Combretum shivannae

Combretum shivannae Gholave, A.R., Kambale, S.S., Lekhak, M.M. et al. Kew Bull (2015) 70: 33;
kom-BREE-tum — Latin name for a climbing plant of another genus … Dave’s Botanary
¿ SHE-won-nah ? — named for Dr K R Shivanna, INSA Honorary Scientist … KEW BULLETIN (2015) 70:33 

ID request- 10022011-PKA1:
I had seen this large climbing shrub near Yana Rocks (Kumta region, North Karnataka).
Date/Time: 20-01-2011 / 04:45PM
Location: Yana, (Kumta region, North karnataka)
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Climbing Shrub
Leaves opposite with short petiole, stem reddish brown.

This could be some Quisqualis species.
Please check out whether the flower turns red in colour I think we have only two species of Quisqualis in India
Q.malabarica & Q. indica
But this plant seems to be different from both

This is not Quisqualis.  For me it looks like one of the Wrightia species.

Did you observed any kind of latex in this climber?
I have an inkling of this to be an Apocynaceae member.

To me it is Quisqualis sp. (combretaceae). I dont see any probability for this being an Apocynacean.
Did you collect/get this from forests close to habitation where people interfere often? Did you see multiple individuals? And did you see any pink/red flowers at any point of time in the same or different individuals? Please check whether there is Quisqualis indica in any near by habitation and whether people from those area use to interfere forest often.

surely not Apocynaceae,, look like Quisqualis, but cannot say, have to dissect the flower for id. 

Quisqualis malabarica as per another thread.

A reply from another thread:
While attempting to identify this Quisqualis, came to find earlier plant sighted at Yana as Quisqualis malabaricaPrashant’s in 2011, and mine in 2012, turns out to be a new species Combretum shivannae Gholave, Kambale, Lekhak & S. R. Yadav as published in KEW BULLETIN (2015) 70:33

Look at this thread. This was yet another find by me in the year 2011 which was published in the year 2015.
This was message from Dinesh ; (While attempting to identify this Quisqualis, came to find earlier plant sighted at Yana as Quisqualis malabaricaPrashant’s in 2011, and mine in 2012, turns out to be a new species Combretum shivannae Gholave, Kambale, Lekhak & S. R. Yadav as published in KEW BULLETIN (2015) 70:33)

via Species‎ > ‎C‎ > Combretum shivannae Gholave, Kambale, Lekhak & S. R. Yadav … family: Combretaceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
kom-BREE-tum — Latin name for a climbing plant of another genus … Dave’s Botanary
¿ SHE-won-nah ? — named for Dr K R Shivanna, INSA Honorary Scientist … KEW BULLETIN (2015) 70:33 
commonly known asShivanna’s madhumalati • Kannadaಬಿಳಿ ಸಂಧ್ಯಾರಾಣಿ bili sandhyarani 
botanical namesCombretum shivannae Gholave, Kambale, Lekhak & S. R. Yadav … synonym: no known synonyms … KEW BULLETIN (2015) 70:33 
December 15, 2012 … Yana Rocks, Uttara Kannada 

Beautiful composition, …

kom-BREE-tum — Latin name for a climbing plant of another genus … Dave’s Botanary

¿ SHE-one-ney ? — named for Dr K R Shivanna, INSA Honorary Scientist … KEW BULLETIN (2015) 70:33
commonly known as: Shivanna’s madhumalati • Kannada: ಬಿಳಿ ಸಂಧ್ಯಾರಾಣಿ bili sandhyarani

botanical namesCombretum shivannae Gholave, Kambale, Lekhak & S.R.Yadav … synonyms: no synonyms … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Shivanna’s madhumalati
  • new species, so far known only from the type locality – Yana Forest, Uttar Kannada district, Karnataka, India; related to the popular ornamental madhumalati (Combretum indicum (L.) DeFilipps) … named for Dr Kundaranahalli Ramalingaiah Shivanna, INSA Honorary Scientist and former Professor, University of Delhi, for his tremendous contributions in the field of Plant Reproductive Biology … KEW BULLETIN (2015) 70:33
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಬಿಳಿ ಸಂಧ್ಯಾರಾಣಿ bili sandhyarani
  • new species, allied to ಸಂಧ್ಯಾರಾಣಿ sandhyarani (Quisqualis malabarica Bedd. … synonym of Combretum malabaricum (Bedd.) Sujana, Ratheesh & Anil Kumar … ಬಿಳಿ bili = white
~~~~~ x ~~~~~



I had spotted this Large climbing shrub near Yana Rocks (Kumta region, Karnataka).
Date/Time: 20-01-2011 / 04:45PM
Habitat: Wild
Leaves opposite with short petiole, stem reddish brown.
Bot. name: Quisqualis malabarica
Family: Combretaceae

Nice photographs.

Combretum shivannae Gholave, Kambale, Lekhak & S. R. Yadav as per ID request- 10022011-PKA1



Combretum shivannae (Combretaceae), a new species from India – A.R., Kambale, S.S., Lekhak, M.M. et al. Kew Bull (2015) 70: 33 (The new species Combretum shivannae is described and illustrated. It grows in evergreen forest in Uttar Kannada district, Karnataka, India. It differs from C. malabaricum in its pubescent stem, densely hairy bracts, long hypanthium and style and white petals. C. shivannae can also be differentiated from C. indicum in having a shorter and included style, included stamens and subulate bracts)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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