Cissus latifolia

Cissus latifolia Lam., Encycl. 1: 30 1783. (syn: Cissus acuminata Thw. (ambiguous synonym); Cissus gigantea Bedd.; Cissus glauca Roxb. (ambiguous synonym); Cissus repanda Gamble (ambiguous synonym); Cissus wightii Planch.; Vitis acuminata Trim. (ambiguous synonym); Vitis gigantea Bedd.; Vitis glauca Wight & Arn. (ambiguous synonym));
Sri Lanka, S-India (Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu) as per Catalogue of Life;

Vitaceae from Valparai for identification 210712MK01: Please help me to identify this climber. It has tendrils opposite one leaf at each node (so could be Vitaceae). The leaves measure up to 20 cm longer and the inflorescence not more than 10 mm longer. Flowers are c.0.5 cm across. I found this along edge of a rain forest in Western Ghats.
Place: Valparai, TN
Date: 12 July 2012
Alt.: 930 m asl

Cissus sp.

Could this be a variety of Cissus antartica ? A guess.

Following Keys in Book link at Flora of Karnataka, I will go for Cissus latifolia Lam. (syn: Cissus gigantea Bedd.; Cissus glauca Roxb.) and also as per GBIF

Pl. confirm.

Pl. see high resolution specimen at GBIF

Cissus latifolia.

Seen this climber at the outskirts of Mumbai. Looks like some Vitaceae sp?
Berries were spherical, purple -Black around 8mm to 10mm dia.
Date/Time: 21-10-2012 / 10:00AM
Habitat: Wild
Plant habitt: Climber.

Leaves alternate, petiole 15 to 20mm.

I think this is Cissus nodosa

Thanks … It does looks like Cissus nodosa.

please check if this plant is a large liana ?
Cissus nodosa is described as “thousand roots” plant or Javanese tree-bine, and flowers of C.nodosa are described as red/ purple. As seen from various other images, petioles also have a reddish tinge.
Otherwise you may also check against Cissus repens (Lam) ::
IIIM “weak trailing plant” ( Flora of Bombay presidency) , and TRIN
These two species appear to be closely related, although plantlist shows these as separately accepted names.

Thanks … for yr response. I had taken few more photographs of this plant. Sharing the same here.

6 images.

Please also check Cissus gigantea…. it is common on outskirts of Mumbai.

Following Keys in Book link at Flora of Karnataka, I will go for Cissus latifolia Lam. (syn: Cissus gigantea Bedd.; Cissus glauca Roxb.) and also as per GBIF

Pl. confirm.

The stem is very tall, about 30 ft or more?
Pillared look is very unique, like C nodosa, but that species not being reported from India.
C. latifolia, could be a match. But cannot see ‘fringed calyx’ described by K Sasidharan on Kerala plants. He may be able to confirm.


Please identify the climber from Phenk (Nagaland) : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- high res.
Please identify the climber from Phenk (Nagaland)

Could be Vitaceae member, Cissus sp.,

Thanks, …, for the genus id. Cissus javana DC. is one possibility as per comparative images at Cissus

Cissus latifolia Walp. ??

Ethnomedicinal Information of Selected Members of Vitaceae with Special Reference to Kerala State

You may be right … The post was distributed under C. javana? in which leaves under surface as well as stem are tinged red, which we don’t see here.


130920BD1: For Identification : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)

Tinospora species.

A Cissus sp., possibly C. repanda. I have observed these kinds of hanging roots in C. repanda

Yes it’s Cissus only, 

Where and when were these images taken ? Was it wild ?
We have similar observations at Cissus latifolia Lam., but distribution limited to South India.

Also see details at Cissus repanda Vahl as suggested by …

All these photos I have taken on 13th September from a plants -lover house at Dimapur, Nagaland. Its not wild at all,

If it is planted as you stated, I feel it may be Cissus latifolia Lam.


103 ID wild plant Ampelocissus: 12 images.
Please ID wild climber,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Flower date: 04.07.2021, 11.00am
Altitude: 1400fsl
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: climbing, branches, big flexible semi hard stem ash coloured, spring or hanging thread for climbing, long lasting, (while old/young stem slightly curved, some nice crushed sounds and feelings from inside but nothing happens outside), puffed old stem bark
Height: 14 meters
Leaves: alternate, heart shaped, apex, toothed margins, size:25×15cm or less, a strange smell when rubbing softly
Flower: bunches, 5 sepals – falls at the time of opening, diameter:02mm, green, mild fragrant
Fruit: globular green into dark blue, diameter:8mm
Camera: Samsung Galaxy A21s +macro lens

Cissus latifolia Walp.

Yes …

Yes, it is dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,



Updated on December 24, 2024

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