Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai, Index Seminum (TI) 1916: 30 1916. (syn. Anguria citrullus Mill.; Citrullus amarus Schrad.; Citrullus anguria (Duchesne) H.Hara; Citrullus aquosus Schur; Citrullus battich Forssk.; Citrullus caffer Schrad.; Citrullus caffrorum Schrad.; Citrullus chodospermus Falc. & Dunal; Citrullus citrullus H.Karst.; Citrullus citrullus Small; Citrullus colocynthis var. capensis Alef.; Citrullus colocynthis var. lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai; Citrullus edulis Spach; Citrullus edulis Pangalo [Illegitimate]; Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf. ………………..; Citrullus mucosospermus (Fursa) Fursa; Citrullus mucosospermus var. senegalicus (Fursa) Fursa; Citrullus pasteca Sageret; Citrullus vulgaris Schrad.; Citrullus vulgaris Schrad. ex Eckl. & Zeyh. ..; Colocynthis amarissima Schrad. [Invalid]; Colocynthis citrullus (L.) Kuntze; Cucumis amarissimus Schrad.; Cucumis citrullus (L.) Ser.; Cucumis colocynthis Thunb.; Cucumis dissectus Decne.; Cucumis edulis Steud. [Invalid]; Cucumis laciniosus Eckl. ex Steud.; Cucumis laciniosus Eckl. ex Schrad.; Cucumis vulgaris (Schrad.) E.H.L.Krause; Cucurbita anguria Duchesne; Cucurbita caffra Eckl. & Zeyh.; Cucurbita citrullus L.; Cucurbita gigantea Salisb.; Cucurbita pinnatifida Schrank; Momordica lanata Thunb.); Watermelon • Hindi: तरबूज़ Tarbooz • Manipuri: তৰবুজ Tarbuj • Marathi: Kadu vrindavana • Telugu: Eriputccha • Kannada: Kallangadi balli • Bengali: Tormuj • Urdu: Tarbooz • Gujarati: ઇંદ્રક Indrak; Cultivated annual climber with long soft hairs; leaves palmately lobed with pinnately divided sinnuate lobes; flower yellow 15-17 mm across, female on longer pedicels; fruit large, subglobose to ellipsoid, 25-40 cm long, with yellow and green stripes. Citrullus lanatus (syn: Citrullus vulgaris), the water melon or tarbuz of Indian markets. Sending a photo of the fruit seller selling fruits in Dal Lake, Kashmir. Early in the morning he takes his Shikara and sells the fruits to the people living in the House boats. – The boat itself looks like a fruit plate – The big one Citrullus lanatus, is the most relished fruit in Kashmir sold with loud hawks of “Badan ki Thandi” Sending a photo of man selling water melons. Place : Srinagar, Kashmir Date : June 2009 -Badan ki Thandi, as Kashmiri hawkers say Fruits & Vegetables week: Citrullus lanatus the water melon: Citrullus lanatus (syn: Citrullus vulgaris), the water melon or tarbuz of Indian markets. Cucurbitaceae Week: Citrullus lanatus from Coimbatore.: Cucurbitaceae Week: Citrullus lanatus from Delhi: Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mats. & Nakai, Cat. Sem. Spor. Hort. Bot. Univ. Imp. Tokyo. 30. 1916. syn: Citrullus vulgaris Schrad ex Eckl. & Zeyh.; Momordica lanata Thunb. Common names: Water melon Hindi: Tarbuz Cultivated annual climber with long soft hairs; leaves palmately lobed with pinnately divided sinnuate lobes; flower yellow 15-17 mm across, female on longer pedicels; fruit large, subglobose to ellipsoid, 25-40 cm long, with yellow and green stripes. Commonly cultivated as early summer fruit crop, photographed from Vikas Puri, Delhi Cucurbitaceae Week : Watermelon : Mumbai : 070412 : AK-4: Watermelon seen at the ‘Fruit, Flower & Vegetable Show’ at Rani Bagh, Mumbai in Feb,12. Yes Citrullus lanatus, the water melon. Nice photograph. melon: Request identification please Location Coimbatore suburbs Altitude 900ft Habit ground creeper Habitat wild/ Fruit- 10cm (not sure if it was fully grown), dark and light green longitudinal broad stripes not thorny season june 2011 The flower colour and leaves are suggesting Citrullus lanatus. Photograph of fruit?? I also think this to be Citrullus lanatus or commonly water melon.
efloraindia: 121111 BRS159: Pl. find the attached file conatin photos for id. request. Date: 11.11.2011 Location: CODISIA Road, Coimbatore Habitat: Urban (road side) Habit: Climber. Citrullus lanatus : Cucurbitaceae : Mumbai : 16SEP14 : AK-16 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Photographed in a market in Mumbai on 25/4/14. Hooghly-skMAY17/18 Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) July2015sk10/11 Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai (Citrullus vulgaris Schrad.) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (9) Each year during summer we eat one or two watermelons a week. None of the seeds we throw out germinate. But this one seems to have germinated somehow beside a village drainage/ waste place. Cucurbitaceae plant for id, Chinchoti, Maharashtra, Dec-2015 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) kindly identify this plant found in dry water patch. It may be Tarbooz (Water Melon). efi page on Citrullus lanatus Identify this vegetable being cultivated in West Bengal : 14 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) I request to identify this vegetable being cultivated in West Bengal Any other picture of the entire plant? To me it seems to be Luffa cylindrica. Sir, its flower open in morning hour (anthesis time 5.30AM -7AM) Attachments (4) It is Luffa cylindrica of the family Cucurbitaceae. it is a very common wild plants of Bengal found to grow in the every hedges of the state. in the young condition the fruit is edible, and the mature fruit is used as the bath Sponge. This crop is not Luffa cylindrica, flower of Luffa cylindrica is big size. when it is matured about 5kg weight and it mature 35 days from fruiting. It is also eaten ripe stage but little sweets. It is cultivated in Birbhum district of West Bengal. I thing Citrullus group or Praecitullus (Tinda) … has stated in another thread: “A cultivar of Citrullus colocynthis” It seems to me Luffa aegyptiaca or Egyptian Cucumber or Nenua Sponge Gourd. Is there any picture of the entire plant? This looks like Cucumis longum, a variety of cucumber. Photo with leaf and flower will help confirm. Thanks, … I have now forwarded to you other photos as well. Could you get the final Id ? No Sir A reply from Expert on this family: “That plant is Citrullus lanatus. I am attaching one of the four images, so you know which species I am talking about. Cucurbitaceae Week: Cucurbita of Indonesia : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) I send you a cultivar of water mellon Citrulllus lanatus ‘Bintang’. References: |
Citrullus lanatus
Updated on December 24, 2024