Clematis flammula (Cultivated)

Clematis flammula L., Sp. Pl. 544 1753. (Syn: Anemone flammula (L.) K.Krause; Clematis caespitosa Scop.; Clematis canaliculata Lag.; Clematis diversifolia Gilib.; Clematis flammula var. grandiflora Pomel; Clematis flammula var. maritima (Lam.) DC.; Clematis flammula var. parviflora Pomel; Clematis flammula var. rotundifolia DC.; Clematis flammula var. sancti-marini Pamp.; Clematis fragrans Ten.; Clematis maritima L.; Clematis pallasii J.F.Gmel.; Clematis rubella Pers.; Clematis suaveolens Salisb.);
Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, Baleares, France, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Montenegro, Serbia & Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece (incl. Kiklades), Hungary (I), Crimea, Georgia [Caucasus], Uzbekistan (I), Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Hoggar, ?Afghanistan, Turkey (S-Anatolia, SSW-Anatolia, SW-Anatolia, W-Anatolia), European Turkey, Israel (coastal W-Israel, Rift Valley, N-Israel), East Aegaean Isl., Lebanon (C-Lebanon, coastal W-Lebanon), Syria (C-Syrian Desert, W-Syrian Mountains), Azores (Sao Miguel Isl., Terceira, Pico, Flores Isl.), Pakistan (I), Australia (I) (South Australia (I), Victoria (I)) as per Catalogue of Life;
fragrant virgin’s bower;
As per efi thread:
Two Clematis can be distinguished from
1. Habitat-gouriana is wild and flammula is cultivated.
2. Leaves-compound in gouriana and simple in flammula.


Clematis to be identified:
Please kindly identify this specie of Clematis, saw today in South Mumbai.

– This would be Clematis flammula L., native of southern Europe and northern Africa. The horticultural variety is usually not C. gouriana which has dentate leaves and is found in evergreen forests of western ghats.
The orange achenes indicate C.flammula L.

KLEM-uh-tiss or klem-AT-iss — ancient Greek klematis (vine); climbing
FLA-muh-luh or FLAY-muh-luh — diminutive of the Latin flamma; a small flame
Native to: Mediterranean countries
commonly known as: fragrant virgin’s bower
Viewed: 15 MAY 10, Veermata Jijabai Bhosale Udyan, Mumbai


ID request 00913 RT : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 4 authors.
Please ID this creeper referred as Bridal boquet with profuse fragrant white flowers.

Most probably Clematis paniculata… Ranunculaceae

Rather C. flammula.




Ranunculaceae Fortnight:: Clematis flammula from Nagpur:: NS 2015 Jan-21 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5). These pics were recorded from Nagpur, planted in a University campus, please confirm or correct the id.. I hope this is Clematis flammula


Ranunculaceae Fortnight :: Clematis flammula :: VJBU :: DVJAN06/76 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 3 Images.
Clematis flammula L. at Veermata Jijabai Bhonsale Udyan on May 15, 2010



Attached are pictures of Clematis gouriana captured at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai in June 2014.
Requested to please validate the ID.

Recently, saw Dineshji’s post on Clematis flammula from Jijamata Udyan…
These flowers resemble … flowers…
Also, earlier posted on the forum here, received differing IDs…
requesting to validate the ID of this post.

I also do think that this can be Clematis flammula…

Thanks … Any key to differentiating between C. gouriana and C. flammula?

It is Clematis flamula, an introduced species in Indian gardens.

Clematis Plant for identification : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
How to distinguish between C. flammula and C. gouriana? Can you call both of them as मोरवेल in Marathi?
All the three images are of the same plant.

Two Clematis can be distinguished from
1. Habitat-gouriana is wild and flammula is cultivated.
2. Leaves-compound in gouriana and simple in flammula.

Thank you for help regarding Clematis plant.
I have prepared few slides (2) of flowers. Hope you will like it.

It is Clematis flammula


ID request 200615SG : Attachments (4)
This is regarding Clematis. Recently I wrote an article for a local news paper on Clematis (C. flammula). I am attaching the article along with the photographs. You may add this to your write up, wherein you have summed up Indian Clematis species

‘Fragrant Virgin’s Bower’ – the pure white magic

WhenFragrant Virgin’s Bower’ blooms with its masses of sweet scented, pure white, starry flowers with the aura filling the air it is really a  magical transformation/ of your garden.   The common name Fragrant Virgin’s Bower’ refers to the amazing hawthorn-vanilla fragrance emanating  from the blooms. It is also known by several other names  like ‘Fragrant Clematis’, ‘Sweet-scented Virgin’s Bower’.Taylor’s Clematis’.
ornamental climber. is native to Southern Europe and Northern Africa, but cultivated all over the world for its exuberant display of  dazzling blossoms. The botanical name is Clematis flammula belonging to Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae), which has contributed many a beautiful ornamental plant. In fact Clematis group of vines are incredible plants offering bold seasonal colour – from the large-flowered purple clematis (C.viticella), to the more subtle but stunning smaller flowered species (C.ternifolia) besides the most  attractive indigenous
species C. gouriana.

Clematis flammula is a temperate, semi-evergreen or deciduous, long stemmed woody vine (technically called liana) climbing by twining
leaf-stalks, reaching  up to 6 m height.
This climber bears round and weakly ribbed stems with double-compound leaves (each comprising two rows of leaflets)  arranged in opposite pairs on the stem. The leaflets are  small,  thick, glossy,  deep green, sparsely hairy, un-lobed  (rarely 2-lobed) ,
falling  in Autumn.   Small, fragrant pure white flowers (2-3 cm diameter) in large bunches  called  panicles in abundance during April end – May.
The flowers have a strong sweet almond fragrance. They last for a month followed by distinctive, small, green achenes (a
kind of dry fruit) containing fluffy clusters of hairy seeds (5-6 mm long).
Useful tips :

  • Suitable  for fences and trellis,  walls, pergolas, frames, containers  or left to scramble as ground cover.  Also suitable  for growing on / climbing over a tree or shrub in a well-drained soil

  • Bright sun  light is required for  best bloom, but dappled light is preferable. Though it  prefers light (sandy) or  medium (loamy) well-drained moist soil, the plant can tolerate slightly acidic / alkaline soils;  and requires thorough watering.

  • Propagation  by cuttings of soft to semi-ripe inter-nodal cuttings  and layering of old stems (current season).  Can also be propagated by seeds.  However, I could not get any viable seeds from the plant.

  • While transplanting the sapling bought from a nursery care should be taken to  keep the root ball intact; and to bury the basal
    stem of the plant into the soil pit at least two inches below the
    soil level, so that more stems  emerge  from the base .

  • Garden care : Cut back the previous year’s stems to a pair of strong buds about 10” to 12” above ground-level in early spring and apply a slow-release balanced fertiliser and a mulch of well-rotten  garden compost around the plant.  Thorough watering is essential
    for the good  development of the plant.

  • Plant near a   window, patio or deck and enjoy its fresh fragrance!

  • Though the plant  bears  sweet-smelling blooms plant parts are poisonous. 

I enjoyed the beauty of this starry wonder with its fragrance filling the air for a month. With passersby curiously  looking and enquiring  about this plant it was the cynosure of all eyes. Surely, this climber is a owner’s pride and neighbour’s envy.  




– this plant is even used for gardens

May be Clematis flammula as per details and keys herein.

yes … The flowers are reminiscent of Clematis viginiana but leaves are per the page we have and link … gave leads to the correct id.
…  had given a distinction key

” Two Clematis can be distinguished from
1. Habitat- gouriana is wild and flammula is cultivated.
2. Leaves- compound in gouriana and simple in flammula.”
so your plant is Clematis flammula, even if it is an escapee growing in wild now.



Attaching pics of another shrub like plant, from my roof garden. We had massive flowering in last 2 months.
When bought from Nursery, they told the local name (Bengali) as Budhha Jui. Seems to be some form of Clematis.
Experts please identify.

May be Clematis recta

Clematis Gouriana for me.

May be Clematis flammula as per details and keys herein.

Yes. This is C.flammula.

lant for ID p: 2 images.
This small creeper we brought from a nursery in Jabalpur.
At present it’s a small creeper about 2 feet tall but flowering profusely since last one month.
May I request you to please help in ID.

it is clematis gouriana

May be Clematis flammula as per details and keys herein.

yes … Clematis flammula as per details and keys herein

Clematis gouriana Roxb. ex DC Syst. Nat. 1:138, 1817

Large woody climber; leaves once to twice pinnate with 5-9 leaflets entire or serrate in upper part, 3-5 nerved, glabrous or hairy along nerves; inflorescence a panicle with numerous flowers; flowers 12-15 mm across, greenish white to pale yellowish white; sepals 4, spreading from base, revolute along margins; stamens numerous; achenes compressed with long feathery tails.
Photographed from Kashmir University Botanical Garden

May be Clematis flammula as per details and keys herein.

In this case leaves are entirely different from the case we just saw from …


Clematis Species for ID : Lalbagh,Bangalore : 270618 : AK-12 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Clematis Species seen earlier at Lalbagh.
For Species id please.

Clematis glouriana

Thanks … The correct name should be Clematis gouriana.

May be Clematis flammula as per details and keys herein.

Clematis gouriana

As per efi thread:
Two Clematis can be distinguished from
1. Habitat-gouriana is wild and flammula is cultivated.
2. Leaves-compound in gouriana and simple in flammula.

Requesting to please ID these flowers captured in Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai in June 2014.
Is this some Clematis species?

May be Clematis gouriana

Appearing as cultivated. May be Clematis flammula.

May be Clematis terniflora

Clematis recta L., grown as a ornamental plant

Clematis flammula L. as per another thread: Ranunculaceae Fortnight :: Clematis gouriana :: Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai :: ARKJAN-07/36

Yes, … Clematis flammula
An introduced species.

very nice. so cultivated? or garden escapee in jijamata udyan?

id please 24.07.2017 WB : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
please help with the id.
location: Barasat, wb

Clematis sp.

Please check Clematis recta ?

Thanks to all.

Appears to be Clematis flammula L. as per details herein

Sir probably the id is correct.


Clematis gouriana : Bangalore : 03SEP20 : AK-02 : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)
A cultivated plant.
Thanks to … for the id.

I think it’s C. paniculata only,

Thanks. Frankly, I am confused between C. gouriana, recta, heynei, and flammula.
And now your suggested Clematis paniculata.
That’s the reason I have posted these pictures.

Hope to know the differences.
1. Habit erect ……………………..C. recta
1. Habit climbing……………………2
2. Leaflet margin serrate……….C. gouriana
2. Leaf margin other than above……..3

3. Leaflet margin lobed……..C. flammula
3  Leaflet margin other than above…..4
4  Tepals 4…….C. paniculata
4. Tepals5-6……..C. heynei
Ma’am hope this will help you,

Possibly C.flammula. Leaflets margin lobed in a few leaves. Need to check thoroughly with the specimen rather than comparing photographs for final ID.

Thanks a lot. I forgot to add that the flowers are fragrant.
I will try to figure out slowly the different Species.
Whenever time permits, can you please go through my earlier Clematis posts?

Clematis flammula is very fragrant . I have this in my house.

I will also go with … for Clematis flammula L. as per comparative images at Clematis


Clematis for ID : 100811 : AK-2:
at Maharashtra Nature Park, Mumbai on 10/5/09.

A small plant, could be a creeper.
I know it is Clematis but getting confused in the species.

may be Clematis flammula

I think you are correct about this plant being Clematis flammula.

Clematis gouriana

Was the leaf 3 or 5 pinnate?

I think it is C. flammula.
Most of the internet pictures were wrongly idied, I think, after looking at digitized herbarium of KEW.
Please check the following links.
I think the leaves and flowers of C. gauriana is different.
You may get the plant description of C. gauriana @
I was not successful in getting description of C. flammula, though.

This looks more like Clematis gauriana

You had earlier asked about the leaves…it would have been a wild guess from my side.
I may be going to the park sometime this month, had thought of taking some pictures specially of the leaves for making id easier.
You will find both Clematis at Flowersofindia.

For me it looks like C.flammula.  I have this plant in my garden.


Clematis flammula L.: 7 very high res. images.

Location: Bangalore, India 
Altitude: 900m.
Date: 08 August 2022
Habit : Cultivated

Yes … This is common in this part of Karnataka. I have grown this in my home garden.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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