Commelina hirsuta

Commelina hirsuta (Wight) Beddome in Grigg (1880: 122) (Basionym:–– Heterocarpus hirsutus Wight (1853: 29. t. 2067); Commelina hirsuta (Wight) C.B. Clarke (1881: 163) comb. superfl.; non Commelina hirsuta Brown (1814: 62) nom. illeg., nom. nud.; non Commelina hirsuta Willd. ex Link (1820: 74) nom. illeg., nom. nud. ; non Commelina hirsuta Hort. ex Kunth (1843: 660) nom. illeg., pro syn.; non Commelina hirsuta Hochst. ex A. Richard (1850: 344) nom. illeg., pro syn. Commelina beddomei Nandikar & Gurav (2014: 3) nom. illeg., nom. superfl.);


Baba Budangiri Karnataka
Date: 14 NOV 2016 … Altitude: ~ 1733 – 1895 m ( 5686 – 6217 ft) asl
Commelina ¿ species ? … (family: Commelinaceae)
Dear friends, and …,
Hopefully the photos below help in knowing the species of Commelina.

So beautiful photographs …!!  Thank very much sharing, 

Above species look likes Commelina hirsuta (Wight) Beddome, an endemic to the Western Ghats to India. 
Good finding. 

Thank you very much … for appreciation and the most possible ID !!

Lectotypification and further notes on the identity of Commelina hirsuta, an endemic Indian species of Commelinaceae : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- Commelina hirsuta Phytotaxa.pdf (3 MB)
Please find attached our new paper published in the latest issue of Phytotaxa
“Lectotypification and further notes on the identity of Commelina hirsuta, an endemic Indian species of Commelinaceae”
In the present paper, the identity and nomenclature of Commelina hirsuta (Wight) Beddome is discussed. 

Good work, …

Updated on December 24, 2024

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