Commelina appendiculata C.B.Clarke, Commelyn. Cyrtandr. Bengal. t. 13 1874. (Syn: Commelina alba Buch.-Ham. ex C.B.Clarke);
Clarke Comm. & Cyrt. Beng. 13 ; Monogr. 186 ; leaves sessile linear or linear-lanceolate, spathes very long-peduncled lanceolate deeply cordate complicate, seeds oblong smooth appendaged at both ends, or in the dorsal cell smaller or 0. C. communis var. acuminata, Wall. Cat. 8978 K. C. alba, Ham. mss.—Commelina, sp. 4, Herb. Ind. Or. Hf. & T. NORTHERN BENGAL, Hamilton ; MYMENSINGH, Clarke. SIKKIM HIMALAYA ; foot of the hills, J. D. H., Clarke. SILHET, Clarke. CEYLON, Macrae, &c.
Diffusely branched, 1-3 ft. high. Leaves 4-6 by 1/6-2/3 in., narrowed at both ends, nearly glabrous. Spathes 2-3 in., glabrous without, hairy within, striate, caudate- acuminate, base cordate ; raceme 2-fid. Petals blue or white. Capsule 2- or 3-celled (the dorsal often 0). Seeds somewhat flattened, nearly black, appendages conical. Sect. 6. SPATHODITHYROS. Capsule 2-celled. (See also C. appendiculata.)
(From The Flora of British India (1892) from IBIS Flora)
3 species of Commelina ID from Bangladesh SM 178 (mixed thread): 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Habit: Herb
Habitat Wild Need more details to identify it correctly,
For time being I can say first image is apparently look likes Commelina paludosa and third one is possibly C. appendiculata, I can’t able to trace ID of your 2nd Image. If few other views and details you are having then it will help little to ID.
MS Nov.,2017/04 Commelina sp. for ID : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Location : Sailam (Mizoram)
Date : 14-10-2017 Habit : Herb Habitat : Wild Can you post clear image of the leaves and side view of the flower?
Sorry !! no sir. C.benghalensis ? Thank you for forwarding … …, It’s very difficult to ID with a front view photograph. If you have any lateral view or any other pictures you are having please post.
Anyway, it appears to be Commelina appendiculata.
References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP e-monocot India Biodiversity Portal (Observation) IBIS Flora A Revised Handbook of the Flora of Ceylon -, Volume 14 edited by M. D. Dassanayake, W. D. Clayton (2000- Details with keys) |
Commelina appendiculata
Updated on December 24, 2024