Cistus × laxus (Cultivated- USA)

Cistus ×laxus Aiton, Hort. kew. 2:233. 1789 (pro. sp.); 



Garden Flower For ID : California : 09NOV14 : AK-19 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).

White garden flower seen on the 1st of October in San Francisco.

Small plant, with a single flower.

was this in a nursery ? or planted somewhere
secondly how large was this flower
were the leaves compound?

I cant make that out from even when I enlarged the pic

This was seen at the Presidio of San Francisco, in a small patch of ornamental plants, on a sight seeing tour.
Could be a small bush.
Leaves don’t seem to be compound.
Flowers were the size of Poppy/Anemone.
It does look like an Japanese Anemone, but the leaves are different.
It was the cultivated garden opposite the The Legion of Honor.
Have tried to crop the pictures.

Cistus ‘Snow White’

Absolutely amazing!
Thanks a lot for the id of this flower which has flowers like Anemone, but different leaves.

Yes Rock rose, the flower and buds were ok by me,

but i have not ever seen leaves this much with furrowed surface

that’s why i asked … to find some more leaves pic…

can you tell me if this is normal or due to drought and shrinkage?

Thanks, … On google search mostly shows Cistus x laxus ‘Snow White’
Pl. confirm.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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