Cissus rotundifolia (Cultivated)

Cissus rotundifolia Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3: 19 1794. (syn. Cissus crassifolia (Baker) Planch.; Saelanthus rotundifolius Forssk.; Vitis crassifolia Baker; Vitis forskahlii Blatter; Vitis pachyphylla Cordem.; Vitis rotundifolia Deflers);
South Africa (Mpulamanga, KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland, E-D.R. Congo (Zaire), Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan, Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mauritius, La Runion, Saudi Arabia (Hejaz, C-Saudi Arabia, Asir), Yemen (Aden Desert, coastal Hadhramaut, Tihama, W-Yemen), Hawaii (I) (Kauai (I) (Waimea District (I)), Oahu (I) (Ko (I)), East Maui (I)), India (c), Virgin Isl. (I) (St. Croix (I)) as per Catalogue of Life;
Round-leaved vine, Arabian wax cissus, Venezuelan treebine;

Garden Plant for ID : Gurgaon : 240612 : AK-3:
A small, cultivated, potted plant seen in Gurgaon on 13/2/12 & 17/3/12.
Leaves were green when the pictures were taken in Feb, turning to a pinkish color a month later.
No flowers seen.
Sedum species?

I hope Cissus rotundifolia

Thanks for this id.


efloraindia: 091211 BRS252:

Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request.
Location: Air Port Road, Coimbatore
Date: 07.12.2011
Habitat: Urban Road side
Habit: Climber.

I think leaves Succulent to some extent, i am also eager to know its name

Yes Cissus rotundifolia


Succulents Continued:: For id from Panchkula- NS DEC 06 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4).
This straggler with succulent leaves was recorded from Succulents and Cactii Garden, Panchkula..
Flowers yet to open, please provide id inputs.. 

do you think this might very well be a kalachoe..
one of several sp that may be grows naturally in the rocky crevasses?
I would have loved to have seen fully opened flowers, so would you I’m sure.
Since its a garden plant may be you could do a follow up?

Thanks …, I too imagined if this can belong to Crassulaceae, probably I will plan a revisit very soon…

Just a guess…. Cissus Species….could be C. rotundifolia?

Could this be a variant Kalanchoe-Beharensis. Please check this link—Kalanchoe-Beharensis

This is Cissus rotundifolia …, Mine never flowers, but looks and grows the same, tey are a very pretty plant.

Request ID Pl.. – indiantreepix | Google GroupsIn my garden Request ID 16.1109 SS 2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups

Climber For ID : Kenya : 16OCT16 : AK-22 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Climber seen growing wild.
Looks very close to Cissus rotundifolia of Vitaceae

efi page on Cissus rotundifolia   

Yes, appears close to images and details at Cissus rotundifolia Vahl

I too agree with you …, for rotundifolia


synonym: Vitis latifolia Roxb.
location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997



Updated on December 24, 2024

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