Cissus discolor

Cissus discolor Blume, Catalogus: 39 (1823) (syn: Cissus inaequalis Heyne ex Wall.;  Cissus javana DC.; Cissus javana var. rotundifolia Amsh.; Cissus sicyoides Klein ex Steud.; Vitis bracteata Noronha; Vitis costata Wall.; Vitis discolor (Bl.) Dalz.; Vitis diversifolia Wall.; Vitis discolor (Bl.) Dalz.; Vitis diversifolia Wall.; Vitis inaequalis Wall. (ambiguous synonym) ; Vitis inaequalis Wall. ex Wight & Arn. (ambiguous synonym) as per Catalogue of Life;
Cissus discolor Blume, Catalogus 39. 1823 (Syn: Cissus javana DC.) as per GRIN & efi thread; 
Java, India (Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala), Bangladesh, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal, Sikkim, Myanmar [Burma], Thailand, peninsular Malaysia (Perlis, Langkawi Isl. and Batu Caves, Selangor), Andaman Isl. (South Andaman Isl.), Philippines (Mindanao), China (Sichuan, Yunnan), Taiwan (I), Hispaniola (I), Trinidad & Tobago (I), Honduras (I) as per Catalogue of Life;


requesting id pl uttara kannada 1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 correct image as above.
few flowering plants have been photographed in Uttara Kannada forests.
requires identification. kindly help

IMG_7013.JPG is Cissus discolour

ID of this climber? – efloraofindia | Google Groups :
Could someone identify this climber please?

This is Cissus discolor, Blume. Vitaceae family.

Cissus discolor, perhaps.

Cissus discolor!! quite interesting plant !


ID Please: (mixed thread): Please help me to identify one more flower.
Location – Chakrata.

Date: 10 th Oct 2012
Habit- climber
Habitat- Wild

This is Cissus discolor. At present have only one photograph of mine to send for comparison.

Found a few more of my photographs.

you are a treasure trove
loved the flowers
the profile view seems to be like a queen’s crown in the children’s book.

Agumbe Ghat :: Cissus ¿ javana ? FOR VALIDATION :: DVJAN11 : 13 posts by 6 authors. 4 images.
Agumbe Ghat (part of Someshwara Wildlife Sanctuary)Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka
Date: 28 DEC 2014 … Altitude: about 600 m asl at crest, about 250 m asl at foothill
Cissus ¿ javana ? … (family: Vitaceae)

Thank you … for sharing this unknown vine.

…, let us wait for validating comments.

Elsewhere, this could be an ornamental plant, therefore search results for C. javana show various cultivars; and hardly shows its nature in wild. In flickr, I have seen one photo of C. javana, to which posted plant matches well … Flickr

I collected the same from the Madei Wildlife sanctuary, Goa, in ghats.  Our team also identified our collection as Cissus javana.

I did a simple trick – search ‘red’ in the Vitis entries in FBI! It appears to me that your id is correct.

I am glad you did !! Thank you very much
Actually, I had heard … prompting the ID when we both sighted the plant at Agumbe Ghat. He is yet to upload his pictures; he must be busy with his studies.

I did another thing, viewed all post in eFI, including Anurag Ji’s earlier post.

in this case, I made mistake of selective search … “Cissus javana” AND authorname:”…” AND after:2014/12/28

I did not think of searching entire eFI database !!

Well, …, my practice is search all if there are few, search earliest and latest if there are many, specially GS, NS, BS, DSR, DV… unfortunately your uploads do not give me bigger images.

Learned something about searching

This is an interesting plant.  Thanks to … for showing.
In BSI flora of Maharashtra we find Cissus javanica DC. and the description as well as illustration seems to match with these pictures. In the Key for Cissus in the same book,  the characters for this plant are glabrous leaves and” leaves blotched with white above, purple beneath”
Interestingly, in Talbot’s Forest Flora of bombay Presidency and Sind he describes Vitis discolor (a synonym of Cissus javana according to the The Plant List) as having leaves with these same colours, ie the white splotches and purple beneath and with red stems. He also mentions that the species is readily distinguished from other species of Vitis.



Cissus javana (Vitaceae) once again : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Please find attached two images of Cissus javana found at Chorla Ghat, North Goa at about 300 m altitude.

Please id this climber : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Please confirm this plant is this vitis sp?? please help in id found in radhanagri wild life sanctuary August 2014

Cissus javana DC. (syn. Cissus discolor Blume)


identification (plant/jun15/12) : 10 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4)
Reguest for identification of photos of a climber with tendrils taken at Jog falls, Shimoga, Karnataka.

Changed orientation of photos – Attachments (3)

so the backs of the leaves are not red?

Please check Cissus javana DC. (for leaves with white patch, including the red one); don’t know the other one.

Thanks for the info

Cissus species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) 

… is correct in thinking that the climber in front is Cissus javana. There is another plant in the background.

Yes Sir, I fail to identify the plant in the background.

The plant in the background (trinerved) looks like Cinnamomum species.

Thank you Sir for the probable ID of the background plant. I was not sure if it was a vine or a tree!

TSPNOV2015-73-116: Images of Cissus javana (Vitaceae) : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
It is my pleasure to share few images of Cissus javana (Vitaceae
Habit: Climber
Habitat: Wild, Evergreen forest fringe
Sighting: Gundya, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, about 300 msl
Date: 25-10-2014 and 27-01-2015

There is a problem in nomenclature. The name Cissus discolor Blume, Cat. Gew. Buitenzorg 39. 1823 is a valid publication and it antedates the name C. javana DC., Prodr. 1: 628. 1824 by one year. Thus Cissus discolor Blume takes precedence, as treated by … in Flora of India Vol. 5. 2000. … is requested to correct the efi page accordingly.

Yes … flora of Karnataka lists it as Cissus discolor too
I have a simple basic question
in botany, how does one determine if a publication  is a valid publication?

Please help.

I am attaching herewith the Melbourne Code, now in effect, which determines the botanical nomenclature to be adopted and adhered to from time to time. Here they have explained the meaning of Valid publication in detail.
In a very simple way, first, in order to be validly published, a publication must be effectively published, i. e. the book. journal, etc. where the publication has been made has to be widely circulated among the botanical community worldwide. Online publications are now valid. While publishing a new species, you must include a diagnosis (now Latin translation of diagnosis is not mandatory) and you have to designate a type.  For new names, or new combinations, basionyms (the name on which it is based) are to be cited.  There are several other directives.
Please download the attachment.

Thank you … That makes sense and seems to be a valid way to identify and name a species and be widely accepted
this also keeps the sanity and collegiality and cordiality intact among the big guns and their personal viewpoints that may be very strong.


Names of Plants in India :: Marathi name for Cissus javana : 3 posts by 2 authors.

While compiling Marathi name for Cissus javana DC. … syn. Vitis discolor (Blume) Dalzell, came across following:
Telit sayel
The trees, shrubs, and woody-climbers of the Bombay Presidency by Talbot, W. A. (William Alexander), – 1917
I will be very glad to get this name in Devanagari script.

Finally joy!
After long hours of cracking the enigmatic name, went on to search with possibility of telitsayel being teli cha vel (teli-tsa-yel). And I did find it mentioned so in The flowering plants of Western India by the Rev. Alexander Kyd Nairne, January 1894. Thus तेली चा वेल !!!
teli is name given to oilman … A dictionary, Marathi and English by Molesworth, J. T. (James Thomas).
Though not clear why the climber is attributed to oilman!
Among the results, could find तेलीचें झाड (=माकडीचें झाड) – Ixora parviflora (syn. of Ixora pavetta Andr.), and its timber तेलीचें लाकूड – oily wood used for torches by night-messengers or travelers.
Thanks and salutes to these great people – Talbot, Sir Brandis and Rev. Kyd !!!

Thanks, …, for finally cracking the name.

via Species‎ > ‎C‎ > Cissus javana DC. … family: Vitaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
KISS-us or SISS-us — Latin name for ivy … Dave’s Botanary
JA-vah-nuh — of or from Java … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known asclimbing begoniarex begonia vinetrailing begonia • Malayalamആരോൻപുളി aaronpuliഞെരിഞ്ഞന്പുളി nerinampuli  • Manipuri:কোংগঙৌযেন লবা kongngouyen laba • Marathiनाग वेल naga velतेली चा वेल teli cha vel • Nepaliजोगि लहरा jogi laharaसानु पुरेनि sanu pureni 
botanical namesCissus javana DC. … synonymsCissus discolor Blume • Vitis discolor (Blume) Dalzell … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. 
December 28, 2014 … along Agumbe Ghat 

update …

KISS-us or SISS-us — Latin name for ivy … Dave’s Botanary

DIS-kol-or — two-colored, of varying colors … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: climbing begonia, rex begonia vine, painted cissus, tapestry vine, trailing begonia • Kannada: ಹುಳಿಸೊಪ್ಪು hulisoppu, ಸೋನೆಹುಳಿ sonehuli • Malayalam: ആരോൻപുളി aaronpuli, ഞെരിഞ്ഞന്പുളി nerinampuli • Manipuri: ꯀꯣꯛꯉꯧꯌꯦꯟ ꯂꯥꯕꯥ কোংগঙৌযেন লবা kongngouyen laba • Marathi: नाग वेल naga vel, तेली चा वेल teli cha vel • Nepali: जोगी लहरा jogee laharaa, सानु पुरेनि sanu pureni • Sanskrit: अम्लवेतसः amlavetasah • Tulu: ಸೋನೆಪ್ಪುಲಿ soneppuli

botanical namesCissus discolor Blume … synonymsCissus javana DC. • Vitis discolor (Blume) Dalzell … and many more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
climbing begonia, rex begonia vine, trailing begonia
  • PIER species info
  • climbing begonia (or rex begonia vine, trailing begonia) is not a Begonia, but a vine having large, decorated, begonia-like leaves … Flowers of India
painted cissus, tapestry vine
  • Top Tropicals … these are popular trade names for its ornamental nature
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಹುಳಿಸೊಪ್ಪು hulisoppu
ಸೋನೆಹುಳಿ sonehuli
  • Shodhganga – Medicinal plants of Tulunadu … ಸೋನೆ sone = of or during the end of monsoon season, corresponding to the Hindu month of Shravana ; ಹುಳಿ huli = sour, acidic … thus, acidic plant of the sona (Shravana) month
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
ആരോൻപുളി aaronpuli
ഞെരിഞ്ഞന്പുളി nerinampuli
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
ꯀꯣꯛꯉꯧꯌꯦꯟ ꯂꯥꯕꯥ কোংগঙৌযেন লবা kongngouyen laba
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
नाग वेल naga vel, तेली चा वेल teli cha vel
  • The flowering plants of Western India by the Rev. Alexander Kyd Nairne, January 1894
  • the following names:
    • telit sayel … mentioned in the Indian trees – An account of trees, shrubs, woody climbers … by Brandis, Dietrich, Sir
    • telitsayel … mentioned in The trees, shrubs, and woody-climbers of the Bombay Presidency by Talbot, W. A. are copied verbatim in many sites, making no sense as a name in Marathi.
    The name had gotten incorrectly transcribed by Sir Brandis and Talbot – due to any of the many limitations of vernacular languages during those times.
    Rev. Alexander Kyd Nairne had transcribed the name accurately as teli cha vel (from teli-tsa-yel).
  • तेली teli = an oilman (तेल = oil) … A dictionary, Marathi and English by Molesworth, J. T. (James Thomas) … thus तेली चा वेल teli cha vel = oilman’s vine
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
जोगी लहरा jogee laharaa
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for help with this name … efloraofindia
सानु पुरेनि sanu pureni
  • Indian trees – An account of trees, shrubs, woody climbers, … by Brandis, Dietrich, Sir
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
अम्लवेतसः amlavetasah
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಸೋನೆಪ್ಪುಲಿ soneppuli
  • Shodhganga – Medicinal plants of Tulunadu … ಸೋನೆ sone = of or during the end of monsoon season, corresponding to the Hindu month of Shravana ; ಪುಲಿ puli = sour, acidic … thus, acidic plant of the sona (Shravana) month
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Kannada names and English transliteration are correct.

Bisle Ghat Karnataka
Date: 15 NOV 2016 … Altitude range: ~ 956 – 139 m (3136 – 456 ft) asl
Cissus javana DC. … (family: Vitaceae)

Very beautiful images, of the species and habitat..!!


Variegated Dioscorea ? : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Location Rajnagar Kumarghat Unakoti district Tripura
Please identify it

Thanks, … Any other images.

Pl. also check with comparative images available at Dioscorea in eif site

This is vitaceae family.

Cissus javana Dc.

cissus javanica

Thank you very much.
Is it Cissus javana or Cissus javanica ?
Is Cissus discolor a synonym of Cissus javana ?

Cissus javana (syn: Cissus discolor Bl.);

Climber For ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 17SEP17 : AK-13 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Climber seen earlier this month.
Leaves look very close to Cissus javana, with a slight difference.

To me also appear close as per images at Cissus javana

Cissus javana DC. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8)
Location :  Thula Khet, Pokhara, Nepal Date : 10 August 2017 Altitude : 2800 ft.
Nepali Name : जोगी लहरा Jogee Laharaa 

Could someone identify this climber please.
Date & Time        31 Aug 2010
Location: Place, Altitude, GPS        Chethalayam,  Sultan Bathery, Wayanad, kerala.
Habitat: Garden, Urban, Wild Type:        Wild Climber

This could be a Cissus sp. (Vitaceae)

Vitaceae is only what I can confirm

Could it be Climbing Begonia?
Link given below.
Flowers of India

This is Cissus discolour, so called due to the purple colour a the back of the leaves and dark green in front!  Saw the same flowering last week.


Flora of Uttara Kannada | 03Dec010AR01: 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5)

This climber attracts quite a good number of butterfly kinds.
Vibhuti Falls, Yana, Western ghats,
Uttara Kannada
Oct 2010

Cissus discolor, perhaps.

Can be Cissus discolour!

I also think it should be Cissus javana DC. as per images and details herein.


Vitaceae for ID :: Topslip :: MK014 SEP2016 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Please help in identifying this simple-leaved Vitaceae climber. I do not have good photographs of this plant.
Habitat: roadside and forest edge of evergreen
Place: Top Slip, Anamalai Tiger Reserve, TN
Date: 29 August 2016
Alt.: 900 m asl

check it for Cissus glyptocarpa

Thanks a lot for the identification sir.

To me appears more close to images and details at Cissus javana

ANNOV54 Vitaceae shrub for identification : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (11)

Chimmony wildlife sanctuary, Kerala
November 2014

Cissus discolor

Agree with …

As back of the leaves is not coloured and leaves are not blotched above, following Keys in Book link at Flora of Karnataka, I will go for Cissus latifolia Lam. (syn: Cissus gigantea Bedd.; Cissus glauca Roxb.). Pl. confirm.

…, it’s a magnificent plant. But not known to me

I think it is Cissis discolor. May be due to light availability the leaves turns to complete green.

Underneath of leaves are not visible in the given pictures.

Underneath is visible partially in one of the images.

Pl. see the 4th image.

I guess there is no doubt about Cissus javana DC. !
Cissus javana DC.


ID requested: Climber (Mudumalai forests, Nilgiris, TN): 5 images.

Vine/ climber
September 2019

Cissus discolor Blume. Syn : Cissus javana DC. ??

Yes, appears to be correct as per images and details at Cissus javana


184 ID wild plant:

Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 04.11.2021, 11.40am
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: climbing, branches, weak fleshy rigid purple stem 04mm diameter, hanging tendrils, annual
Height: 03 meters
Leaves: alternate, heart shaped, serrated margins, apex, gray beneath, white shades on matured, lite tamarind taste, size:16×10cm or less
Flower: racemose, axillary, diameter:02.5mm, yellow and red, lite fragrance
Fruit: globular green into dark blue, diameter:05mm, edible
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Looks like Vitaceae ! Cissus, Ampelocissus any !

Cissus discolor Blume !

Yes, it is dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant.


Cissus discolor Blume: 3 very high res. images.

Location: Palpa 
Altitude: 1000m.
Date: 31 August 2021 

Habit : Wild


Updated on December 24, 2024

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