Cissus elongata

Cissus elongata Roxb., Fl. Ind. 1: 411 1820. (Syn: Cayratia elongata (Roxb.) Suess.; Cissus pentaphylla Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Vitis elongata (Roxb.) Wall. ex M.A. Lawson);
Bhutan, India (Darjeeling, Assam, Meghalaya), Bangladesh, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin, Sagaing), China (Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan), Sikkim, Andamans as per Catalogue of Life (Cissus elongata subsp. elongata);
India (Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka) as per Catalogue of Life (Cissus elongata subsp. littoralis (Talbot) B. V. Shetty & P.
Singh );

¿ Cissus elongata ? : (mixed thread)- First 3 correct images. Attachments (3). 17 posts by 4 authors.
Would this be Cissus elongata ?
Place: near Lion’s Point, Lonavala
Date: 18 JUN 09

… please let me know whether it is a Cissus.

Flowers look similar in structure & shape with those of Cissus woodrowii (Woodrow’s Grape Tree) as per my attachment.
It may be Cissus elongata as per illustrations (I have not checked further details) at links:

many thanks for validating it to be Cissus … waiting for Cissus-familiar friends to point out the species.
Just in case some description would be of help — it is a herbaceous creeper, spreading rather laterally, most of them that I saw were about 2 metres long (or less), the palmate (penta-) leaves far-spaced, the flowers growing opposite to leaves.

by now, I am believing the plant I posted to be C. elongata … many thanks for your thoughts.

Not much popular on internet or reference books, yet one characteristic feature is the palmate leaf … that is what I could find from whatever articles I read on WWW.
The nearest Cissus would be C. pedata which has lobed leaf with deep sinuses.

…, please let me know if the plant that I posted at the beginning of this thread is OR is not Cyphostemma auriculatum.
(This plant found at Lion’s Point, Lonavala on 18 JUN 09).
For convenience, I am attaching the photos once again to this message.

I think this is not Cyphostemma auriculata

It’s Cissus and very likely elongata. Geography and date match is also good.

Yes, thanks very much … for digging this old query.
Agreed that this plant too is same as what we saw at Koraigad base.
Will revise my notes soon.

ID040809phk 1 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4).

Id please
A climber photographed at Kanakeshwar, Alibag


It looks like Cayratia pedata [Vitis pentaphylla]. Sending you a photogrph for comparison. Attachments (1).

I have gone through the literature and found this differences between these two close species of Cayratia.
Stem glabrous —-Cayratia tenuifolia
Stem pubescent and hairy—-C. pedata

(ref: Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay1: 248 2006(repr.); Almeida, Fl. Maharashtra1: 265, 1996 )
besides leaflets are 7-11 in C. pedata. so i doubt the plant in question is C. pedata. i feel the characters of this plant are pointing more towards C. tenuifolia. further research is needed.

I feel this is Cissus sp. possibly elongata and not Cayratia sp. as the leaves are digitate / palmate and not pedate. No ear-shaped stipule either (to r/o C. auriculata).

ID this vitaceae member pls : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3).
Got this climber Near forest  At Varandhaa ghat < Pune < Maharashtra July 2014

May be Leea Indica.

Seems species of Tetrastigma. May be T. serrulatum.

Could this be a species of Cayratia?

I searched for vitaceae/ leeaceae  member with 5-foliolate leaves
the result showed me Cayratia japonica which is close to the species in the picture.
but the occurrence of this species has to be taken into consideration.

Looks like Cissus sp.

Cissus elongata.

Digitate leaf and fruited climber Matheran : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)- 1 mb each.
Please help find attached climber.
Location: Matheran, Maharashtra, Western Ghats.
Date: Mid December 2018
Seems fruit was ripen with chocolate color.
Must be LHP of some insect as eggs were laid on leaves.

Parthenocissus quinquefolia? Please check

Please, did you take photos of the tendrils? If the plant is P. quincuefolia the tendrils should be highly branched with adhesive discs at tendril apices. The plant does occur in India. I have this plant and the adhesive discs stick quite successfully to any and all surfaces and are difficult to remove. Also, I believe most of the Parthenocissus have a blue-color fruit. 

Did not notice tendrils with disc at apex. In first photo tendril is not very branched and seems curled at apex. In case next time see a climber, will picture tendril specially.
Tried to match margin of  leaflets of Parthenocissus quinquefolia and Parthenocissus inserta. Both species as per wiki photos has very prominent teeth while the plant i spotted does not have such prominent teeth on margin. Can we ignore this teeth difference? If we ignore margin, can we consider it as Parthenocissus inserta?.  This remind me spotting such climbers many years ago in Nasik district and North Maharashtra, but did not notice disc at tendril apex, marginal teeth were not such prominent,  also fruits noticed were brown and not blue.

Can we look at Clematicsus opaca? I can’t find information on the tendrils yet but the leaf is less toothed.
I am also looking at Cissus elongata which definitely occurs in India. Thank you, I must get to work now. Will try again later.

Cissus elongata, it’s quite common in Matheran & Lonavala area.

Yes matching to Cissus elongata. Useful information … about distribution.

Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH :: Vine for ID :: ARK2019-77 : 13 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (2)
This vine was seen next to a waterfall in the Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH in Aug 2019.
Is it possible to ID.
A friend pointed out that the position of the tendril is in an opposite position from the leaf, it could be some Passifloraceae.

Appears to be some Vitaceae member. 

Yes, …, you’re right, Seems to Vitaceae,
Could be Cayratia sp. or Cyphostemma auriculatum (Roxb.) P.Singh & B.V.Shetty

Leaf pattern looks like T. serrulatum also.

what is T. serrulatum

Tetrastigma serrulatum ! Just look like !

reason I asked. when I searched just T. serrulatum bing images showed up some leaves but also creatures…. now the leaves may be matching but we need a taxonomist or two  to look carefully at this case

Why not Merremia qinquefolia ?

Because the plant has leaf opposed tendril that’s why no way to Merremia. Vitaceae member only,

It might be Cissus elongata,

Thanks so much … for the ID.

Plant for ID: 02092013 : RV 3 : last 3 correct images. 4 posts by 3 authors.
Need help to ID this plant found it near the rice fields, flowering, in Ratnagiri on 29th August,13.

Four images after Tadehagi (rightly IDd) are of the climber Cissus elongata of Vitaceae.

I am so sorry for the mix up in pictures…….but thank you for identifying the pictures.

Climber for ID : 02092013 : RV 2 :  Attachments (3). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Please Id this climber flowering & fruiting in the wild in many places near Ratnagiri, picture taken on 29th August,13.

Cissus elongata of Vitaceae.


OR ID ¿ Cayratia / Cissus / else ? :: Amboli Ghat :: DVOCT2/135 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 7 images.
¿ Cayratia / Cissus / else ? Climber with inflorescence at ends, fruit about 10 mm dia. Hope the pictures help in getting to ID.
along Amboli Ghat on October 25, 2015

I think it is Cissus elongata subsp. littoralis (Talbot) B.V.Shetty & Par.Singh.

identification no 061015sn1 : 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (6)
Your help needed to identify this plant
location:aambyvalley rd.,lonavala,pune
plant habiot:climber
height:more than 7-8 ft.

looks like Cayratia pentaphylla

Thanks a lot for the Id. What is the synonym for C.pentaphylla.
Do you mean C.japonica whose synonym is Cissus pentaphylla. I do not find any reference to Cayratia pentaphylla.

a mix up

I don’t think I have understood you properly. By “mix up”you mean it is not Cayratia species? Awaiting your reply.

Looks like Syngonium species (S.macrophyllum. S. podophyllum?)

Thanks … Does Syngonium occur in the wild of Western ghats?

Suggested ID: Tetrastigma lanceolarium

efi page on Tetrastigma leucostaphylum (≡) Tetrastigma lanceolarium Planch.) with pictures;

How do you know it’s a Tetrastigma?

Surely not T. leucostaphylum.
The only digitate leaved Tetrastigma in Maharashtra is T. gamblei, with three foliolate leaves (check bsi distrib)
I can connect it only with Cissus elongata subsp. littoralis, check probability-

Cissus elongata subsp. littoralis—-for sharing and validation : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
pics taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in May 16.

I think yes. Matches with images at Cissus elongata subsp. littoralis

Cissus elongata subsp. littoris—for sharing : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5)
Pics taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Off Lonavala, Pune In June 17.

identification no030112sn1:
Some new species for Id.
plant habit:Shrub?
height:about 4-5 ft.

look like Cissus pentaphylla


Cayratia tenuifolia (Wight & Arn.) Gagnep. : 15 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5).

@ Koraigad, 09-08-2014 with …
The 5 foliate leaves (-39), the short, conical stigma (-44), the 4 lobed disc and 4 merous flowers are clearly seen. The longer petiolule of the terminal leaflet (-39) is also appreciated. The leaf opposed tendril is also seen.
However, in my specimen the leaves are a bit broader (they are classically described as ‘lanceolate’). Plant was not fruiting.
This species, I believe, has not been positively identified earlier and is not there in the eFI database (do not see it on FOI either).

In addition, the plant was glabrous.

this looks interesting.
Do you have more pictures of the leaves?  I’d be interested to see the petiole and the underside of the leaflets if possible.

I am having some problems at my end and am unable to access the device on which I store images.
The underside of the leaflets were glabrous (as was the rest of the plant).
Please tell me which characteristic of  the petiole you are looking for and I will choose the image which shows the characteristic clearly (will take a few days as we are going to be away from the city).

I looked this plant up in Talbot and it mentions the leaves being pedately 5-foliate so I just wanted to see that in a photo. (it would be distinct from digitately 5 foliate as in some other species such as Vitis elongata)
No hurry!  Whenever you have time.


Thanks … for discussing this plant. I remember sometime back … had posted similar plant.

I was with … at base of Koraigad near Ambavane.
Let me add a cropped version of one of my photo showing petiole partly and the stalks of leaflets; hope it helps.
I got to this post trying to find Cissus pedata in our group’s database.

Thanks for this picture, … It looks to me as if the petioles of the leaflets all arise from the same point so I’m not sure that would count as  pedately 5-foliate. Another thing is that Talbot tells us that in C. tenuifolia the leaflets are st
Thanks for this picture, …
It looks to me as if the petioles of the leaflets all arise from the same point so I’m not sure that would count as  pedately 5-foliate.
Another thing is that Talbot tells us that in C. tenuifolia the leaflets are strongly serrate-dentate and here the serratures are bristle tipped but not so dentate. It is supposed to be a “distinct species”
It would be interesting to hear from experts on this genus.

Thank You for re-cycling the post …
I had written to a couple of experts but have received no reply as yet.
Another person who is an enthusiast and whom I respect felt it was Vitis pedata.

My own view now is that this is Cissus elongata (formerly Vitis elongata), as suggested by …, for the following reasons:
Leaf is digitate / palmate and not pedate. In both Cayratia (pedata and tenuifolia) leaves are pedate.
Inflorescence is leaf opposed – this favors Cissus sp.
Plant was glabrous, Vitis / Cayratia pedata is a hairy plant.
I have had a look at some other similar posts on the group and will share my views on the respective threads.
Many thanks to … for their views and participation in the thread.

Thank you very very much … for the analysis and reaching to ID. Many thanks to … too.

I am not sure about the plant being Cissus elongata. That plant often has trifoliate leaves as well and the young parts are often tinged with purple. I suppose it could be a variable species.
It would be great if … could return to collect fruits for more confirmation.
Thank you … for posting this plant and for an interesting discussion.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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