Cochlianthus gracilis Benth. (syn: Cochlianthus gracilis var. gracilis ; Mucuna gracilis Graham); .
Location: Nagarkot Date: 21 August 2018 Elevation:6800 ft. Habit : Wild Nepali Name : टाँकी Taankee Date: 25 August 2018 Elevation:6800 ft. Habit : Wild Attachments (3)- around 600 kb each. call it hog peanut in Connecticut and its neighborhood Where did you get the id from ? Neither it has distribution nor matches with images at I guess it is correct accoring to tyhe link. Amphicarpaea What this shows? I thought you asked me where did I get the ID. Just sending reference that I have found it listed in Nepal. Please ignore it if irrelevant. Thanks, … Which is the book? Is it listed in Checklist of Nepal? Additional images I guess is of same plant shot on 27 October 2018. Attachments (5) Please ignore image 1. Dr. Aaron Floden has suggested it to be A. edgeworthii. I have found images of seed pods of both sp. with 2/4 segments only whereas my image has 9 segments. Could we confirm it? Appears close as per Thank you … Images of Wikimedia showing hairy stem and sepals. There are many subsp. or varieties as per Catalogue of Life. Pl. check with the detailed description w. r. t. queries you raised. Flora of China says: Legumes dimorphic: those of normal flowers oblong or obovate-oblong, 2-3.5 × ca. 0.6 cm, compressed, 2-5-seeded; legumes of cleistogamous flowers elliptic or suborbicular, 1-4-seeded. Seeds reniform-orbicular, 2-4 × 2-3 mm; hilum short. Pl. also check other species in Checklist of Nepal Could it be Cochlianthus gracilis ?? From where did you get the id ? Appears close as per My guess. 434 × 700 Also image from Stainton’s supplement book. SK2068 23 July 2019 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)- around 650 kb each. Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur Date: 3 July 2019 Elevation: 2494 m. Habit : Wild Cochlianthus gracilis Benth. ?? I find difficult to differentiate between Cochlianthus gracilis Benth. and Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fernald. To me also appears close to Cochlianthus gracilis as per images, details and references herein. Which book you have attached from ? SK 2643 30 June 2020 : 7 posts by 2 authors. 2 images- 5 to 6 mb each. Location: Latha Bhanjyang Date: 20 June 2020 Elevation: 2114m. Habitat: Wild Any possibility to ID with these leaves?? Pl. check comparative images at Fabaceae, if by chance you get a match. Pl. check with Cochlianthus gracilis Benth. To me appears close as per the venation & colour of the leaves and other details. I am concerned about the whitish patch at the centre of leaves! I think that should not be a worry. . Cochlianthus gracilis Benth.: 8 high res. images. Location: Nagarkot, Nepal Altitude: 1825m. Date: 04 September 2023 Habit : Wild Nepali Names : खस्रे लहरा Khasre Laharaa / भटमासे लहरा Bhatamaase Ladharaa
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Cochlianthus gracilis
Updated on December 24, 2024