Commelina undulata ?


Commelina for ID : 290112 : Sri Lanka : AK-2: Another Commelina species again found growing wild. A tiny herb in the grass at Sri Lanka during my visit in Nov,2010. Name of species please.

Quite close one to Commelina kurzii Clarke



Commelina for ID : 8 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2 +1).

Above images of Commelina sp. taken at our botanical garden. Species collected earlier from Kankumbi and Radhanagari respectively. Commelina kurzii and Commelina suffruticosa both are reported from our region but yesterday I saw again deposited specimen of C. kurzii. and C. suffruticosa (identified by Kammathy Sir) at BSI WC Pune, and again get confused. So pls help me for ID of above specimen   

… the flower you have posted is distinctly different from what I have come to believe as C. suffruticosa

Please take a look at flickr
Please, of course, cannot reason out the ID botanically; long time ago, yourself and … had helped me with the ID.
Here it is: flowersofindia

i also have same plant like this but i guess it is Commelina paludosa??? plz id this species

efi page on Commelina paludosa 

This could be Commelina kurzii C.B.Clarke but need to check the plant closely for the confirmation. Commelina suffrtuicosa Blume has white flowers and single terminal glabrous, falcate spathe. Also, seeds are smooth in C. kurzii where as reticulate-foveate in the latter.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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