Coelachyrum lagopoides

Coelachyrum lagopoides (Burm.f.) Senaratna, Grass. Ceylon 79 1956. (syn: Coelachyropsis lagopoides (Burm.f.) Bor; Cynosurus lagopoides Burm.f.; Eleusine lagopoides (Burm.f.) Merr.);
India to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka (from POWO);


Identification of grass requested : 4 posts by 2 authors. 1 correct image as above.
Help me in identification of the grass species photographed at Nelapattu and Pulicat area of Nellore district. Plant 5-10 cm in height, spike solitary.

Grass AL 5b is Coelachyrum lagopoides. This grass has been collected by Roxburgh, Schmid and Wight in 1815, 1818 and 1835 from Palamcottah, Erkincherry and other places in erstwhile Madras province and also from Myanmar. The present name was given in Grasses of Ceylon in 1968 by  Senaratna and is based on Cynosurus lagopoides. N.L. Bor has made this species as the type of a new genus Coelachyropsis, however, I am unaware of whether this new genus has been published or not. (This information is given in the errata of Grasses of Burma, Ceylon, India and Pakistan). You can refer to the following links:
The Flora of Tamilnadu – Grasses by BSI shows its distribution in several districts of Tamilnadu, which indicates that there should be more sheets of new collections in BSI, Coimbatore. 




POWO  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  Grassbase  e-monocot  JSTOR (Herbarium)

Flora of Eastern Karnataka, Volume 2 By N. P. Singh (1988- Details) 
An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995- details) 
Updated on December 24, 2024