Coelogyne lancilabia

Coelogyne lancilabia (Seidenf.) R.Rice, Photo Intro Asian Bulbophyllum Coelogyne Dendrobium Orchids: 173 (2019) as per POWO;
Otochilus lancilabius Seidenf., Opera Bot. 89: 94 1986. (syn: Otochilus albus var. lancilabius (Seidenf.) Pradhan);
Himalaya to China (SW. Yunnan) and Indo-China: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Common name: Lance-Lip Coelogyne

Roots borne at internodes.Pseudobulbs subcylindric, elongate fusiform to clavate, sheathed at base, 3-10 x 1.3-2cm.Leaves elliptic-lanceolate to oblong lanceolate, acute to acuminate, 12-25 x 3.6-6.5cm; petiole narrow, 1-3.5cm long.Inflorescence proteranthous, decurved la x . peduncle sheathed when young, 4-6.5cm long; sheaths overlapping, 0.8-1.1cm long, white or pale flesh colored with pale colored markings; pedicel and ovary 5-6mm long.Sepals subsimilar linear oblong, acute, 0.8-1.8 x 0.2-0.45cm; lateral sepals weakly falcate.Petals linear, acute 3 veined, 0.8-1.8 x 0.2-0.35cm. Lip 3 lobed, linear lanceolate, acute 0.8-1.5 x 0.3-0.5cm, baase broadly funnel shaped; lateral lobes erect, short obtuse; mid lobe slender lanceolate, acute 0.8-1.5 x 0.3-0.5cm, base broadly funnel shaped; lateral lobes erect short, obtuse, mid lobe slender lanceolate to elliptic subacute; disc 3 keeled.Column slender, dilated above, curved winged 1-1.6cm long; rostellum not protruding; anther cap broadly triangular, obtuse; pollinia globose.Fruit ellipsoid, beaked 1.5-2 x 0.7-0.9cm.
(Attributions- N. R. Pearce & P. J. Cribb. Orichds of Bhutan. Published by RGoB and RBGE. 2002 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)


MS Dec,2016/11 Otochilus sp. for id : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)– Otochilus lancilabius (Nauban).JPG

Location : Sairep, Mizoram
Date : 29-11-2016
Habit : Epiphytic herb
Habitat : Wild

Nice. Thanks a lot for sharing


Otochilus lancilabius Seidenf.: 10 very high resolution images.

Location: Bhaktapur
Date: November 2020
Altitude: 2200m.
Habitat : Wild

MS, Jan.,2023/01 Coelogyne sp. ? for id.: 2 images.
Location : Durtlang, Mizoram

Altitude : ca.1,370 m.
Date : 01-01-2023
Habit : Epiphytic herb
Habitat : Wild/ Cultivated

Please check Otochilus noe Coelogyne.

May I request you to post a high res. image with other images, if you have any.

1 image.

I always feel tough to check Otochilus, they all look so similar except that some are narrow and some broad leaved.

Looks close to Otochilus lancilabius Seidenf.

I can agree with … Holding the ear from the other side, that leaf doesn’t belong to fuscus and the flower doesn’t belong to porrectus. So the last option is lancilabius.

BP01-05122023 Otochilus: 3 high res. images.
Botanical name – Otochilus (not sure O. porrectus or O. fuscus)
Date – 01st December 2023 01.30 pm
Location – Birch Hill, Darjeeling, West Bengal

Altitude – 2078m
Habitat – Park garden

Please check Coelogyne lancilabia (Seidenf.) R.Rice !

Certainly looks like either Coelogyne lancilabia (Seidenf.) R.Rice. or Otochilus lancilabius.

I think this is Otochilus lancilabius.



POWO  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI  Catalogue of Life  e-monocot  GBIF  BSI Flora of India checklist  Flora of China  FOC illustration  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Biodiversity Portal  Bhutan Biodiversity Portal  IOSPE PHOTOS  Flowers of India

Updated on December 24, 2024

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