Cissampelopsis corymbosa

Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen, 341 1984. ;

Climbing shrubs, stem covered with fulvous-woolly hairs. Leaves 6-8 x 6-8 cm, broadly ovate, apex acuminate, base cordate, 5-7 ribbed, glabrous above, distantly serrulate; petiole 3-4 cm long. Heads 9 x 6 mm, in woolly panicles, axillary or terminal; bracts 1-seriate, 6 x 1.5 mm, oblong, with thick midrib, glabrous; corolla 7 mm long; lobes acute, yellow; anthers tailed at base. Achenes oblong, glabrous, brown; pappus 7 mm long.

Flowering and fruiting: March-November
Shola forests
India and Sri Lanka

Banglore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: 28112013 :: ARK-01 : Attachments (3). 9 posts by 5 authors.
Requesting to please ID this plant captured in the Ooty Botanical Gardens, Ooty in November 2013.

Could this be Cissampelospis corymbosa of Asteraceae?

Thanks … for the feedback…
However, I did not find any this in the efi database nor in the plantlist.
Could you please provide a reference link for the same?

Please see this list for all the plants in Tamilnadu:
I referred the recently published book on
Flowering Plants of Sholas and Grasslands of the Nilgiris‘ by
N.Krishnakumar, P.S.Udayan, S.P.Subramani,
R.Anandalakshmi (2013) for identifying your plant.
The Plant List link for this plant’s synonym Senecio corymbosus Wall.ex DC

Please note: the correct spelling is Cissampelopsis corymbosa.

Senecio corymbosus Wall.ex DC is a different plant as per the Plant List
India Biodiversity Portal link of Cissampelopsis corymbosa

Yes, it seems to be Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen (Senecio corymbosus Wall. ex DC.), found in Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu, Kalahandi hills of Odisha and Maharashtra at 1500 – 2500 m alt.


Regarding Identification of the Plant sp. collected from Ganjam Odisha during the month of December 2022: 7 high res. images.

Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen !


[EfloraIndia_100214PD03_ Flora of Odisha for ID] : 8 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4).
i have collected this climber from Mahendragiri hills, South Odisha from an altitude of 1000 m.
Please help me in identification.

.. sp. of Smilax ?

Smilax species in efi so far   

Sorry but I thought of Asteraceae, may be Mikania !!

Chromolaena glandulosum……(I may be wrong)

Mikania hirsutissima

Mikania species so far in efi 

Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen

Syn : Senecio corymbosus Wall.
Googles Arts and Culture
Medicinal Search

Cissampelopsis buimalia (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen
Syn : Senecio buimalia Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don

There are no ray florets here as in Cissampelopsis buimalia
I think your earlier suggestion of Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen is correct as per FoPI & GBIF– specimen onetwothreefour and as per keys at Cissampelopsis

OK … !


566 ID wild plant: 10 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: Kodaikanal Tamil Nadu INDIA
Altitude: 7200fsl
Flower date: 08APR2024, 05.50pm
Habitat: wild moisture misty sloppy wayside brick/stone wall alpine
Plant habit: climber hanging trailing, branches, weak cylindrical fleshy stem 04mm diameter, bracts with hairy margins, perennial
Height: 07cm
Leaves: alternate palmate acute leathery smooth hairy margins, diameter upto: 08cm
Flower: terminal panicle flowerheads inflorescence, clustered, diameter:03mm, yellow, fragrance

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Cissampelopsis corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C.Jeffrey & Y.L.Chen

Yes, it is Cissampelopsis corymbosa dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant

Updated on December 24, 2024

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