Clusia rosea Jacq., Enum. Syst. Pl. 34 1760. (Syn: Clusia retusa Poir.; Clusia rosea var. colombiana Cuatrec.; Elwertia retusa Raf.; Firkea rosea (Jacq.) Raf.);
Clusia rosea: I suddenly noticed the roots of the Autograph Tree and wondered if it was a mangrove species.
I came across this fascinating item on the net. Hope you like it. Request Tree ID – Bangalore – RA : Is it Lakoocha?: It definitely smells like jack fruit standing below it in the evning. Clusia sp. of Clusiaceae family. Most probably C. rosea. Yes … this definitely Clusia rosea
Plant for ID 17/03/2013 SMP1 : 4 images. 5 posts by 3 authors. A medium sized tree observed in a garden since British times in Kolhapur. Planted one.
Flower white 5-10cm in size. Leaves obovate coriaceous, I think opposite. This could be a species of Clusia of Clusiaceae family. Thanks for the opinion … It surely looks like Clusiaceae. yes Clusia rosea Hypericaceae, Clusiaceae and Dipterocarpaceae Fortnight: Clusiaceae : Clusia rosea:: at Mumbai : -PKA-Nov-22: 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Bot. name: Clusia rosea Nice and new to me.. thanks … you are showing us a lot of beautiful plants…
Goa, May 2015 :: Requesting ID of this tree :: ARKJUN-09/20 : 9 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (5)
Requesting to please ID this tree from a beach resort at Varca, Goa in May 2015. It looks like Avicennia Thanks … This was a big tree and was not growing in the water/swamp. Besides, the leaves were much bigger (around 6-8 inches) than the Avicennia that I have seen. Only leaf shape comparable to Avicennia officinalis.
But the fleshy leaves, leaf size, short petiole, trunk (bark) character raise some doubt. image of basal region (nature of pneumatophores if any or stilt root) will be helpful. This tree looks like Carallia brachiate Rhizophoraceae (an inland rhizophoraceae)
please confirm from following link:
Flowers of India Thanks … for the possible ID…hoping to receive validation of the same. The leaves are indeed similar to Carallia brachiata, a non-mangrove Rhizophoraceae. Leaves suggest it could be Clusia species. (C..rosea ? depending on the flowers) I checked with the Horticulture department of the resort from where this was clicked, the horticulturist confirmed that this is Clusia rosea.
Thanks … for the ID…. Fwd: Tree facts : Autograph tree. : 3 posts by 2 authors.
I am forwarding the link for my latest article published in Star of Mysore.
Very good article, thanks for sharing …
How can I get the seeds? I have not seen it growing in any nurseries I have visited in northern India.. I am enclosing the photograph of the flower, which was missing in the online edition. Attachments (1)- 829 kb.
Requesting to please ID this plant captured growing in a private garden in Mumbai, MH in November 2012.
The entry to the garden was barred and hence could not take close up pics.
Please check Clusia rosea
This is Clusia rosea: The autograph plant.
I am posting the article written by me and the photos of the plant grown in my house garden.
1 attachment Wonderful write up …I wish I could see the tree flowering.
It flowers during February in my place.
. References:
Clusia rosea (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024