Climbing shrubs, stem covered with fulvous-woolly hairs. Leaves 6-8 x 6-8 cm, broadly ovate, apex acuminate, base cordate, 5-7 ribbed, glabrous above, distantly serrulate; petiole 3-4 cm long. Heads 9 x 6 mm, in woolly panicles, axillary or terminal; bracts 1-seriate, 6 x 1.5 mm, oblong, with thick midrib, glabrous; corolla 7 mm long; lobes acute, yellow; anthers tailed at base. Achenes oblong, glabrous, brown; pappus 7 mm long.
Requesting to please ID this plant captured in the Ooty Botanical Gardens, Ooty in November 2013.
Could this be Cissampelospis corymbosa of Asteraceae?
Thanks … for the feedback…
However, I did not find any this in the efi database nor in the plantlist.
Could you please provide a reference link for the same?
R.Anandalakshmi (2013) for identifying your plant.
The Plant List link for this plant’s synonym Senecio corymbosus Wall.ex DC
Please note: the correct spelling is Cissampelopsis corymbosa.
India Biodiversity Portal link of Cissampelopsis corymbosa
Yes, it seems to be Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen (Senecio corymbosus Wall. ex DC.), found in Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu, Kalahandi hills of Odisha and Maharashtra at 1500 – 2500 m alt.
Regarding Identification of the Plant sp. collected from Ganjam Odisha during the month of December 2022: 7 high res. images.
Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen !
[EfloraIndia_100214PD03_ Flora of Odisha for ID] : 8 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4).
i have collected this climber from Mahendragiri hills, South Odisha from an altitude of 1000 m.
Please help me in identification.
.. sp. of Smilax ?
Smilax species in efi so far
Sorry but I thought of Asteraceae, may be Mikania !!
Chromolaena glandulosum……(I may be wrong)
Mikania hirsutissima
Mikania species so far in efi
Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen
Medicinal Search
Cissampelopsis buimalia (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen
Syn : Senecio buimalia Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don
There are no ray florets here as in Cissampelopsis buimalia
I think your earlier suggestion of Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen is correct as per FoPI & GBIF– specimen one, two, three, four and as per keys at Cissampelopsis
OK … !

566 ID wild plant: 10 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: Kodaikanal Tamil Nadu INDIA
Altitude: 7200fsl
Flower date: 08APR2024, 05.50pm
Habitat: wild moisture misty sloppy wayside brick/stone wall alpine
Plant habit: climber hanging trailing, branches, weak cylindrical fleshy stem 04mm diameter, bracts with hairy margins, perennial
Height: 07cm
Leaves: alternate palmate acute leathery smooth hairy margins, diameter upto: 08cm
Flower: terminal panicle flowerheads inflorescence, clustered, diameter:03mm, yellow, fragrance
Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen
Yes, it is Cissampelopsis corymbosa dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant