
Cinchona calisaya Wedd. (Introduced) (Central Peru to Central Bolivia: Bolivia, Peru, Zaïre; Introduced into: Caroline Is., Guatemala, Gulf of Guinea Is. as per POWO)


BSI Flora of India Checklist (Distribution):

Name Distribution
Cinchona calysaya Tamil Nadu, West Bengal
Cinchona hybrida Cultivated species (C. succirubra x C. ledgeriana) and a hybrid of C. officinalis x and C. succirubra and are grown in West Bengal
Cinchona pubescens DOUBTFUL TAXA
Cinchona robusta Sikkim

Flora of Peninsular India:
Cinchona calisaya
Cinchona officinalis
Cinchona succirubra

Species with description & keys in Flora of China (Distribution):
Cinchona calisaya Weddell (Cultivated. Hainan, Taiwan, S Yunnan [native to South America (Bolivia, Peru); cultivated in tropical regions worldwide])
Cinchona pubescens Vahl (Cultivated. Guangxi (Nanning), Hainan, Taiwan, S Yunnan [native to Central America (Costa Rica) and South America (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela); often cultivated in tropical regions worldwide])

Rubiaceae week : Cinchona:
I am not sharing any images of Cinchona here because I don’t have any.
I would just like to mention about this important genus which belongs to Family : Rubiaceae.
There are 38 species in the genus Cinchona, native to South America.
The anti malarial properties of the bark of the plant were known to Brazilian people way back from 16th century.
Richard Spruce an English botanist was responsible for successful cultivation of bitter bark quinine.
He collected the seeds of this plant for the first time from South America in around 1860; from which quinine is produced . Even for this he was paid scarcely enough by the British Government to cover his life expenses. He had a very hard time in South America during this time. His health completely ruined.. He battled against rats, vampire bats,scorpions, armies of viciously stinging ants, disease and even a plot to kill him.
Because of Richard Spruce quinine came out of south America and was made available to the entire world thus making a major contribution to the human health.

Thanks …, The information provided is as good as a picture. We, the humans, are undoubtedly indebted to this Genus, the malaria would have taken us away, it was so deadly and uncontrollable those days. Thanks again for bringing such an interesting topic in a beautiful and concise form.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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