Cleyera japonica var. wallichiana

Cleyera japonica var. wallichiana (DC.) Sealy, Bot. Mag. 163: t. 9606 1940. (syn: Adinandra japonica var. wallichiana (DC.) T. L. Ming; Cleyera grandiflora Hook. fil. & Thomson ex Dyer (ambiguous synonym); Cleyera grandiflora Wallich (ambiguous synonym); Cleyera japonica var. grandiflora (Wallich ex Choisy) Kobuski; Cleyera lushia (Ham. ex D. Don) G. Don; Cleyera ochnacea var. grandiflora (Wallich ex Choisy) Dyer; Cleyera ochnacea var. kaempferiana DC.; Cleyera ochnacea var. lushia (D. Don) Dyer; Ternstroemia lushia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don);
China (W-Sichuan, W-Yunnan), SE-Tibet, India (Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya), Nepal, Myanmar [Burma] as per Catalogue of Life;

Evergreen shrubs or small trees, about 3-10 m tall. Bark brown, branchlets grayish brown, terete, terminal buds glabrous. Leaves simple, alternate, narrow elliptic-oblong to oblong-obovate, about 3-10 × 1-3.5 cm across base attenuate to cuneate, margins serrulate, apex acute or shortly acuminate, coriaceous, dark green and paler beneath, glabrous on both sides, midrib impressed above and prominent beneath, lateral veins 12-18 on either side of the midrib, obscure above and faint beneath, petiole glabrous, about 3-4 mm long, exstipulate. Inflorescence axillary, 3-5 in fascicles. Flowers bisexual or unisexual, actinomorphic, pedicel glabrous, thick towards the apex, about 1-3 mm long, bracteoles 2, minute, caducous, sepals 5, unequal, imbricate, ovate-orbicular, base slightly connate, concave, margin ciliolate, apex obtuse, about 3-3.5 x 2-2.5 mm across, petals 5, imbricate, elliptic oblong, base connate, white or pale yellow, coriaceous, glabrous, reflexed during anthesis, about 8-10 x 3-4 mm across, stamens 25-30, inserted on the base of the petals, about 4-6 mm long, anthers dorsifixed, 2 loculed, pilose, ovary superior, globose, 2-3 locular, axile placentation, ovules many in each locule, style about 3-4.5 mm long, bifid. Fruit berry, ovoid-oblong, about 2.5 cm across, fleshy, purplish black when mature. Seeds few, globose-reniform, about 8-10 mm across, testa shiny, dark brown.

Tropical evergreen forests, altitude 900-2400 m.
India: Assam, Meghalaya; Myanmar, Nepal
(attributions- Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India. Kailash, B. R., ATREE, Bangalore, India. Royal Norwegian Embassy grants. Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN), Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi from India Biodiversity Portal)

SK1387 28 AUG 2018 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)- around 600 kb each.
Location: Suryabinayak, Nepal  
Date: 29 July 2018
Elevation: 4700 ft.
Habit : Wild

Cleyera japonica Thunb. ??

Is not image from your third link matching ?
Enclosing some links for further verification :

Same tree 16 May 2019.
Attachments (5)- around 500 kb each.



Cleyera japonica Thunb.
7 June 2019
Attachments (11)

I measured the pedicel and it measured 15 mm but the description in the ACFPN says very less in both cases.

It appears to be OK as per FOC illustration

Thank you … Is Cleyera japonica Thunb. and Cleyera japonica var. japonica is same?


Flora of kathmandu Valey :
DC. in Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. i. 412 (1822).
Evergreen trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, petiolate, coriaceous, entire or sub- cntire. Flower usually axillary solitary or fascicled, small, actinomorphic, pedicellate. Bracteoles absent or very small. Sepals 5, imbricate. Petals 5, imbricate, free or united at the base. Stamens numerous, inserted on the base of the petal; anthers hairy, erect, basifixed. Ovary 2-3-loculed. Style often elongate, shortly 2-3-fid. Ovules many centrally attached. Fruit indehiscent.
Distribution : About 6 species, mostly distributed in South east Asia, Japan and America.
Cleyera ochnacea DC. Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. 1:412 (1829) —Fl. Brit. Ind. 1:283 (1874)- Bull. Dept. Med. Pl. Nep. 1:7 (1967).
An evergreen dioecious tree up to 12 m high. Leaves alternate, petioled, glossy, leathery, oblong-obovate or oblong-oblanceolate, base acute, entire, apex acuminate, 6-15 cm long and 2-5 cm broad, upper surface glossy green glabrous, lower surface pale glabrous. Flowers white, fragrant, axillary, solitary or fascicled. Peduncle up to 2 cm long with 2 obsolete bracteoles. Sepals 5, equal, 1/3 the size of petal. Petals 5, oblong. Stamens numerous, anthers orange. Style subulate 3—fid, persistent.
Distribution: l-limalaya; in Nepal – central. Ecology: Uses:
Local name: Baklopate (1-nahqfi)
Flowering: July.
Fruiting: Sept.
Fruit baccate.
P1616? of collection: Godawari —Phulchoki, 1500 —1818 m; Gokarna, 1500 – 1900 m; Mamchuri 2131 m; Lele bhanjyang, 2200 m; Bajrabarahi, 1400 m.


SK 2671 17 July 2020 : 9 posts by 2 authors. 7 images- 6 to 7 mb each.

Location: Nagarkot, Nepal
Altitude: 2044 m.
Date: 15 July 2020
Habitat : Wild
Cleyera japonica Thunb. ??

Ripe fruit and seeds! Nov 2020
4 high resolution images.


Unknown plant for identification-3?:

Help me identify this Unknown member.
Photographed in Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh on 06 ‎July ‎2023.
The forest type is Semi Evergreen.

Looks like Ternstroemia species

Cleyera japonica Thunb. ??

… as you suggested Cleyera japonica and the post are quite different in leaf nervation

In my opinion … postings need to be supplemented with photographs of leaves habit etc. Almost all of his postings show part of a plant/ flowers, rather incomplete. For proper ID he needs to post the required photos. Hope this suggestion is taken positively.

Yes, something from

Looks closer to Ternstroemia sp to me

Was it a tree? Is it Schima wallichii?

I don’t think so !

Yes, appears somewhat close to

Updated on December 24, 2024