Commelina badamica

Commelina badamica Nandikar & Gurav, Telopea Vol 18 (2015);

New species of Commelina has been published : 10 posts by 10 authors. Attachments (1)
Glad to inform that one of our new species Commelina badamica Nandikar & Gurav got accepted and published by Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney Journal: Telopea.
Published article is attached herewith.

Congratulations and well done …
Best Wishes for your ongoing projects and future endevors,



Commelina badamica (commeliniaceae) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Commelina badamica (commeliniaceae)
Badami , Karnataka, 2017 August

Id – Mayur Nandikar



Commelina badamica (Commelinaceae), a new species from India – Mayur D. Nandikar, Rajaram V Gurav- Telopea Vol 18 (2015)- (Abstract- A new species, Commelina badamica from the sandstone plateaus of Badami, Karnataka, India is described and illustrated. C. badamica is similar to C. clavata and C. diffusa, but differs in indefinite habit; linear–narrowly lanceolate leaves; puberulous or velutinous to tomentose spathes; clawless petals; velutinous ovary; radiately tri-lobed stigma; one capsule per spathe and trapezoidal, ventrally truncate seeds.)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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