bangladesh

Tree ID from Bangladesh SM048 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
Habit: Tree
Habitat: Hill forest along the stream

Location: Chittagong Hill Tract
Fruiting: May

Eugenia / Syzygium sp.

Fruits of Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & L.M.Perry; that is our very common JAMRUL, looks same at certain stage of growth. Leaves of JAMRUL are not shiny.
At least details of leaves, attachment of petiole is needed to ID species. Wild sp found in Chittagong are – 

Eugenia polypetala Wall
E. formosa Wall.
E. amplexicaulis Roxb.
E. macrocarpa Roxb.
E. aquea Burm.
E. lanceaefolia Roxb.
E. fruticosa Roxb.
E. oblata Roxb.
E. balsamea WIght
E. operculata roxb.
…. may be one or two more!

Looks like Syzygium papillosum

Updated on December 24, 2024

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